Pollarding of oak trees for livestock and animal feeding is a traditional application, and it has been used for centuries from generation to generation in southern and southeastern Turkey. Estimation of the fresh sprout biomass (FSB) potential of pollarded oak forests in high accuracy is important for sustainable forest management. In the present study, 40 trees were sampled from Turkey oak (Quercus cerris L.) stands that have been irregularly pollarded for animal husbandry in Adıyaman, southeastern Turkey. In order to estimate FSB, a multiple logarithmic linear model was developed with explanatory variables such as tree diameter at breast height (DBH), total tree height (H), mean sprout length (SL), and mean sprout age (SA), which are in a significant relationship with FSB. Stepwise multiple regression analysis was used to fit this multiple logarithmic linear model and to determine the best independent variable set. As a result of stepwise regression analysis, three models were obtained in which SL, DBH, and SA are independent variables. Model 1 estimates the FSB by taking only SL, Model 2 uses SL and DBH, and Model 3 uses SL, DBH, and SA as independent variables. All models were significant at p = 0.001 level. Model 1 explained the variation in FSB by 65%, Model 2 by 81%, and Model 3 by 86%. Inclusion of DBH in the model (Model 2) decreased the mean absolute error (MAE) of FSB by 26% and the inclusion of SA (Model 3) decreased MAE by 43%.Cancer derived from thyroid follicular epithelial cells is common; it represents the most common endocrine malignancy. The molecular features of sporadic tumors have been clarified in the past decade. However the incidence of familial disease has not been emphasized and is often overlooked in routine practice. A careful clinical documentation of family history or familial syndromes that can be associated with thyroid disease can help identify germline susceptibility-driven thyroid neoplasia. In this review, we summarize a large body of information about both syndromic and non-syndromic familial thyroid carcinomas. A significant number of patients with inherited non-medullary thyroid carcinomas manifest disease that appears to be sporadic disease even in some syndromic cases. The cytomorphology of the tumor(s), molecular immunohistochemistry, the findings in the non-tumorous thyroid parenchyma and other associated lesions may provide insight into the underlying syndromic disorder. However, the increasing evidence of familial predisposition to non-syndromic thyroid cancers is raising questions about the importance of genetics and epigenetics. What appears to be "sporadic" is becoming less often truly so and more often an opportunity to identify and understand novel genetic variants that underlie tumorigenesis. Pathologists must be aware of the unusual morphologic features that should prompt germline screening. Therefore, recognition of harbingers of specific germline susceptibility syndromes can assist in providing information to facilitate early detection to prevent aggressive disease. Several methods have been proposed to measure cerebrovascular autoregulation (CA) in traumatic brain injury (TBI), but the lack of a gold standard and the absence of prospective clinical data on risks, impact on care and outcomes of implementation of CA-guided management lead to uncertainty. To formulate statements using a Delphi consensus approach employing a group of expert clinicians, that reflect current knowledge of CA, aspects that can be implemented in TBI management and CA research priorities. A group of 25 international academic experts with clinical expertise in the management of adult severe TBI patients participated in this consensus process. Seventy-seven statements and multiple-choice questions were submitted to the group in two online surveys, followed by a face-to-face meeting and a third online survey. Participants received feedback on average scores and the rationale for resubmission or rephrasing of statements. Consensus on a statement was defined as agreement of more than 75% of partts addressing the pathophysiology of impaired CA, and its impact on cerebral perfusion pressure targets and outcome. A research agenda was proposed emphasizing the need for better validated CA assessment methods as well as the focused investigation of the application of CA-guided management in clinical care using prospective safety, feasibility and efficacy studies.Attentional focus research consistently demonstrates a benefit of an external focus relative to an internal focus. However, this dichotomous comparison may oversimplify the variety of attentional focus strategies a learner uses when acquiring a motor skill. Recent research suggests a holistic focus of attention provides a similar benefit over an internal focus in performing a standing long jump, but the generalizability of this effect is unknown. The purpose of this study was to determine how an internal (IF), external (EF), and holistic focus (HF) and control condition impact the learning of a badminton short serve. Novice participants (N = 60) were randomly assigned to IF, EF, HF, or control groups. They practiced the badminton short serve for 150 trials over 5 days and completed retention and transfer tests 48-h post-acquisition. Serve accuracy was analyzed in separate repeated-measures ANOVAs for acquisition and pretest/retention/transfer. All groups improved accuracy through acquisition with the HF group serving more accurately than the IF and control groups. In retention, the HF and EF group served more accurately than the control group, and in transfer, the HF group was more accurate than the IF and control groups. The present findings suggest a benefit of both a holistic and external focus in the learning of an accuracy-based task.Femoral artery thrombosis (FAT) is an adverse event post-catheterization. We decided to study the incidence and risk factors of FAT before and after initiation of a pulse loss monitoring program. https://www.selleckchem.com/CDK.html All cardiac catheterization cases performed using femoral arterial vascular access were retrospectively reviewed. The study period was divided into two eras before (era 1), and after the initiation of the protocol (era 2). The primary outcome was FAT requiring therapy. Univariable and multivariable logistic regression models were used to identify factors associated with FAT. Receiver operating characteristic curve were generated to predict FAT. Our cohort consisted of 2,388 cases including 467 (19.6%) infants weighing  less then  10 kg. The overall incidence of FAT was 1.7% (n = 41). The incidence of FAT was 3.5 times higher in era 2 (p  less then  0.001). Multivariable model showed that era, weight, sheath exchange, and coarctation intervention were significantly associated with FAT. Infants younger than 7.7 months and less than 6.