All included studies were judged as having high risk of bias in at least one domain or have concerns for multiple domains. The positive effects of acquired knowledge and postural habits found in the studies cannot be used to reliably support postural education in elementary school children due to a high risk of bias in the evaluated studies. The positive effects of acquired knowledge and postural habits found in the studies cannot be used to reliably support postural education in elementary school children due to a high risk of bias in the evaluated studies. To investigate and compare the eating behavior and food neophobia of children and adolescents from different age groups, body mass index per age, and sex. This was a cross-sectional study, with a convenience sample, involving 150 children and adolescents aged 3 to 13 years, of both sexes, treated at a pediatric outpatient clinic of a teaching hospital in the municipality of Uberaba-MG, Brazil. Subscales of the Child Eating Behavior Questionnaire (CEBQ) were used to evaluate eating behavior, and the Child Food Neophobia Scale (CFNS) was used to evaluate food neophobia. Higher scores were found in the subscales "food responsiveness" (p=0.015), "enjoyment of food" (p=0.002), and "emotional overeating" (p=0.009) among older children and adolescents. Younger children had higher scores in the subscales "satiety responsiveness" (p=0.004) and "slowness in eating" (p=0.001). There was a tendency toward higher scores for "food responsiveness" (p=0.005) and "emotional overeating" (p=0.013) in participants with severe obesity. There were no differences in the scale of food neophobia. Overall, food neophobia positively correlated with lack of interest in food and negatively correlated with interest in food. The study showed significant differences in some domains of eating behavior among children and adolescents of the sample; however, no differences were found regarding food neophobia. These results may contribute to the improvement of future interventions related to infant eating behavior and food neophobia. The study showed significant differences in some domains of eating behavior among children and adolescents of the sample; however, no differences were found regarding food neophobia. These results may contribute to the improvement of future interventions related to infant eating behavior and food neophobia. To assess suicide attempts in children seeking care at a Poison Control Center. Cross-sectional study with children (<12 years old) that attempted suicide and were cared at the Poison Control Center in Londrina, Paraná, Southern Brazil, from April 1985 to December 2018. We identified 59 children, most of them females (74.6%), who used only one product (77.9%). Among the products involved, medications were the most important ones (88.1%). Neurological/psychiatric/muscular manifestations (61.0%) were the main symptoms presented. The main reason identified for the suicide attempt was conflicts with family and/or friends (27.1%). Suicide attempts were more frequent in 2001-2003 and 2016-2018. Suicide attempts occurred mainly in female children with a single agent (mainly medications), and the main reason was family conflicts.. Suicide attempts occurred mainly in female children with a single agent (mainly medications), and the main reason was family conflicts..Intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH), defined as bleeding into the brain parenchyma, is a significant public health issue. Although it accounts for only 10 to 15% of strokes, it is associated with the highest morbidity and mortality rates. Despite advances in the field of stroke and neurocritical care, the principles of acute management have fundamentally remained the same over many years. The main treatment strategies include aggressive blood pressure control, early hemostasis, reversal of coagulopathies, clot evacuation through open surgical or minimally invasive surgical techniques, and the management of raised intracranial pressure. Acupuncture has been widely used for alleviating pain. However, its mechanisms remain largely enigmatic. In the present study, we focused on whether the analgesic effect of electroacupuncture is related to its regulation on adenosine and substance P expression. We established chronic inflammatory pain model in rats through a single injection of Complete Freund's Adjuvant, and then we treated animals using daily electroacupuncture. We applied seven bilateral sessions of electroacupuncture (ST36 and BL60, 0.5 to 1.5 mA, initial strength of 0.5 mA, increased by 0.5 mA every 10 minutes, for 30 minutes per session, one section per day) to Complete Freund's Adjuvant rats for seven days. The analgesic effect of electroacupuncture was evaluated by measuring paw withdrawal threshold in rats that received mechanical and thermal stimulation. Daily electroacupuncture stimulation effectively increased paw withdrawal threshold in Complete Freund's Adjuvant rats. Electroacupuncture increased the adenosine level in zs by electroacupuncture in rats. Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a chronic autoimmune disease of the central nervous system. Over time, patients with MS accumulate neurological disabilities. MS typically affects young adults and is associated with an inflammatory profile of cytokines and lymphocytes. If a patient were to consume a potentially inflammatory diet, it is possible that the evolution of MS in that individual would be more aggressive. To investigate whether patients with MS living in and around the city of Santos, São Paulo, Brazil, had a profile of inflammatory diet. Patients with MS and healthy control subjects were individually interviewed, and the 24-hour Diet Recall and the Bristol Stool Form Scale were applied. Salt intake was calculated using the WebDiet 2.0 software. There were no remarkable differences in dietary habits between healthy control subjects (n=34) and patients with MS (n=66), except for higher consumption of carbohydrates by patients. Both patients with MS and control subjects had higher protein and lower carbohydrate intake than the World Health Organization's recommended daily amounts. There was no correlation between food intake and neurological disability in patients with MS. The dietary patterns of patients with MS and healthy controls were similar in the city of Santos, São Paulo, Brazil, and surrounding towns, except for higher intake of carbohydrates by patients. No profile of pro-inflammatory diets was identified among the patients with MS enrolled in this study. The dietary patterns of patients with MS and healthy controls were similar in the city of Santos, São Paulo, Brazil, and surrounding towns, except for higher intake of carbohydrates by patients. No profile of pro-inflammatory diets was identified among the patients with MS enrolled in this study.