Various π-inter-actions are present in (1) between the platinum(II) atom and the centroid of one of the five-membered rings formed by Pt, As, C, N, O with a distance of 3.7225 (7) Å, and between the centroids of five-membered (Pt, As, C, N, O) rings of neighbouring mol-ecules with distances of 3.7456 (4) and 3.7960 (6) Å. Likewise, weak π-inter-actions are observed in (2) between the platinum(II) atom and the centroid of one of the five-membered rings formed by Pt, As, C, N, O with a distance of 3.8213 (2) Å, as well as between the Cl atom and the centroid of a symmetry-related five-membered ring with a distance of 3.8252 (12) Å. Differences between (2) and the reported polymorph [Miodragović et al. (2013 ▸). Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 52, 10749-10752] are discussed. © Marogoa et al. 2020.Deuterated potassium orthophosphate hepta-hydrate, K3PO4·7D2O, crystallizes in the Sohnke space group P21, and its absolute structure was determined from 2017 Friedel pairs [Flack parameter 0.004 (16)]. Each of the three crystallographically unique K+ cations is surrounded by six water mol-ecules and one oxygen atom from the orthophosphate group, using a threshold for K-O bonds of 3.10 Å. The highly irregular coordination polyhedra are linked by corner- and edge-sharing into a three-dimensional network that is consolidated by an intricate network of O-D⋯O hydrogen bonds of medium strength. © Weil and Stöger 2020.The crystal and mol-ecular structures of the title organotin di-thio-carbamate compounds, [Sn(C6H5)3(C7H10NS2)] (I) and [Sn(C6H5)2(C7H10NS2)2] (II), present very distinct tin atom coordination geometries. In (I), the di-thio-carbamate ligand is asymmetrically coordinating with the resulting C3S2 donor set defining a coordination geometry inter-mediate between square-pyramidal and trigonal-bipyramidal. In (II), two independent mol-ecules comprise the asymmetric unit, which differ in the conformations of the allyl substituents and in the relative orientations of the tin-bound phenyl rings. The di-thio-carbamate ligands in (II) coordinate in an asymmetric mode but the Sn-S bonds are more symmetric than observed in (I). The resulting C2S4 donor set approximates an octa-hedral coordination geometry with a cis-disposition of the ipso-carbon atoms and with the more tightly bound sulfur atoms approximately trans. The only directional inter-molecular contacts in the crystals of (I) and (II) are of the type phenyl-C-H⋯π(phen-yl) and vinyl-idene-C-H⋯π(phen-yl), respectively, with each leading to a supra-molecular chain propagating along the a-axis direction. The calculated Hirshfeld surfaces emphasize the importance of H⋯H contacts in the crystal of (I), i.e. contributing 62.2% to the overall surface. The only other two significant contacts also involve hydrogen, i.e. C⋯H/H⋯C (28.4%) and S⋯H/H⋯S (8.6%). Similar observations pertain to the individual mol-ecules of (II), which are clearly distinguishable in their surface contacts, with H⋯H being clearly dominant (59.9 and 64.9%, respectively) along with C⋯H/H⋯C (24.3 and 20.1%) and S⋯H/H⋯S (14.4 and 13.6%) contacts. The calculations of energies of inter-action suggest dispersive forces make a significant contribution to the stabilization of the crystals. The exception is for the C-H⋯π contacts in (II) where, in addition to the dispersive contribution, significant contributions are made by the electrostatic forces. © Haezam et al. 2020.In the title compound, C18H19BrFN3S, the 1,2,4-triazole ring is nearly planar with a maximum deviation of -0.009 (3) and 0.009 (4) Å, respectively, for the S-bound C atom and the N atom bonded to the bromo-fluoro-phenyl ring. The phenyl and triazole rings are almost perpendicular to each other, forming a dihedral angle of 89.5 (2)°. In the crystal, the mol-ecules are linked by weak C-H⋯π(phen-yl) inter-actions, forming supra-molecular chains extending along the c-axis direction. The crystal packing is further consolidated by inter-molecular N-H⋯S hydrogen bonds and by weak C-H⋯S inter-actions, yielding double chains propagating along the a-axis direction. The crystal studied was refined as a racemic twin. © Abdelrazeq et al. 2020.In the title compound, C12H15N3O5S, a tris-ubstituted thio-urea derivative, the central CN2S chromophore is almost planar (r.m.s. deviation = 0.018 Å) and the pendant hy-droxy-ethyl groups lie to either side of this plane. While to a first approximation the thione-S and carbonyl-O atoms lie to the same side of the mol-ecule, the S-C-N-C torsion angle of -47.8 (2)° indicates a considerable twist. As one of the hy-droxy-ethyl groups is orientated towards the thio-amide residue, an intra-molecular N-H⋯O hydrogen bond is formed which leads to an S(7) loop. A further twist in the mol-ecule is indicated by the dihedral angle of 65.87 (7)° between the planes through the CN2S chromophore and the 4-nitro-benzene ring. There is a close match between the experimental and gas-phase, geometry-optimized (DFT) mol-ecular structures. In the crystal, O-H⋯O and O-H⋯S hydrogen bonds give rise to supra-molecular layers propagating in the ab plane. The connections between layers to consolidate the three-dimensional architecture are of the type C-H⋯O, C-H⋯S and nitro-O⋯π. The nature of the supra-molecular association has been further analysed by a study of the calculated Hirshfeld surfaces, non-covalent inter-action plots and computational chemistry, all of which point to the significant influence and energy of stabilization provided by the conventional hydrogen bonds. © Tan et al. 2020.The reaction of N-phenyl-1-(pyridin-2-yl)methanimine with copper chloride dihydrate produced the title neutral complex, [CuCl2(C12H10N2)(H2O)]·H2O. The CuII ion is five-coordinated in a distorted square-pyramidal geometry, in which the two N atoms of the bidentate Schiff base, as well as one chloro and a water mol-ecule, form the irregular base of the pyramidal structure. Meanwhile, the apical chloride ligand inter-acts through a strong hydrogen bond with a water mol-ecule of crystallization. In the crystal, mol-ecules are arranged in pairs, forming a stacking of symmetrical cyclic dimers that inter-act in turn through strong hydrogen bonds between the chloride ligands and both the coordinated and the crystallization water mol-ecules. The mol-ecular and electronic structures of the complex were also studied in detail using EPR (continuous and pulsed), FT-IR and Raman spectroscopy, as well as magnetization measurements. Likewise, Hirshfeld surface analysis was used to investigate the inter-molecular inter-actions in the crystal packing.