Previous studies have shown that CD73 is pivotal in the conversion of pro-inflammatory adenosine triphosphate into anti-inflammatory adenosine and that immune cells of the same type that express different levels of CD73 are functionally distinct. In this study we show that adenosine enhances the Th17 promoting effect of dendritic cells (DCs), and DCs expressing CD73 critically augment Th17 responses. Bone marrow dendritic cells (BMDCs) do not constantly express CD73; however, a significant portion of the BMDCs expressed CD73 after exposure to Toll-like receptor ligand, leading to stronger Th17 responses by converting adenosine monophosphate to adenosine. We show that the CD73+ BMDCs play a critical role in cascading Th17 responses, and CD73+ BMDCs are functionally augmented after treatment with Toll-like receptor ligand. Splenic antigen presenting cells (DCs) of CD73-/- mouse have a poor Th17-stimulating effect, even after exposure to lipopolysaccharide (LPS) or γδ T cells, indicating that induction of CD73+ DCs is critically involved in augmented Th17 responses. We conclude that CD73+ DCs critically trigger cascading Th17 responses, and the activated Th17 cells that express CD73 further augment Th17 responses, leading to cascading exacerbation. Hence, disabling the CD73 function of DCs should block this cascading response and mitigate Th17 responses.IL4I1 is an immunoregulatory enzyme that inhibits CD8 T-cell proliferation in vitro and in the tumoral context. Here, we dissected the effect of IL4I1 on CD8 T-cell priming by studying the differentiation of a transgenic CD8 T-cell clone and the endogenous repertoire in a mouse model of acute lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV) infection. Unexpectedly, we show that IL4I1 accelerates the expansion of functional effector CD8 T cells during the first several days after infection and increases the average affinity of the elicited repertoire, supporting more efficient LCMV clearance in WT mice than IL4I1-deficient mice. Conversely, IL4I1 restrains the differentiation of CD8 T-cells into long-lived memory precursors and favors the memory response to the most immunodominant peptides. IL4I1 expression does not affect the phenotype or antigen-presenting functions of dendritic cells (DCs), but directly reduces the stability of T-DC immune synapses in vitro, thus dampening T-cell activation. Overall, our results support a model in which IL4I1 increases the threshold of T-cell activation, indirectly promoting the priming of high-affinity clones while limiting memory T-cell differentiation.Innate lymphoid cell (ILC) lineages mirror those of CD4+ T helper cell subsets, producing type 1, 2 and 3 cytokines respectively. Studies in adult human populations have shown contributions of non-cytotoxic ILC to immune regulation or pathogenesis in a wide range of diseases and have prompted investigations of potential functional redundancy between ILC and T helper cell compartments in neonates and children. To investigate the potential for ILC to contribute to immune responses across the human lifespan, we examined the numbers and frequencies of peripheral blood ILC subsets in a cohort of Gambians aged between 5 and 73 years of age. ILC2 were the most abundant peripheral blood ILC subset in this Gambian cohort, while ILC1 were the rarest at all ages. Moreover, the frequency of ILC1s (as a proportion of all lymphocytes) was remarkably stable over the life course whereas ILC3 cell frequencies and absolute numbers declined steadily across the life course and ILC2 frequencies and absolute numbers declined from onsistent with an ongoing role in immune modulation.Tumor-induced remodeling of the microenvironment in lymph nodes (LNs) includes the formation of blood vessels, which goes beyond the regulation of metabolism, and shaping a survival niche for tumor cells. In contrast to solid tumors, which primarily rely on neo-angiogenesis, hematopoietic malignancies usually grow within pre-vascularized autochthonous niches in secondary lymphatic organs or the bone marrow. The mechanisms of vascular remodeling in expanding LNs during infection-induced responses have been studied in more detail; in contrast, insights into the conditions of lymphoma growth and lodging remain enigmatic. Based on previous murine studies and clinical trials in human, we conclude that there is not a universal LN-specific angiogenic program applicable. Instead, signaling pathways that are tightly connected to autochthonous and infiltrating cell types contribute variably to LN vascular expansion. Inflammation related angiogenesis within LNs relies on dendritic cell derived pro-inflammatory cytokineslance. We envision that HEV functional and structural alterations during lymphomagenesis are not only key to vascular remodeling, but also impact on tumor cell accessibility when targeted by T cell-mediated immunotherapies.Cytokines that signal through the JAK-STAT pathway, such as interferon-γ (IFN-γ) and common γ chain cytokines, contribute to the destruction of insulin-secreting β cells by CD8+ T cells in type 1 diabetes (T1D). We previously showed that JAK1/JAK2 inhibitors reversed autoimmune insulitis in non-obese diabetic (NOD) mice and also blocked IFN-γ mediated MHC class I upregulation on β cells. Blocking interferons on their own does not prevent diabetes in knockout NOD mice, so we tested whether JAK inhibitor action on signaling downstream of common γ chain cytokines, including IL-2, IL-7 IL-15, and IL-21, may also affect the progression of diabetes in NOD mice. Common γ chain cytokines activate JAK1 and JAK3 to regulate T cell proliferation. We used a JAK1-selective inhibitor, ABT 317, to better understand the specific role of JAK1 signaling in autoimmune diabetes. ABT 317 reduced IL-21, IL-2, IL-15 and IL-7 signaling in T cells and IFN-γ signaling in β cells, but ABT 317 did not affect GM-CSF signaling in granulocytes. When given in vivo to NOD mice, ABT 317 reduced CD8+ T cell proliferation as well as the number of KLRG+ effector and CD44hiCD62Llo effector memory CD8+ T cells in spleen. ABT 317 also prevented MHC class I upregulation on β cells. Newly diagnosed diabetes was reversed in 94% NOD mice treated twice daily with ABT 317 while still on treatment at 40 days and 44% remained normoglycemic after a further 60 days from discontinuing the drug. Our results indicate that ABT 317 blocks common γ chain cytokines in lymphocytes and interferons in lymphocytes and β cells and are thus more effective against diabetes pathogenesis than IFN-γ receptor deficiency alone. Our studies suggest use of this class of drug for the treatment of type 1 diabetes.