Bridging organoid with bioengineering accomplishments is clearly the way forward to the generation of organoid-on-a-chip technologies enhancing the robustness of the model and its translational potential. Undeniably, organoids are expected to stand their ground in the years to come and revolutionize development and disease modelling studies.There are concerns in Yellowknife, Northwest Territories, Canada, about arsenic exposure due to past mining operations, particularly the former Giant Mine. The objective of this study was to characterize the risk of arsenic exposure and associated risk factors among the local residents. Arsenic (As) and its species were quantified in urine (n = 1966) using inductively coupled mass spectrometry. Children in the study were found to have significantly higher (p less then 0.05) urinary inorganic-related As (uiAs) concentrations than children in the general Canadian population, as well as adults in the study. Additionally, uiAs concentrations in children, particularly those above the 95th percentile, are above the Biomonitoring Equivalents (BE) levels that are associated with dermal effects, vascular problems and cancer risks. Multiple linear regression results showed that market seafood (fish and shellfish) and rice consumption frequency were significantly positively associated with uiAs. Specific to children, drinking lake water was positively associated with uiAs. Specific to adults, consumption of local mushrooms and berries were significantly positively associated with uiAs while there was a significant negative association with age, smoking and recreational water activities. The risk factors identified in this research can be used for public health education to lower arsenic intake. Overall, these results support the need for an ongoing monitoring program.Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has required novel solutions for issues that arise with social distancing. Telehealth has become one of those solutions in many clinics around the U.S. As we look beyond, the pandemic telehealth can be utilized as an important tool for clinics in the future. Patient satisfaction will most likely affect reimbursement, while provider perception will affect implementation. We see this as a valuable tool to many epilepsy clinics. The goal of our survey was to determine the perceptions and satisfaction of patients with intractable epilepsy and providers with telehealth during the COVID-19 pandemic; we surveyed patient and providers. We evaluated the first 111 patients who participated in our telehealth visits. We conducted telephone surveys with the first 68 patients who agreed to participate. We also conducted surveys by email with our providers who participated in these telehealth visits. We found that 66% of patients and 67% of providers would use a telehealth visit in the future if given the option. Review of our patients' and providers' comments provides valuable insights for building a long-term successful intractable epilepsy telehealth clinic. Due to the emergence of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic there is an urgent need for rapid and accurate testing on the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). The aim of this study was to assess the diagnostic performance of the GeneFinder COVID-19 Plus RealAmp Kit on the ELITe InGenius sample-to-result platform, which is a commercial nucleic acid amplification test (NAT) targeting genes of SARS-CoV-2. Patients were eligible between March 18 and May 27, 2020, when they had respiratory symptoms that were suspected for COVID-19. The InGenius platform was compared to routine in-house NAT that was validated according to the national reference. Of 128 randomly selected patients, 58 (45 %) tested positive and 55 (43 %) tested negative in both platforms. Sensitivity of the InGenius platform was 100 % (95 % confidence interval 94-100). In the remaining 15 (12 %) cases E and RdRp genes were not detected in both platforms but the nucleoprotein (N) gene was tested positive by the InGenius platform. All solitary N gene positive cases were confirmed by a N-gene specific in-house validated NAT, and most of these patients could also be considered positive based on other recently available COVID-19 positive respiratory samples or highly suspected radiological findings. The InGenius platform for SARS-CoV-2 detection has excellent sensitivity, is easy to use and provides fast results. The inclusion of the N gene as a third gene target may further increase sensitivity for the diagnosis of COVID-19 in comparison to the national reference method. The InGenius platform for SARS-CoV-2 detection has excellent sensitivity, is easy to use and provides fast results. The inclusion of the N gene as a third gene target may further increase sensitivity for the diagnosis of COVID-19 in comparison to the national reference method. Human papillomavirus (HPV) is etiologically linked to increasing oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma (OPSCC) rates in the Western world. However, the role of HPV in Southeast Asia, a high incidence region, hasn't been assessed. 96 formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded (FFPE) tissue blocks and corresponding patient data were obtained from Srinagarind Hospital, Thailand from 2012-2017. DNA from areas of 70 %+ cellularity were genotyped using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and stained for p16, a surrogate marker for HPV. Inverse probability weights based on data from the hospital-based cancer registry were used in statistical analyses. Adjusted linear regression was used to assess changes in OPSCC HPV prevalence and conduct projections. Kaplan-Meier and Cox proportional hazard models were used to determine HPV-specific survival differences. 14 patients exhibited monoinfection with HPV16, two with HPV18 and one was HPV16/18 coinfected. PCR results were in agreement with p16 staining. On average, HPV + patients were more likely to have tonsil cancer (p-value0.002). HPV prevalence increased by 2% annually (pvalue 0.01), from 16 % in 2012 to 26 % in 2017. At the current rate, OPSCC HPV positivity will exceed 50 % by 2030. HPV positivity was shown to be protective in Kaplan-Meier (log-rank p = 0.02) and sex, age and stage adjusted Cox models (HR0.34 [95 %CI0.22, 0.52]). Given the increased prevalence and similarities in presentation of HPV + OPSCC to those observed in Western countries, the data suggest the adaptation of p16 staining and subsequent restaging of OPSCC tumors as suggested by the American Joint Committee on Cancer in Southeast Asia. Given the increased prevalence and similarities in presentation of HPV + OPSCC to those observed in Western countries, the data suggest the adaptation of p16 staining and subsequent restaging of OPSCC tumors as suggested by the American Joint Committee on Cancer in Southeast Asia.