Dense suspensions of colloidal or granular particles can display pronounced non-Newtonian behaviour, such as discontinuous shear thickening and shear jamming. The essential contribution of particle surface roughness and adhesive forces confirms that stress-activated frictional contacts can play a key role in these phenomena. Here, by employing a system of microparticles coated by responsive polymers, we report experimental evidence that the relative contributions of friction, adhesion, and surface roughness can be tuned in situ as a function of temperature. Modifying temperature during shear therefore allows contact conditions to be regulated, and discontinuous shear thickening to be switched on and off on demand. The macroscopic rheological response follows the dictates of independent single-particle characterization of adhesive and tribological properties, obtained by colloidal-probe atomic force microscopy. Our findings identify additional routes for the design of smart non-Newtonian fluids and open a way to more directly connect experiments to computational models of sheared suspensions.Economic growth is associated with the diversification of economic activities, which can be observed via the evolution of product export baskets. Exporting a new product is dependent on having, and acquiring, a specific set of capabilities, making the diversification process path-dependent. Taking an agnostic view on the identity of the capabilities, here we derive a probabilistic model for the directed dynamical process of capability accumulation and product diversification of countries. Using international trade data, we identify the set of pre-existing products, the product Ecosystem, that enables a product to be exported competitively. We construct a directed network of products, the Eco Space, where the edge weight corresponds to capability overlap. We uncover a modular structure, and show that low- and middle-income coun