© 2019 The Australian and New Zealand Association of Psychiatry, Psychology and Law.Denunciation and general deterrence are major objectives of sentencing those who are convicted of possessing or distributing child exploitation material in Australia (CEM offenders), but courts also strive to achieve specific deterrence. To this end, courts tend to rely on professional reports as evidence of risk of reoffending and prospects for rehabilitation. After outlining matters that courts consider when sentencing CEM offenders, we discuss key empirical findings concerning CEM offenders' risk of recidivism, and then evaluate two approaches for assessing this risk actuarial assessments; and structured professional judgment. We recommend that professional reports prepared for sentencing reflect current research findings regarding risk of recidivism amongst CEM offenders and that the structured professional judgment approach is used. We also recommend that matters which inform offenders' risk of recidivism and their prospects for rehabilitation be reported separately. © 2019 The Australian and New Zealand Association of Psychiatry, Psychology and Law.This study was conducted to investigate the fear of crime among relatives of individuals with mental disorders. The study was a cross-sectional epidemiological study. The sample consisted of 545 people. A questionnaire to collect data was developed by the researchers using the literature. 11.0% of the women and 19.4% of the men stated that their exposure to crime had decreased. Patients' relatives felt that the most disturbing behavior of other people towards their relatives was stigmatization (47.3%), while what made patients' relatives happiest was when other people talked and chatted to the patient (80.3%). The fear of crime in family members of individuals with mental disorders was found to be greater in women. The family members who participated in the study were found to fear their relatives being victims of crime due to stigmatization and social exclusion. © 2019 The Australian and New Zealand Association of Psychiatry, Psychology and Law.Research has shown that a comparable truth baseline (CTB) approach elicits more cues to deception and results in higher accuracy rates than a small talk baseline. Past research focused on laypeople's accuracy rates. We examined whether the CTB also has a positive effect on law enforcement personnel accuracy. In this study, 95 police officers judged 10 interviews, whereby half of the senders told the truth, and the other half lied about a mock undercover mission. Half of the interviews included only questioning about the event under investigation, whereas the other half also included questioning aimed at creating a CTB. Total and truth accuracy did not differ, but observers who watched interviews with a CTB obtained higher lie detection accuracy rates than those who watched interviews without the baseline questioning. Signal detection analyses showed that this effect could be attributed to a decreased response bias in the CTB condition. © 2019 The Australian and New Zealand Association of Psychiatry, Psychology and Law.Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) has been identified as significantly over-represented in the prison population and being a likely precipitant to engagement in criminal conduct. There should be little surprise in this fact, as impulsivity, inattentiveness to instructions, inability to retain information and limitations in the ability to think rationally through the likely consequences of actions have long been recognised as criminogenic factors. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/a1874.html This article adds to the literature on ADHD and the criminal law. It reviews the history of ADHD diagnosis and treatment and scrutinises important English, Australian, New Zealand and Canadian judgments, in particular at appellate level, in which the relevance of ADHD to criminal offending has been evaluated. It notes the vulnerability of persons with ADHD in the context of being interviewed by police on suspicion of having committed criminal offences, it raises issues related to the fitness to stand trial of accused persons with ADHD and it identifies a need for forensic psychiatrists and psychologists to give particular attention in their reports and evidence to an assessment of the extent and nature of an offender's ADHD symptomatology and whether it played a causative or influential role in the person's engagement in criminal conduct, as well as to whether symptomatology is likely to be worsened by imprisonment or to render the offender especially vulnerable in a custodial environment. © 2020 The Australian and New Zealand Association of Psychiatry, Psychology and Law.The negative tone photoresist SU-8 permits the creation of micrometer-scale structures by optical lithography. It is also the most used photoresist in soft lithography for the fast-prototyping of microfluidic devices. Despite its importance, the effect of capillary forces on SU-8 multi-layering onto topographical features has not been thoroughly studied. In particular, the profile of the added layer has not been examined in detail. The overlaying process exhibits a set of distinct behaviors, or regimes, depending on the relative thickness of the overlay and the underlying rectangular pattern. We demonstrate how capillary effects control the profile of multi-layer microchannels in a predictable manner. We derive a simple static model to describe the evolution of the overlay as a function of dimensionless geometric parameters. Our study provides a critical understanding of the parameters that govern multi-layer spin coating. Copyright © 2020 Author(s).This paper reports a method for trapping circular DNA molecules and imaging the dynamics with high spatial resolution using a micropillar-array device. We successfully trapped circular bacterial artificial chromosome DNA molecules at a micropillar-based "ring toss" in the laminar flow of a microchannel under a fluorescence microscope and demonstrated the imaging of their extension by flow and condensation process induced by spermine solution. DNA molecules were visualized in an extended loop conformation, allowing high spatial resolution, and the results showed that the dynamics is induced by the microfluidic control of the surrounding chemical environment. The method is expected to lead to the elucidation of the physical characteristics and the dynamics of circular DNA molecules. Copyright © 2020 Author(s).