These effects are particularly observed in postmenopausal women but are less evident in premenopausal women. Overt hypothyroidism is known to lower bone turnover by reducing both osteoclastic bone resorption and osteoblastic activity. These changes in bone metabolism would result in an increase in bone mineralization. At the moment, there are no clear data that demonstrate any relationship between BMD in adults and hypothyroidism. Despite these clinical evidences, the cellular and molecular actions of thyroid hormones on bone structures are not complete clear.The biomechanical properties of the bone marrow microenvironment emerge from a combination of interactions between various extracellular matrix (ECM) structural proteins and soluble factors. Matrix stiffness directs stem cell fate, and both bone marrow stromal and hematopoietic cells respond to biophysical cues. Within the bone marrow, the megakaryoblasts and erythroblasts are thought to originate from a common progenitor, giving rise to fully mature magakaryocytes (the platelet precursors) and erythrocytes. Erythroid and megakaryocytic progenitors sense and respond to the ECM through cell surface adhesion receptors such as integrins and mechanosensitive ion channels. While hematopoietic stem progenitor cells remain quiescent on stiffer ECM substrates, the maturation of the erythroid and megakaryocytic lineages occurs on softer ECM substrates. This review surveys the major matrix structural proteins that contribute to the overall biomechanical tone of the bone marrow, as well as key integrins and mechanosensitive ion channels identified as ECM sensors in context of megakaryocytosis or erythropoiesis.Vitellogenin receptors (VgRs) play critical roles in egg formation by transporting vitellogenin (Vg) into oocytes in insects. Although the function of VgR in insects is well studied, the transcriptional regulation of this gene is still unclear. Here, we cloned the promoter of the VgR gene from Bombyx mori (BmVgR), and predicted many POU cis-response elements (CREs) in its promoter. Electrophoretic mobility shift and chromatin immunoprecipitation assays showed that the POU transcription factor POU-M2 bound directly to the CREs of the promoter. Overexpression of POU-M2 in an ovarian cell line (BmNs) enhanced BmVgR transcription and promoter activity detected by quantitative reverse transcription PCR and luciferase reporter assays. Analyses of expression patterns indicated that POU-M2 was expressed in ovary at day two of wandering stage initially, followed by BmVgR. RNA interference of POU-M2 significantly reduced the transcription of BmVgR in ovary and egg-laying rate. Our results suggest a novel function for the POU factor in silkworm oogenesis by its involvement in BmVgR regulation and expands the understanding of POU factors in insect VgR expression.The DENND1A locus is associated with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), a disorder characterized by androgen excess. Theca cells from ovaries of PCOS women have elevated levels of a DENND1A splice variant (DENND1A.V2). Forced expression of this variant in normal theca cells increases androgen biosynthesis and CYP17A1 expression, whereas knockdown of the transcript in PCOS theca cells reduced androgen production and CYP17A1 mRNA. We attempted to create a murine model of PCOS by expressing hDENND1A.V2 using standard transgenic approaches. There is no DENND1A.V2 protein equivalent in mice, and the murine Dennd1a gene is essential for viability since Dennd1a knockout mice are embryonically lethal, suggesting that Dennd1a is developmentally critical. Three different hDENND1A.V2 transgenic mice lines were created using CMV, Lhcgr, and TetOn promoters. The hDENND1A.V2 mice expressed hDENND1A.V2 transcripts. While hDENND1A.V2 protein was not detectable by Western blot analyses, appropriate hDENND1A.V2 immunohistochemical staining was observed. Corresponding Cyp17a1 mRNA levels were elevated in ovaries and adrenals of CMV transgenic mice, as were plasma steroid production by theca interstitial cells isolated from transgenic ovaries. Even though the impact of robust hDENND1A.V2 expression could not be characterized, our findings are consistent with the notion that elevated hDENND1A.V2 has a role in the hyperandrogenemia of PCOS.Chronic exposure to groundwater containing elevated concentrations of geogenic contaminants such as arsenic (As) and uranium (U) can lead to detrimental health impacts. In this study, we have undertaken a groundwater survey of representative sites across all districts of the State of Bihar, in the Middle Gangetic Plain of north-eastern India. The aim is to characterize the inorganic major and trace element aqueous geochemistry in groundwater sources widely used for drinking in Bihar, with a particular focus on the spatial distribution and associated geochemical controls on groundwater As and U. Concentrations of As and U are highly heterogeneous across Bihar, exceeding (provisional) guideline values in ~16% and 7% of samples (n = 273), respectively. The strongly inverse correlation between As and U is consistent with the contrasting redox controls on As and U mobility. High As is associated with Fe, Mn, lower Eh and is depth-dependent; in contrast, high U is associated with HCO3-, NO3- and higher Eh. The improved understanding of the distribution and geochemical controls on As and U in Bihar has important implications on remediation priorities and selection, and may contribute to informing further monitoring and/or representative characterization efforts in Bihar and elsewhere in India.Flame retardant cables were investigated using thermo-gravimetric analysis to measure the reference temperature and reference rate required for a fire spread simulation using a Fire Dynamics Simulator (FDS). Sensitivity analysis was also performed to understand the effects of the reference temperature and rate on the pyrolysis reactions. A two-step pyrolysis reaction was typically observed regardless of the cable type, and each pyrolysis reaction could be attributed to single or multiple components depending on the cable type and reaction order. Although the structures, compositions, and insulation performances of the cables differed considerably, the reference temperatures of the two-step pyrolysis reaction were extremely similar regardless of the cable type. Conversely, the reference rates of the different types of cables varied significantly. The sensitivity analysis results indicate that the mean values of the reference temperature and rate are sufficient to simulate the pyrolysis reactions of flame retardant cables.