Collectively, our work utilizes flexible and foldable PVC film as mask materials for facile microscale hydrophilic non-planar surface modification to establish a useful tool for PDMS prototyping and cell patterning.Human articular chondrocytes (hACs) are scarce and lose their chondrogenic potential during monolayer passaging, impeding their therapeutic use. This study investigated i) the translatability of conservative chondrogenic passaging and aggregate rejuvenation on restoring chondrogenic properties of hACs passaged up to P9; and ii) the efficacy of a combined treatment of TGF-β1 (T), chondroitinase-ABC (C), and lysyl oxidase-like 2 (L), collectively termed TCL, on engineering functional human neocartilage via the self-assembling process, as a function of passage number up to P11. Here, we show that aggregate rejuvenation enhanced glycosaminoglycan (GAG) content and type II collagen staining at all passages and yielded human neocartilage with chondrogenic phenotype present up to P7. Addition of TCL extended the chondrogenic phenotype to P11 and significantly enhanced GAG content and type II collagen staining at all passages. Human neocartilage derived from high passages, treated with TCL, displayed mechanical properties that were on par with or greater than those derived from low passages. Conservative chondrogenic passaging and aggregate rejuvenation may be a viable new strategy 1) to address the perennial problem of chondrocyte scarcity and 2) to successfully rejuvenate the chondrogenic phenotype of extensively passaged cells (up to P11). Furthermore, tissue engineering human neocartilage via self-assembly in conjunction with TCL treatment advances the clinical use of extensively passaged human chondrocytes for cartilage repair.Long noncoding RNAs (lncRNAs) are known to exert their effects to tumor progression. In this study, the role of the lncRNA GAS5 (growth arrest specific 5) was confirmed in reducing non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) cisplatin (DDP) resistance. In NSCLC tissue samples, GAS5 expression decreased significantly. Low GAS5 levels were positively correlated with NSCLC characteristics including TNM, tumor size and lymphatic metastasis. Functionally, GAS5 significantly reduced NSCLC/DDP cell migration, invasion and epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) progression in vitro. In vivo, GAS5 upregulation inhibited remarkably NSCLC/DDP cell tumor growth. Mechanism analysis suggested that GAS5 was a molecular sponge of miR-217, inhibiting the expression of phospholysine phosphohistidine inorganic pyrophosphate phosphatase (LHPP). In conclusion, this study reveals that the GAS5/miR-217/LHPP pathway reduces NSCLC cisplatin resistance and that LHPP may serve as a potential therapeutic target for NSCLC cisplatin resistance. Though previous research has focused on examining the effects of concussion history using a dual-task paradigm, the influence of factors like symptoms (unrelated to concussion), gender, and type of sport on gait in college athletes is unknown. To examine the effect of concussion history, symptoms, gender, and type of sport (noncontact/limited contact/contact) individually on gait among college athletes. Exploratory cross-sectional study. Laboratory. In total, 98 varsity athletes (age, 18.3 [1.0]y; height, 1.79 [0.11]m; mass, 77.5 [19.2]kg; 27 with concussion history, 58 reported at least one symptom, 44 females; 8 played noncontact sports and 71 played contact sports) walked under single- and dual-task (walking while counting backward by 7) conditions. Not applicable. Dual-task cost (DTC; % difference between single task and dual task) of gait speed, cadence, step length and width, percentage of swing and double-support phases, symptom score, and total symptom severity score. Independent samplesd more gait changes during a dual task. Sports medicine professionals should be aware that these variables, while unrelated to injury, may affect an athlete's gait upon analysis. Reporting symptoms at testing time may influence gait under dual-task conditions. Additionally, female athletes showed more gait changes during a dual task. Sports medicine professionals should be aware that these variables, while unrelated to injury, may affect an athlete's gait upon analysis. Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injuries are among the most severe injuries in the Gaelic Athletic Association. Hop tests measure functional performance after ACL reconstruction as they replicate the key requirements for a match situation. However, research examining functional recovery of ACL-reconstructed Gaelic athletes is lacking. The objective of this study is to determine if athletes restore normal hop symmetry after ACL reconstruction and to examine if bilateral deficiencies persist in hop performance following return to sport. A cross-sectional design was used to evaluate hop performance of 30 ACL-reconstructed Gaelic athletes who had returned to competition and 30 uninjured controls in a battery of hop tests including a single, 6-m, triple, and triple-crossover hop test. In each test, the mean symmetry score of the ACL reconstruction group was above the cutoff for normal performance of 90% adopted by this study (98%, 99%, 97%, and 99% for the single, 6-m, triple, and triple-crossover hop, respectively). No significant differences in absolute hop scores emerged between involved and control limbs, with the exception of the single-hop test where healthy dominant limbs hopped significantly further than ACL-reconstructed dominant limbs (P = .02). No significant deficits were identified on the noninvolved side. The majority of ACL-reconstructed Gaelic athletes demonstrate normal levels of hop symmetry after returning to competition. Suboptimal hop performance can persist on the involved side compared with control limbs. Targeted rehabilitation may be warranted after returning to competition to restore performance to levels of healthy uninjured athletes. The majority of ACL-reconstructed Gaelic athletes demonstrate normal levels of hop symmetry after returning to competition. Suboptimal hop performance can persist on the involved side compared with control limbs. Targeted rehabilitation may be warranted after returning to competition to restore performance to levels of healthy uninjured athletes.