Significant correlations of SDMA concentrations with other markers of renal function analysis and short-term outcome were not observed. Besides the small sample size and low statistical power, missing urine samples at specific time points were also 1 of the main limitations. Only 1 of the horses developed acute kidney injury, which made the evaluation of the predictive value of SDMA difficult. SDMA concentrations correlated significantly with creatinine concentrations in dehydrated horses. Further research is needed to reveal the application of SDMA in horse. SDMA concentrations correlated significantly with creatinine concentrations in dehydrated horses. Further research is needed to reveal the application of SDMA in horse. Talaromyces marneffei, formerly known as Penicillium marneffei, is a significant emerging pathogenic fungus in Southeast Asia which can generate life-threatening systemic infections. Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection is considered as the most underlying disease among systemic infections. However, infections due to T.marneffei without HIV are increasing in recent years. Research the characteristics of T.marneffei infection in non-HIV individuals in mainland China. In this study, we searched Pubmed, China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI) and WanFang from inception to 31 December 2019 for studies reporting T.marneffei infection. Our research concentrates on non-HIV-infected cases and their epidemiology, clinical manifestations, laboratory findings, treatment methods and prognosis. T.marneffei infections in non-HIV individuals are increasing. Due to frequent present with atypical symptoms, these non-HIV-infected cases were usually misdiagnosed as other diseases, containing tuberculosis (80.7%), bacterial pneumonia (20.5%), lung cancer (5.1%) or other diseases (5.1%). T.marneffei infection in non-HIV individuals should be taken seriously. Their symptoms and signs are not typical. Accurate diagnosis and timely antifungal agent treatment is the key to the treatment for the disease. T. marneffei infection in non-HIV individuals should be taken seriously. Their symptoms and signs are not typical. Accurate diagnosis and timely antifungal agent treatment is the key to the treatment for the disease.The efficacy of individual cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT) for eating disorders can be assessed by investigating the potential predictors, mediators and moderators of treatment. The present review focused on personality since its crucial role has been emphasized both by research and practice. Sixteen studies were collected, and data were extracted through a highly operationalized coding system. Overall, personality disorders were the most investigated construct; however, their influence was somewhat contradictory. A more cogent result occurred for borderline personality disorder (BPD) when considered as a moderator (not a predictor nor a mediator). Patients with a more disturbed borderline personality benefited to a greater extent from treatments including booster modules on affects, interpersonal relationships and mood intolerance, rather than symptoms exclusively. Nine additional personality dimensions, beyond BPD, were investigated sparsely, and results regarding them were barely indicative in this review. However, some of these dimensions (e.g., affective lability and stimulus-seeking behaviours) could be traced back to BPD, thereby strengthening evidence of the role of borderline disorder as a moderator. Although research on the relationship between personality and eating disorders needs to be increased and methodologically improved, personality, taken as a whole, emerged as a promising variable for enhancing the efficacy of CBT.While G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) are known to be excellent drug targets, the second largest family of adhesion-GPCRs is less explored for their role in health and disease. ADGRF1 (GPR110) is an adhesion-GPCR and has an important function in neurodevelopment and cancer. Despite serving as a poor predictor of survival, ADGRF1's coupling to G proteins and downstream pathways remain unknown in cancer. We evaluated the effects of ADGRF1 overexpression on tumorigenesis and signaling pathways using two human epidermal growth factor receptor-2-positive (HER2+) breast cancer (BC) cell-line models. We also interrogated publicly available clinical datasets to determine the expression of ADGRF1 in various BC subtypes and its impact on BC-specific survival (BCSS) and overall survival (OS) in patients. ADGRF1 overexpression in HER2+ BC cells increased secondary mammosphere formation, soft agar colony formation, and % of Aldefluor-positive tumorigenic population in vitro and promoted tumor growth in vivo. ADGRF1 co-immunoprecipitated with both Gαs and Gαq proteins and increased cAMP and IP1 when overexpressed. However, inhibition of only the Gαs pathway by SQ22536 reversed the pro-tumorigenic effects of ADGRF1 overexpression. RNA-sequencing and RPPA analysis revealed inhibition of cell cycle pathways with ADGRF1 overexpression, suggesting cellular quiescence, as also evidenced by cell cycle arrest at the G0/1 phase and resistance to chemotherapy in HER2+ BC. ADGRF1 was significantly overexpressed in the HER2-enriched BC compared to luminal A and B subtypes and predicted worse BCSS and OS in these patients. Therefore, ADGRF1 represents a novel drug target in HER2+ BC, warranting discovery of novel ADGRF1 antagonists.Several eye diseases, for example, retinal artery occlusion, diabetic retinopathy, and glaucoma, are associated with retinal hypoxia. The lack of oxygen in the retina, especially in retinal ganglion cells (RGCs), causes cell damage up to cell degeneration and leads to blindness. Using multielectrode array recordings, an ex vivo hypoxia acute model was established to analyze the electrical activity of murine wild-type retinae under hypoxic stress conditions. Hypoxia was induced by exchanging the perfusion with oxygen-saturated medium by nitrogen-saturated medium. Hypoxic periods of 0 min (control) up to 60 min were tested on the retinae of adult female C57BL/6J mice. The electrical RGC activity vanished during hypoxia, but conditionally returned after the reestablishment of conventional test conditions. With increasing duration of hypoxia, the returning RGC activity decreased. After a hypoxic period of 30 min and a subsequent recovery time of 30 min, 59.43 ± 11.35% of the initially active channels showed a restored RGC activity.