Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) in bile and biochemical biomarkers were evaluated in Brazilian mojarra Eugerres brasilianus along four estuaries in northeastern Brazil. Bile PAHs naphthalene, phenanthrene chrysene, pyrene and benzo[a]pyrene were lowest at Formoso River Estuarine System (FRES), an area with low population density focused on tourism. Fish sampled in Suape Estuarine Complex (SEC), where a growing industrial port complex is established indicated higher naphthalene and pyrene concentrations compared with FRES. Fish sampled in highly urbanized and populated Bacia do Pina Estuarine Complex (BPEC) and Barra de Jangada Estuarine System (BJES) indicated an increase in all PAHs compared to FRES. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/mycmi-6.html Activities of phase 1 Ethoxyresorufin-O-deethylase, phase 2 glutathione-S-transferase and antioxidant defense catalase were induced up to 20, 2 and 2-fold in BJES and BPEC compared to FRES. This study confirms E. brasilianus as an important sentinel species, providing baseline information for these tropical estuaries with different degrees of anthropogenic pressure.This paper explores how health concerns of populations living in contaminated areas following radiological accidents can be considered in developing health surveillance. The research was performed in the framework of the SHAMISEN project, and aimed at identifying the impacts on, and challenges associated with, living and social conditions of affected populations. These objectives were achieved through the analysis of specific Case Studies in different situations observed after the Chernobyl accident (Belarus and Norway) and the activities carried out after the Fukushima accident. It incorporates an analysis of testimonies of medical experts and local stakeholders from contaminated territories in Japan within two Case Studies as well as through a dedicated workshop jointly organised with Fukushima Medical University in Japan in March 2016. The analysis addresses the following topicsThus, this paper outlines key lessons learned from each of these topics, by providing tangibles examples from the analysis of the various Case Studies.Lignocellulose biodegradation is limited because of its recalcitrant structure particularly when polluted by toxic and carcinogenic compounds such as creosote oil (CRO). As far as we know, this might be the first report that explores the biodegradation of creosote treated wood (CTW) to serve biomethane production. Two novel CTW-degrading microbial consortia, designated as CTW-1 and CTW-2, were screened and constructed to enhance methane production from CRO-treated pine sawdust. After 12 days of biological pretreatment by CTW-1 and CTW-2, a significant reduction in lignocellulosic content of CTW was recorded; estimated as 49 and 43%, respectively. More than 64 and 91% of cumulative biogas and methane yields were obtained from biodegraded CTW over control. Ecotoxicity of treated and untreated CTW was compared by Microtox test. The biodegraded CTW hydrolysates showed a toxicity decrease of more than 80%, suggesting the promising role of constructed microbial consortia for biofuel production and bioremediation.A laboratory-scale aerobic fluidized bed biofilm reactor (AFBBR) was established to evaluate the oxygen mass transfer (OMT) process and its impact on municipal wastewater treatment performance. Aeration rates had different effects on the OMT of the wastewater and biofilm. In the wastewater, oxygenation performance, oxygen uptake rate (OUR), and volumetric OMT coefficient (kLa) improved under high aeration rates. However, within the biofilm, the OMT process under the aeration rate of 0.096 L/(min·L) were higher than under other conditions [0.064 L/(min·L) and 0.128 L/(min·L)]. The denitrifying bacteria (DNB) abundance under the aeration rate of 0.096 L/(min·L) were improved so that total nitrogen (TN, 66.98 ± 4.23%) and ammonia nitrogen (NH4+-N, 74.70 ± 2.30%) removal were higher than those under other aeration conditions. These results showed that suitable aeration could improve wastewater treatment efficiency through changing the OMT process and microbial community structure.Performance of clayware Biophotovoltaics (BPVs) with three variants of inocula namely anoxygenic photosynthetic bacteria (APB) rich Effective microbes (EM), Up-flow anaerobic sludge blanket reactor (UASB) sludge, SUPER-MIX the blend of EM and UASB inoculum were evaluated on the basis of electrical output and pollutant removal. SUPER-MIX inocula with microbial community comprising of 28.42% APB and 71.58% of other microbes resulted in peak power density of 275 mW/m2, 69.3 ± 1.74% Coulombic efficiency and 91 ± 3.96% organic matter removal. The higher performance of the SUPER-MIX than EM and UASB inocula was due to the syntrophic associations of the various APBs and other heterogenous microorganisms in perfect blend which improved biocatalytic electron transfer, electro-kinetic activities with higher redox current and bio-capacitance. The promising performance of clayware BPVs with SUPER-MIX inocula indicate the possibility of BPVs to move towards the scale-up process to minimize the investment towards pure culture by effective blending strategies of inocula.In the present study, potato peels were subjected to anaerobic digestion (AD) to produce biogas (methane [CH4] and carbon dioxide), which was subsequently used as a substrate for methanol production by methanotrophs. AD resulted in high yields of up to 170 L CH4/kg total solids (TS) from 250 mL substrate (2% TS, w/v). Under optimized conditions, maximum methanol production of 4.97 and 3.36 mmol/L from raw biogas was observed in Methylocella tundrae and Methyloferula stellata, respectively. Immobilization of methanotrophs on banana leaves showed loading of up to 156 mg dry cell mass/g support. M. tundrae immobilized on banana leaves retained 31.6-fold higher methanol production stability, compared to non-immobilized cells. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study on immobilization of methanotrophs on banana leaves for producing methanol from potato peels AD-derived biogas. Such integrative approaches may be improved through process up-scaling to achieve sustainable development.