The diagnosis of nephrogenic rests and nephroblastomatosis is challenging. Diagnostic standardization improves diagnosis and therapy of renal childhood tumors, and new prognostic markers may be introduced in the near future. Diagnostic standardization improves diagnosis and therapy of renal childhood tumors, and new prognostic markers may be introduced in the near future.The concurrent execution of two or more tasks simultaneously results in performance decrements in one or both conducted tasks. The practice of dual-task (DT) situations has been shown to decrease performance decrements. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of consecutive versus concurrent practice on cognitive and motor task performance under single-task (ST) and DT conditions. Forty-five young adults (21 females, 24 males) were randomly assigned to either a consecutive practice (INT consecutive) group, a concurrent practice (INT concurrent) group or a control (CON) group (i.e., no practice). Both INT groups performed 2 days of acquisition, i.e., practicing a cognitive and a motor task either consecutively or concurrently. The cognitive task required participants to perform an auditory stroop task and the number of correct responses was used as outcome measure. In the motor task, participants were asked to stand on a stabilometer and to keep the platform as close to horizontal as possible.practice resulted in superior motor task performance (ST and DT test conditions) compared to concurrent practice and is, therefore, recommended when executing DT practice schedules.Continuous social isolation (SI) from an early developmental stage may have different effects in youth and adulthood. Moreover, SI is reported to impair neuronal plasticity. In this study, we used post-weaning rats to compare the impact of continuous SI on depressive-like, anxiety-related, and fear-related behaviors and neuronal plasticity in puberty and adulthood. Furthermore, we assessed the effect of lithium on behavioral changes and neuronal plasticity. Continuous SI after weaning induced depressive-like behaviors in puberty; however, in adulthood, depressive-like and anxiety-related behaviors did not increase, but-paradoxically-decreased in comparison with the controls. The decreased expression of neuronal plasticity-related proteins in the hippocampus in puberty was more prominent in the prefrontal cortex and hippocampus in adulthood. In contrast, SI after weaning tended to decrease fear-related behaviors in puberty, a decrease which was more prominent in adulthood with increased neuronal plasticity-related protein expression in the amygdala. Lithium administration over the last 14 days of the SI-induced period removed the behavioral and expression changes of neuronal plasticity-related proteins observed in puberty and adulthood. Our findings suggest that the extension of the duration of SI from an early developmental stage does not simply worsen depressive-like behaviors; rather, it induces a behavior linked to neuronal plasticity damage. Lithium may improve behavioral changes in puberty and adulthood by reversing damage to neuronal plasticity. The mechanisms underlying the depressive-like and anxiety-related behaviors may differ from those underlying fear-related behaviors. The aim of this study is to assess international guidelines implementation concerning thromboprophylaxis strategy in myeloma patients treated with immunomodulatory drugs. This retrospective study includes multiple myeloma patients treated with immunomodulatory drugs between 2014 and 2017 in the Hematology department of a teaching hospital (Hospices Civils de Lyon, France) and followed by the multidisciplinary care plan for cancer outpatients ONCORAL (ONCological care for outpatients with ORAL anticancer drugs). Data from immunomodulatory drugs administration, thromboprophylaxis strategy and thrombotic events were collected from medical files. Adherence to 2010 International Myeloma Working Group (IMWG) guidelines was assessed. 213 patients received at least one immunomodulatory drug lenalidomide (60.9%), pomalidomide (24.0%) and thalidomide (15.1%). About two third of treatment lines (66.2%) were in accordance with IMWG recommendations. Among the others, 30.5% and 69.5% had thromboprophylaxis, respectively, superior or inferior to IMWG recommendations. 37 venous thrombotic events and 4 arterial thromboembolisms (one patient experienced both a stroke and deep venous thrombosis simultaneously) were reported. Thromboprophylaxis was systematically performed in myeloma patients treated with immunomodulatory drugs in this real-life retrospective cohort. However, the choice of anticoagulant or anti-platelet agent remains debatable, as adherence to existing guidelines was variable. Thromboprophylaxis was systematically performed in myeloma patients treated with immunomodulatory drugs in this real-life retrospective cohort. However, the choice of anticoagulant or anti-platelet agent remains debatable, as adherence to existing guidelines was variable. In evaluating the effectiveness of interventions in perineal trauma research, outcomes reported by patients should have a prominent focus. There is no international consensus regarding the use of either patient-reported outcomes (PROs) or tools used to determine these outcomes (patient-reported outcome measures, PROMs). The objective was to evaluate the selection, reporting and geographical variations of PROs and PROMs inrandomised controlled trials (RCTs) on perineal trauma. We performed a systematic review of RCTs in perineal trauma research evaluating outcome and outcome measure reporting. We identified PROs and PROMs and grouped PROs into domains and themes, a classification system based on a medical outcome taxonomy. Of 48 included RCTs, 47 reported PROs. In total, we identified 51 PROs. Outcome reporting consistency was low, with 27 PROs reported only once. Nine PROs were reported more than five times, the most frequent being perineal pain, with no geographical variation in reporting. Four themes research. Patient-reported adverse events are underreported. Their use in determining the effectiveness and safety of interventions makes their integration important in perineal trauma core outcome sets. Identification and grouping of outcomes will assist future core outcome consensus studies.