Among new users with one complete year of follow-up (n = 203) over 95% received rituximab as the first-line treatment, and approximately 70% of them received 5-8 doses. No patient in the CLL group received >8 administrations. Four-year survival was approximately 70% in both CLL and NHL patients. Sepsis was the most frequent infectious event observed (5.1%). CONCLUSION HPS and RAD provided complementary information on rituximab utilization, demonstrating their potential for future pharmacoepidemiological studies on antineoplastic medications administered in the Italian hospital setting. Overall, this general description of the real-world utilization of rituximab in patients treated for NHL and CLL at UHS was in line with treatment guidelines and current knowledge on the rituximab safety profile.The red-crowned crane (Grus japonensis) is an endangered species listed by International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) HARRIS J (2013). The largest population of this species is distributed mainly in China and Russia, which is called continental population SU L (2012)-Curt D (1996). This population is migratory, which migrates from its breeding range located in Northeast China and Southern Russia, to the wintering range in the south of China to spend the winter every year. The breeding range of this species is critical for red-crowned crane to survive and maintain its population. Previous studies showed the negative effects of habitat loss and degradation on the breeding area of red-crowned crane Ma Z (1998), Claire M (2019). Climate change may also threat the survival of this endangered species. Previous studies investigated the impacts of climate change on the breeding range or wintering range in China Wu (2012), [1]. However, no study was conducted to assess the potential impacts of climate change on the whole breeding range of this species. Here, we used bioclimatic niche modeling to predict the potential breeding range of red-crowned crane under current climate conditions and project onto future climate change scenarios. Our results show that the breeding range of the continental population of red-crowned crane will shift northward over this century and lose almost all of its current actual breeding range. The climate change will also change the country owning the largest portion of breeding range from China to Russia, suggesting that Russia should take more responsibility to preserve this endangered species in the future.BACKGROUND AND AIMS The Barcelona Clinic Liver Cancer (BCLC) stage C (BCLC C) of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) includes a heterogeneous population for which sorafeninb is one of the recommended therapies. We aim to evaluate the real world clinical treatment and survival of BCLC stage C patients in an Asian cohort. METHODS This is a retrospective cohort study that enrolled 427 consecutive BCLC stage C patients diagnosed between 2011 and 2017 by using the HCC registry data for our hospital. All patients were managed via a multidisciplinary team (MDT) approach. RESULTS Hepatitis B surface antigen positive was noted in 50.6% of the patients. The patients were classified as performance status (PS)1 alone (n = 83; 19.4%), PS2 alone (n = 23; 5.4%), or macrovascular invasion (MVI) or extrahepatic spread (EHS) (n = 321; 75.2%). The median overall survival (OS) was 11.0 months in the whole cohort. The most frequent treatments were transcatheter arterial embolization (TAE) in the PS1 (45.8%) and PS2 patients (52.2%) and sorafenib (32.4%) in the MVI or EHS patients. The independent prognostic factors were the PS, Child-Pugh class, MVI or EHS, alpha fetoprotein levels, and treatment type. CONCLUSIONS We reported the real world management in BCLC stage C patients in an Asian cohort through the use of personalized management via a MDT approach.OBJECTIVES Bedside ultrasound techniques have the unique ability to produce instantaneous, dynamic images, and have demonstrated widespread utility in both emergency and critical care settings. The aim of this article is to introduce a novel application of this imaging modality by utilizing an ultrasound based mathematical model to assess respiratory function. With validation, the proposed models have the potential to predict pulmonary function in patients who cannot adequately participate in standard spirometric techniques (inability to form tight seal with mouthpiece, etc.). METHODS Ultrasound was used to measure diaphragm thickness (Tdi) in a small population of healthy, adult males at various points of the respiratory cycle. Each measurement corresponded to a generated negative inspiratory force (NIF), determined by a handheld meter. The data was analyzed using mixed models to produce two representative mathematical models. RESULTS Two mathematical models represented the relationship between Tdi and NIFmax, or maximum inspiratory pressure (MIP), both of which were statistically significant with p-values less then 0.005 1. log(NIF) = -1.32+4.02×log(Tdi); and 2. NIF = -8.19+(2.55 × Tdi)+(1.79×(Tdi2)). CONCLUSIONS With validation, these models intend to provide a method of estimating MIP, by way of diaphragm ultrasound measurements, thereby allowing evaluation of respiratory function in patients who may be unable to reliably participate in standard spirometric tests.Heavy geographic patterning to the 2016 Brexit vote in UK and Trump vote in US has resulted in numerous ecological analyses of variations in area-level voting behaviours. We extend this work by employing modelling approaches that permit regionally-specific associations between outcome and explanatory variables. We do so by generating a large number of regional models using penalised regression for variable selection and coefficient evaluation. The results reinforce those already published in that we find associations in support of a 'left-behind' reading. Multivariate models are dominated by a single variable-levels of degree-education. Net of this effect, 'secondary' variables help explain the vote, but do so differently for different regions. For Brexit, variables relating to material disadvantage, and to a lesser extent structural-economic circumstances, are more important for regions with a strong industrial history than for regions that do not share such a history. For Trump, increased material disadvantage reduces the vote both in global models and models built mostly for Southern states, thereby undermining the 'left-behind' reading.