Conversely, the Lempel-Ziv complexity of the scalp-level potential allowed reliable differentiation between UWS and MCS even for individual subjects, when compared with the clinical assessment aligned to the EEG measurements. The accuracy appears to improve further when taking the latest available clinical diagnosis into account. In summary, EEG signal complexity during onset and changes in complex acoustic stimuli provides an objective criterion for distinguishing states of consciousness in clinical patients. These results suggest EEG-recordings as a cost-effective tool to choose appropriate treatments for non-responsive PDOC patients.Modern neurosurgery has been developing worldwide for more than a century, while in China, as stated in previous literature, only seven decades have passed since the development of neurosurgery during the early 1950s after World War II and China's War of Liberation. However, as increasing evidence before the wars from medical records, annual hospital reports and journal archives emerge, the history of neurosurgery in China, especially the initial stage, needs to be reassessed. The establishment of Peking Union Medical College Hospital (PUMCH) in 1921, funded by the Rockefeller Foundation, marked the start of Western medicine in China. Meanwhile, modern neurosurgery started to take root in the nation. Chinese neurosurgeons at PUMCH, Song-Tao Guan, MD and Yi-Cheng Zhao, MD, both of whom graduated from PUMC and received further training abroad, made great contributions to the initial growth of Chinese neurosurgery. Although neurosurgery experienced slow and even stagnant development in China during the wars that took place from 1941 to 1949, the prewar period from 1921 to 1940 witnessed substantial improvement in operative skills, bedside education, resident training and scientific research in neurosurgery at PUMCH, providing indispensable contributions that have allowed Chinese neurosurgery to flourish during the past seven decades.Homologous proteins of the cAMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA) regulatory and catalytic subunits have been identified in Trypanosoma equiperdum (TeqR-like and TeqC-like, respectively). Partially purified TeqR-like from parasites isolated in the presence of glucose migrated as an apparent 55 kDa/57 kDa polypeptide doublet when separated by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. However, a single polypeptide of 57 kDa was obtained when parasites were deprived of glucose, a condition that has been shown to activate a TeqC-like enzyme. As revealed by immunoblots using anti-phospothreonine antibodies, the 57 kDa band corresponded to a form of TeqR-like that was phosphorylated in threonine residues. TeqR-like phosphorylation was reversible since the level of phospho-TeqR-like decreased once glucose was readded to glucose starved-parasites. Dephospho- and phospho-TeqR-like proteins are monomers with native molecular masses of 54.93-57.41 kDa, Stokes radii of 3.42-3.37 nm, and slightly asymmetric shapes (frictional ratio f/fo = 1.36-1.32). A protein kinase of ∼40 kDa was also partially purified from glucose deprived-trypanosomes, which corresponded to the TeqC-like enzyme by its ability to phosphorylate kemptide, its inhibition by PKA-specific inhibitors, and its immunorecognition by anti-PKA catalytic subunit antibodies. TeqR-like and TeqC-like did not coelute following anion-exchange chromatography, revealing that these proteins are not associated forming a complex in T. equiperdum. Yet, when TeqR-like was incubated in vitro with TeqC-like in the presence of Mg2+ and ATP, the 55 kDa dephospho form of the 55kDa/57 kDa polypeptide doublet of TeqR-like was converted into the 57 kDa phospho form, demonstrating that TeqR-like is a substrate for TeqC-like. Torsion of an undescended testis (UT) is a surgical emergency, difficult to diagnose, whose prognosis depends on a quick management. To evaluate the management and outcome of these patients. We retrospectively analyzed all cases of UT torsion operated in nine French hospitals between 1997 and 2017. We divided patients in two groups patients referred less than 6h after the onset of symptoms (group A) or more than 6h (group B). We collected 60 cases (17 in group A and 43 in group B). Median age was 2.2 years [IQR=0.7-7.8] (2.3y in group A and 2y in group B, p=0.76). Eleven patients (10 in group B) had neurological disorders (p=0.15). The main reason for absence of UT treatment was the absence of surgical consultation in a normal delay (n=44, 73%). Symptoms were pain (n=58, 97%), inguinal mass (n=55, 92%) and vomiting (n=16, 27%). An inguinal mass with no palpable testis in the ipsilateral hemiscrotum was seen in 55 patients (92%). An ultrasound scan performed in 27 patients led to the diagnosis in 16 paagnosis in front of a painful inguinal mass with an empty scrotum is essential to improve the salvage rate of testis in UT torsion. Early management of UT should have avoided 68% of testis loss. Early clinical diagnosis in front of a painful inguinal mass with an empty scrotum is essential to improve the salvage rate of testis in UT torsion. Early management of UT should have avoided 68% of testis loss.In 2019, the American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO) created the Task Force on Myopia in recognition of the substantial global increases in myopia prevalence and its associated complications. The Task Force, led by Richard L. Abbott, MD, and Donald Tan, MD, comprised recognized experts in myopia prevention and treatment, public health experts from around the world, and organization representatives from the American Academy of Family Physicians, American Academy of Optometry, and American Academy of Pediatrics. The Academy's Board of Trustees believes that myopia is a high-priority cause of visual impairment, warranting a timely evaluation and synthesis of the scientific literature and formulation of an action plan to address the issue from different perspectives. This includes education of physicians and other health care providers, patients and their families, schools, and local and national public health agencies; defining health policies to ameliorate patients' access to appropriate therapy and to promote effective public health interventions; and fostering promising avenues of research.