Blood-circulating biomarkers have the potential to detect Alzheimer's disease (AD) pathology before clinical symptoms emerge and to improve the outcomes of clinical trials for disease-modifying therapies. Despite recent advances in understanding concomitant systemic abnormalities, there are currently no validated or clinically used blood-based biomarkers for AD. The extremely low concentration of neurodegeneration-associated proteins in blood necessitates the development of analytical platforms to address the "signal-to-noise" issue and to allow an in-depth analysis of the plasma proteome. Here, we aimed to discover and longitudinally track alterations of the blood proteome in a transgenic mouse model of AD, using a nanoparticle-based proteomics enrichment approach. We employed blood-circulating, lipid-based nanoparticles to extract, analyze and monitor AD-specific protein signatures and to systemically uncover molecular pathways associated with AD progression. Our data revealed the existence of multiple proting signals of neurodegeneration, reinvigorating the potential clinical utility of the blood proteome at predicting the onset and kinetics of the AD progression trajectory.To study the possibility for silicene to be employed as a field-effect transistor (FET) pressure sensor, we explore the chemistry of monolayer and multilayered silicene focusing on the change in hybridization under pressure. Ab initio computations show that the effect of pressure depends greatly on the thickness of the silicene film, but also reveals the influence of real experimental conditions, where the pressure is not hydrostatic. For this purpose, we introduce anisotropic strain states. With pure uniaxial stress applied to silicene layers, a path for sp3 silicon to sp3d silicon is found, unlike with pure hydrostatic pressure. Even with mixed-mode stress (in-plane pressure half of the out-of-plane one), we find no such path. In addition to introducing our theoretical approach to study 2D materials, we show how the hybridization change of silicene under pressure makes it a good FET pressure sensor.Aim COVID-19 has posed an unprecedented challenge to healthcare systems. We aimed to observe the impact on urological care delivery in an Irish university hospital. Methods Data on urological activity was prospectively collected for 3 months from March 2020. A retrospective review of the same period in 2019 was performed for control data. Results Over the 2020 study period, 356 urological admissions were recorded; a 23.1% decrease from the 2019 corresponding period(n=463). A 21.7% decrease in flexible cystoscopies was seen (162 versus 207). 125 theatre cases (36 off-site) were performed in the 2020 period, versus 151 in 2019. Emergency case load remained stable, with 69 cases in the 2020 period. The percentage of trainee-performed cases was preserved. COVID-era outpatient activity increased, to involve 559 clinic consultations compared to 439 the preceding year; a reflection of annual growth in service demand and facilitated by virtual clinic application (n=403). There were 490 instances of patients cancelling/failing to attend outpatient appointments, compared to 335 in 2019. Conclusion The Irish COVID-19 outbreak has created obstacles for urological care. Nonetheless, urgent/emergent urological cases persist. Our unit has managed this to-date with flexible adaptation of service delivery. The global challenge posed by COVID-19 will demand ongoing resourcefulness to minimise impact on patients with time-sensitive urological conditions. Paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria (PNH) is a rare, acquired disease characterized by chronic complement-mediated hemolysis. C5 inhibition controls intravascular hemolysis in untreated PNH but cannot address extravascular hemolysis. Pegcetacoplan, a pegylated peptide targeting proximal complement protein C3, potentially inhibits both intravascular and extravascular hemolysis. We conducted a phase 3 open-label, controlled trial to assess the efficacy and safety of pegcetacoplan as compared with eculizumab in adults with PNH and hemoglobin levels lower than 10.5 g per deciliter despite eculizumab therapy. After a 4-week run-in phase in which all patients received pegcetacoplan plus eculizumab, we randomly assigned patients to subcutaneous pegcetacoplan monotherapy (41 patients) or intravenous eculizumab (39 patients). The primary end point was the mean change in hemoglobin level from baseline to week 16. Additional clinical and hematologic markers of hemolysis and safety were assessed. Pegcetacoplan was ith PNH by providing broad hemolysis control, including control of intravascular and extravascular hemolysis. (Funded by Apellis Pharmaceuticals; PEGASUS, NCT03500549.). Pegcetacoplan was superior to eculizumab in improving hemoglobin and clinical and hematologic outcomes in patients with PNH by providing broad hemolysis control, including control of intravascular and extravascular hemolysis. (Funded by Apellis Pharmaceuticals; PEGASUS, NCT03500549.). Whether a broadly neutralizing antibody (bnAb) can be used to prevent human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) acquisition is unclear. We enrolled at-risk cisgender men and transgender persons in the Americas and Europe in the HVTN 704/HPTN 085 trial and at-risk women in sub-Saharan Africa in the HVTN 703/HPTN 081 trial. Participants were randomly assigned to receive, every 8 weeks, infusions of a bnAb (VRC01) at a dose of either 10 or 30 mg per kilogram (low-dose group and high-dose group, respectively) or placebo, for 10 infusions in total. HIV-1 testing was performed every 4 weeks. The VRC01 80% inhibitory concentration (IC ) of acquired isolates was measured with the TZM-bl assay. Adverse events were similar in number and severity among the treatment groups within each trial. Among the 2699 participants in HVTN 704/HPTN 085, HIV-1 infection occurred in 32 in the low-dose group, 28 in the high-dose group, and 38 in the placebo group. Among the 1924 participants in HVTN 703/HPTN 081, infection occre effectively than placebo, but analyses of VRC01-sensitive HIV-1 isolates provided proof-of-concept that bnAb prophylaxis can be effective. (Supported by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases; HVTN 704/HPTN 085 and HVTN 703/HPTN 081 numbers, NCT02716675 and NCT02568215.). VRC01 did not prevent overall HIV-1 acquisition more effectively than placebo, but analyses of VRC01-sensitive HIV-1 isolates provided proof-of-concept that bnAb prophylaxis can be effective. (Supported by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases; HVTN 704/HPTN 085 and HVTN 703/HPTN 081 numbers, NCT02716675 and NCT02568215.).