Paroxysmal atrial fibrillation (Paro. AF) is challenging to identify at the right moment. This disease is often undiagnosed using currently existing methods. Nonlinear analysis is gaining importance due to its capability to provide more insight into complex heart dynamics. The aim of this study is to use several recently developed nonlinear techniques to discriminate persistent AF (Pers. AF) from normal sinus rhythm (NSR), and more importantly, Paro. AF from NSR, using short-term single-lead electrocardiogram (ECG) signals. Specifically, we adapted and modified the time-delayed embedding method to minimize incorrect embedding parameter selection and further support to reconstruct proper phase plots of NSR and AF heart dynamics, from MIT-BIH databases. We also examine information-based methods, such as multiscale entropy (MSE) and kurtosis (Kt) for the same purposes. Our results demonstrate that embedding parameter time delay ( τ ), as well as MSE and Kt values can be successfully used to discriminate between Pers. AF and NSR. Moreover, we demonstrate that τ and Kt can successfully discriminate Paro. AF from NSR. Our results suggest that nonlinear time-delayed embedding method and information-based methods provide robust discriminating features to distinguish both Pers. AF and Paro. AF from NSR, thus offering effective treatment before suffering chaotic Pers. AF.Human behaviour analysis has introduced several challenges in various fields, such as applied information theory, affective computing, robotics, biometrics and pattern recognition [...].The surface electromyography (sEMG) records the electrical activity of muscle fibers during contraction one of its uses is to assess changes taking place within muscles in the course of a fatiguing contraction to provide insights into our understanding of muscle fatigue in training protocols and rehabilitation medicine. Until recently, these myoelectric manifestations of muscle fatigue (MMF) have been assessed essentially by linear sEMG analyses. However, sEMG shows a complex behavior, due to many concurrent factors. Therefore, in the last years, complexity-based methods have been tentatively applied to the sEMG signal to better individuate the MMF onset during sustained contractions. In this review, after describing concisely the traditional linear methods employed to assess MMF we present the complexity methods used for sEMG analysis based on an extensive literature search. We show that some of these indices, like those derived from recurrence plots, from entropy or fractal analysis, can detect MMF efficiently. However, we also show that more work remains to be done to compare the complexity indices in terms of reliability and sensibility; to optimize the choice of embedding dimension, time delay and threshold distance in reconstructing the phase space; and to elucidate the relationship between complexity estimators and the physiologic phenomena underlying the onset of MMF in exercising muscles.Entropy-based indices are long-established measures of biological diversity, nowadays used to gauge partitioning of diversity at different spatial scales. Here, we tackle the measurement of diversity of interactions among two sets of organisms, such as plants and their pollinators. Actual interactions in ecological communities are depicted as bipartite networks or interaction matrices. Recent studies concentrate on distinctive structural patterns, such as nestedness or modularity, found in different modes of interaction. By contrast, we investigate mutual information as a general measure of structure in interactive networks. Mutual information (MI) measures the degree of reciprocal matching or specialization between interacting organisms. To ascertain its usefulness as a general measure, we explore (a) analytical solutions for different models; (b) the response of MI to network parameters, especially size and occupancy; (c) MI in nested, modular, and compound topologies. MI varies with fundamental matrix parameters dimension and occupancy, for which it can be adjusted or normalized. Apparent differences among topologies are contingent on dimensions and occupancy, rather than on topological patterns themselves. As a general measure of interaction structure, MI is applicable to conceptually and empirically fruitful analyses, such as comparing similar ecological networks along geographical gradients or among interaction modalities in mutualistic or antagonistic networks.The leader-follower structure is widely used in unmanned aerial vehicle formation. This paper adopts the proportional-integral-derivative (PID) and the linear quadratic regulator controllers to construct the leader-follower formation. Tuning the PID controllers is generally empirical; hence, various surrogate models have been introduced to identify more refined parameters with relatively lower cost. However, the construction of surrogate models faces the problem that the singular points may affect the accuracy, such that the global surrogate models may be invalid. Thus, to tune controllers quickly and accurately, the regional surrogate model technique (RSMT), based on analyzing the regional information entropy, is proposed. The proposed RSMT cooperates only with the successful samples to mitigate the effect of singular points along with a classifier screening failed samples. Implementing the RSMT with various kinds of surrogate models, this study evaluates the Pareto fronts of the original simulation model and the RSMT to compare their effectiveness. The results show that the RSMT can accurately reconstruct the simulation model. Compared with the global surrogate models, the RSMT reduces the run time of tuning PID controllers by one order of magnitude, and it improves the accuracy of surrogate models by dozens of orders of magnitude.The analogues of Arimoto's definition of conditional Rényi entropy and Rényi mutual information are explored for abstract alphabets. These quantities, although dependent on the reference measure, have some useful properties similar to those known in the discrete setting. In addition to laying out some such basic properties and the relations to Rényi divergences, the relationships between the families of mutual informations defined by Sibson, Augustin-Csiszár, and Lapidoth-Pfister, as well as the corresponding capacities, are explored.