Influential studies on human thinking with the popular two-response paradigm typically ask participants to continuously alternate between intuitive ("fast") and deliberate ("slow") responding. One concern is that repeated deliberation in these studies will artificially boost the intuitive, "fast" reasoning performance. A recent alternative two-block paradigm therefore advised to present all fast trials in one block before the slow trials were presented. Here, we tested directly whether allowing people to repeatedly deliberate will boost their intuitive reasoning performance by manipulating the order of the fast and slow blocks. In each block, participants solved variants of the bat-and-ball problem. Maximum response time in fast blocks was 4 s and 25 s in the slow blocks. One group solved the fast trials before the slow trials, a second group solved the slow trials first, and a third mixed group alternated between slow and fast trials. Results showed that the order factor did not affect accuracy on the fast trials. This indicates that repeated deliberation does not boost people's intuitive reasoning performance. To achieve continuous production of fructooligosaccharides (FOS) by recycling of the mycelial cells containing the thermal-stable β-fructofuranosidase in Aspergillus niger without immobilization. The thermal-stable β-fructofuranosidase FopA-V1 was successfully expressed in A. niger ATCC 20611 under the control of the constitutive promoter PgpdA. The engineered A. niger strain FV1-11 produced the β-fructofuranosidase with improved thermostability, which remained 91.2% of initial activity at 50°C for 30h. Then its mycelial β-fructofuranosidase was recycled for the synthesis of FOS. It was found that the enzyme still had 79.3% of initial activity after being reused for six consecutive cycles, whereas only 62.3% β-fructofuranosidase activity was detected in the parental strain ATCC 20611. Meanwhile, the FOS yield of FV1-11 after six consecutive cycles reached 57.1% (w/w), but only 51.0% FOS yield was detected in ATCC 20611. The thermal-stable β-fructofuranosidase produced by A. niger can be recycled to achieve continuous synthesis of FOS with high efficiency, providing a powerful and economical strategy for the industrial production of FOS. The thermal-stable β-fructofuranosidase produced by A. niger can be recycled to achieve continuous synthesis of FOS with high efficiency, providing a powerful and economical strategy for the industrial production of FOS.Trial-to-trial variability during visuomotor adaptation is usually explained as the result of two different sources, planning noise and execution noise. The estimation of the underlying variance parameters from observations involving varying feedback conditions cannot be achieved by standard techniques (Kalman filter) because they do not account for recursive noise propagation in a closed-loop system. We therefore developed a method to compute the exact likelihood of the output of a time-discrete and linear adaptation system as has been used to model visuomotor adaptation (Smith et al. in PLoS Biol 4(6)e179, 2006), observed under closed-loop and error-clamp conditions. We identified the variance parameters by maximizing this likelihood and compared the model prediction of the time course of variance and autocovariance with empiric data. The observed increase in variability during the early training phase could not be explained by planning noise and execution noise with constant variances. Extending the model by signal-dependent components of either execution noise or planning noise showed that the observed temporal changes of the trial-to-trial variability can be modeled by signal-dependent planning noise rather than signal-dependent execution noise. Comparing the variance time course between different training schedules showed that the signal-dependent increase of planning variance was specific for the fast adapting mechanism, whereas the assumption of constant planning variance was sufficient for the slow adapting mechanisms.Deep-sequencing analysis of a chrysanthemum plant with yellow dwarf symptoms led to the discovery of a novel putative cytorhabdovirus, here tentatively named "chrysanthemum yellow dwarf associated virus" (CYDaV). Its negative-sense single-stranded RNA genome comprises 14,086 nucleotides and contains eight open reading frames in the order 3' leader-N-P'-P-P3-M-G-P6-L-5' trailer. CYDaV shares moderate sequence similarity ( less then 54.2% nucleotide and 51% amino acid sequence identity) with its cytorhabdovirus counterparts in cognate genes. Phylogenetic analysis showed that CYDaV clustered with strong support with alfalfa dwarf virus, raspberry vein chlorosis virus, and strawberry crinkle virus. These findings suggest that CYDaV should be considered a novel member of the genus Cytorhabdovirus, family Rhabdoviridae.Virus populations of uncultivated fungi remain scarcely studied. In the present study, we characterized a new partitivirus isolated from the false morel mushroom Gyromitra esculenta, named "Gyromitra esculenta partitivirus 1" (GePV1). The complete genome of GePV1, whose sequence was determined by combining high-throughput sequencing and RLM-RACE approaches, comprises two dsRNA segments of 1971 bp and 1799 bp, respectively. Each dsRNA genome segment contains a single open reading frame (ORF), encoding a putative RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp) and a capsid protein (CP), respectively. The sequences of the RdRp and CP exhibited the highest similarity (69.77% and 47.00% identity, respectively) to those of Rosellinia necatrix partitivirus 2 (RnPV2). Phylogenetic analysis based on the CP and RdRp sequences demonstrated that GePV1 clusters within a clade that includes members of the genus Alphapartitivirus, family Partitiviridae. We propose that GePV1 is a new member of the genus Alphapartitivirus. This is the first study reporting on a new partitivirus identified in the false morel mushroom Gyromitra esculenta.Dengue virus (DV) is a mosquito-borne virus that is endemic to many tropical and subtropical areas. Recently, the annual incidence of DV infection has increased worldwide, including in Korea, due to global warming and increased global travel. We therefore sought to characterize the molecular and evolutionary features of DV-1 and DV-4 isolated from Korean overseas travelers. We used phylogenetic analysis based on the full coding region to classify isolates of DV-1 in Korea into genotype I (43251, KP406802), genotype IV (KP406803), and genotype V (KP406801). In addition, we found that strains of DV-4 belonged to genotype I (KP406806) and genotype II (43257). Evidence of positive selection in DV-1 strains was identified in the C, prM, NS2A, and NS5 proteins, whereas DV-4 showed positive selection only in the non-structural proteins NS2A, NS3, and NS5. The substitution rates per site per year were 5.58 × 10-4 and 6.72 × 10-4 for DV-1 and DV-4, respectively, and the time of the most recent common ancestor was determined using the Bayesian skyline coalescent method.