As an esthetic trait, ray floret color has a high importance in the development of new sunflower genotypes and their market value. Standard methodology for the evaluation of sunflower ray florets is based on International Union for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants (UPOV) guidelines for sunflower. The major deficiency of this methodology is the necessity of high expertise from evaluators and its high subjectivity. To test the hypothesis that humans cannot distinguish colors equally, six commercial sunflower genotypes were evaluated by 100 agriculture experts, using UPOV guidelines. Moreover, the paper proposes a new methodology for sunflower ray floret color classification - digital UPOV (dUPOV), that relies on software image analysis but still leaves the final decision to the evaluator. For this purpose, we created a new Flower Color Image Analysis (FloCIA) software for sunflower ray floret digital image segmentation and automatic classification into one of the categories given by the UPOV guidelineshad classified 140 out of 153 of images in the same color categories. This visual presentation can serve as a guideline for evaluators to determine the dominant color and to conclude if more than one significant color exists in the examined genotype.Cold stress is a significant environmental factor that negatively affects plant growth and development in particular when it occurs during the growth phase. Plants have evolved means to protect themselves from damage caused by chilling or freezing temperatures and some plant species, in particular those from temperate geographical zones, can increase their basal level of freezing tolerance in a process termed cold acclimation. Cold acclimation improves plant survival, but also represses growth, since it inhibits activity of the growth-promoting hormones gibberellins (GAs). In addition to GAs, the steroid hormones brassinosteroids (BRs) also take part in growth promotion and cold stress signaling; however, in contrast to Gas, BRs can improve cold stress tolerance with fewer trade-offs in terms of growth and yields. Here we summarize our current understanding of the roles of BRs in cold stress responses with a focus on freezing tolerance and cold acclimation pathways.Seed dispersal among wild species belonging to the tribe Triticeae is typically achieved by the formation of a brittle rachis. The trait relies on the development of a disarticulation layer, most frequently above the rachis node (resulting in wedge type dispersal units), but in some species below the rachis node (resulting in barrel type dispersal units). The genes responsible for the former type are the complementary pair Btr1 and Btr2, while the genetic basis of the latter type has yet to be determined. Aegilops tauschii forms barrel type dispersal units and previous study showed this species lacked an intact copy of Btr1. Here it has been demonstrated that Ae. tauschii carries two of Btr2; and that Btr2 transcript is present in a region below the rachis node where the abscission zone forms. The implication is that in this species, the Btr2 product is involved in the formation of barrel type dispersal units.Age-related effects on whole-tree hydraulics are one of the key challenges to better predicting the production and growth of old-growth forests. Previous models have described the optimal state of stomatal behaviour, and field studies have implied on age/size-induced trends in tree ecophysiology related to hydraulics. On these bases, we built a Bayesian hierarchical model to link sap flow density and drivers of transpiration directly. The model included parameters with physiological meanings and accounted for variations in leaf-sapwood area ratio and the time lag between sap flow and transpiration. The model well-simulated the daily pattern of sap flow density and the variation between tree age groups. The results of parameterization show that (1) the usually higher stomatal conductance in young than old trees during mid-summer was mainly because the sap flow of young trees were more activated at low to medium light intensity, and (2) leaf-sapwood area ratio linearly decreased while time lag linearly increased with increasing tree height. Uncertainty partitioning and cross-validation, respectively, indicated a reliable and fairly robust parameter estimation. The model performance may be further improved by higher data quality and more process-based expressions of the internal dynamics of trees.CCCH zinc finger proteins are a class of important zinc-finger transcription factors and have functions in various plant growth and stress responses, but their functions in moso bamboo (Phyllostachys edulis) are unclear. In this current study, we main investigated the structures, phylogenetic relationships, promoter elements and microsynteny of PeC3Hs. In this research, 119 CCCH zinc finger proteins (PeC3H1-119) identified genes in moso bamboo were divided into 13 subfamilies (A-M) based on phylogenetic analysis. Meanwhile, moso bamboo were treated with abscisic acid (ABA), methyl jasmonate (Me-JA) and gibberellic acid (GA) and 12 CCCH genes expression levels were assayed using qRT-PCR. In the three hormone treatments, 12 genes were up-regulated or down-regulated, respectively. In addition, PeC3H74 was localized on the cytomembrane, and it had self-activation activities. Phenotypic and physiological analysis showed that PeC3H74 (PeC3H74-OE) conferred drought tolerance of transgenic Arabidopsis, including H2O2 content, survival rate, electrolyte leakage as well as malondialdehyde content. Additionally, compared with wild-type plants, transgenic Arabidopsis thaliana seedling roots growth developed better under 10 μM ABA; Moreover, the stomatal of over-expressing PeC3H74 in Arabidopsis changed significantly under ABA treatment. The above results suggest that PeC3H74 was quickly screened by bioinformatics, and it may enhanced drought tolerance in plants through the ABA-dependent signaling pathway.Rising temperatures in most agricultural regions of the world are associated with a higher incidence of extreme weather events such as heat waves. We performed an experiment to mitigate the impact of heat waves and exposure of berries in grapevine (Vitis vinifera cv. "Cabernet Sauvignon") with untreated vines (Exposed) or with fruit-zone partial shading (Shaded) under 40 and 80% replacement of crop evapotranspiration (ET c ) with sustained deficit irrigation in a factorially arranged experiment. The trial was performed in a vineyard with vertically shoot positioned trellis with a row orientation that concentrated solar radiation exposure on the southwest aspect of the fruit zone. Leaf stomatal conductance (g s ) and net carbon assimilation (A N ) were significantly lower in shaded leaves under partial fruit-zone shading that resulted in lower pruning mass for Shaded treatments. Stem water potential (Ψ stem ) responded to a large extent to increased irrigation. However, grapevines with partial fruit-zone shading had transiently better water status under 40% ET c .