Sixty-nine% of participants reported anxiety or depression related to their epilepsy, and 65% said their HWE affected their social life. Sunflower syndrome is a highly stereotyped, refractory epilepsy which significantly impacts the lives of affected individuals. It remains underrecognized and poorly understood. These results characterize Sunflower syndrome in a large population of affected individuals and provides a basis for future research to better understand the epilepsy and improve clinical care. Sunflower syndrome is a highly stereotyped, refractory epilepsy which significantly impacts the lives of affected individuals. It remains underrecognized and poorly understood. These results characterize Sunflower syndrome in a large population of affected individuals and provides a basis for future research to better understand the epilepsy and improve clinical care. The aim of the study was to determine the impact of a comprehensive inpatient treatment program for persons with epilepsy and intellectual disability (ID) on the concerns of relatives and caregivers, quality of life (QoL), and global health and clinical aspects, assessed by a questionnaire for relatives and caregivers. We performed an open, controlled pre/post study in inpatients with epilepsy and ID or acquired brain damage treated for at least 14 days in a tertiary referral center for epilepsy. Questionnaires were administered to relatives/professional caregivers shortly before admission and 6 months after discharge for the treatment group (TG). The control group (CG) was recruited from the waiting list; questionnaires were answered at the time of application for treatment and 3-6 months later. The questionnaire was the GEOS-43G, the German version of the Glasgow Epilepsy Outcome Scale (GEOS-35), which was extended by eight additional questions from the GEOS-90. Furthermore, QoL, global health, and clinaregivers in our study indicates that inpatient treatment in a specialized center with a dedicated multi-professional program led to significant improvements regarding the concerns of relatives or caregivers, and in the QoL and related aspects in persons with epilepsy and ID. This shows that specialized inpatient treatment may be helpful for persons with epilepsy and ID. Mood disorders are the most frequent psychiatric disorders in patients with temporal lobe epilepsy caused by hippocampal sclerosis (TLE-HS). The pathophysiological mechanisms in common between TLE and mood disorders include abnormalities in the serotonergic pathway. We aimed to evaluate the association between serotonin transporter genetic polymorphisms - 5-HTTLPR and 5-HTTVNTR - and the presence of mood disorders in patients with TLE-HS. We evaluated 119 patients with TLE-HS, with and without psychiatric disorder; 146 patients diagnosed with major depressive disorder (MDD), and 113 healthy volunteers. Individuals were genotyped for the 5-HTTLPR and 5-HTTVNTR polymorphisms. No difference was observed between the TLE-HS groups, healthy controls, and MDD without epilepsy. There was a correlation between the 12-allele of the 5-HTTVNTR and the family history of patients with epilepsy with TLE-HS (p = 0.013). In this study conducted in two Brazilian centers, the serotonin transporter polymorphisms evaluated cannot be associated with depressive disorder in patients with TLE-HS. Still, they do have some influence over some clinical characteristics of epilepsy in TLE-HS. These data may not be reproduced in other populations with distinct ethnic characteristics. In this study conducted in two Brazilian centers, the serotonin transporter polymorphisms evaluated cannot be associated with depressive disorder in patients with TLE-HS. Still, they do have some influence over some clinical characteristics of epilepsy in TLE-HS. These data may not be reproduced in other populations with distinct ethnic characteristics.Severe cutaneous adverse reactions (SCARs) are potentially life-threatening, with considerable morbidity and mortality. They are nonimmediate hypersensitivity reactions that occur in specifically predisposed patients with delayed T-cell-mediated hypersensitivity reaction. Antiseizure medications (ASMs) are among the drugs that can induce SCAR. Increased awareness of SCAR among clinicians treating patients with ASMs is critically important for early recognition of symptoms, prompt identification and removal of the causal drug, and early intervention to reduce SCAR-related acute and long-term morbidity and mortality. The diagnosis, management, and prevention of Stevens-Johnson syndrome (SJS), toxic epidermal necrolysis (TEN), and drug reaction with eosinophilia and systemic symptoms (DRESS) are reviewed, along with the current understanding of the pathomechanisms and role of genetics in SCAR development. Supportive care and immunomodulating treatments for SCAR are discussed.A major challenge in delivering curcumin effectively to the gut is its low solubility. One interesting approach to increase curcumin bioaccessibility is its emulsification. Here, we present curcumin-loaded liquid lipid nanocapsules (LLNs), obtained through olive oil emulsification, in which LLNs are coated by a protective shell composed of Bovine Serum Albumin (BSA) and hyaluronic acid (HA). Bioaccessibility of curcumin is evaluated following a standard in vitro digestion protocol. The presence of HA in the shell increases the amount of curcumin retained in the LLNs after in vitro gastric digestion from ~25% to ~85%. This protective effect occurs when HA binds to BSA in the shell. Moreover, this binding appears to be reinforced under gastric conditions, hence evidencing the crucial role of interfacial composition in protecting encapsulated curcumin. Interfacial engineering of nanoemulsions provides a route to improve the bioaccessibility of encapsulated curcumin at different stages in the gut.Enzymes and their concentrations are crucial factors in improving the release of nutraceuticals bounded to rice bran's cell wall matrix. This study aims to investigate the optimal concentrations of Viscozyme and Fiberzyme at 3-30 beta-glucanase units/2 g in improving the release of phenolics, tocopherols, tocotrienols, and γ-oryzanol fractions and enhancing the bioactivities of red rice bran. At specific concentrations, Fiberzyme increased ferulic (301%) and caffeic acid (691%) in soluble phenolics, p-coumaric acid (98%), and catechin (161%) in bound phenolics as well as γ-oryzanol fractions(32%-134%) and increased ferric reducing power (90%), DPPH (41%), and hydroxyl (25%) radical scavenging activities. Viscozyme enhanced δ,γ,α-tocopherols (11%-164%) and tocotrienols (39%-271%) and scavenging activities against nitric oxide (144%), superoxide anion (120%), and inhibition of human LDL oxidation (40%). Cycloartenyl ferulate, ferulic acid, soluble phenolics, campesteryl ferulate, 24-methylenecycloartanyl ferulate, and α-tocotrienol showed a significant positive correlation with bioactivities.