ystem to finish evaluating an entire testis section (computed with a PC (I7-6800k 4.0 GHzwith 32GB of RAM & 256G SSD) and a Titan 1080Ti GPU). Therefore, the CSS system is more accurate and faster compared to a human histologist in staging, and further optimization and development will not only lead to a complete staging of all 12 stages of mouse spermatogenesis but also could aid in the future diagnosis of human infertility. Moreover, the top-ranking histomorphological features identified by the CSS classifier are consistent with the primary features used by histologists in discriminating stages VI, VII-mVIII, and late VIII.Detecting early infarct (EI) plays an essential role in patient selection for reperfusion therapy in the management of acute ischemic stroke (AIS). EI volume at acute or hyper-acute stage can be measured using advanced pre-treatment imaging, such as MRI and CT perfusion. In this study, a novel multi-task learning approach, EIS-Net, is proposed to segment EI and score Alberta Stroke Program Early CT Score (ASPECTS) simultaneously on baseline non-contrast CT (NCCT) scans of AIS patients. The EIS-Net comprises of a 3D triplet convolutional neural network (T-CNN) for EI segmentation and a multi-region classification network for ASPECTS scoring. T-CNN has triple encoders with original NCCT, mirrored NCCT, and atlas as inputs, as well as one decoder. A comparison disparity block (CDB) is designed to extract and enhance image contexts. In the decoder, a multi-level attention gate module (MAGM) is developed to recalibrate the features of the decoder for both segmentation and classification tasks. Evaluations using a high-quality dataset comprising of baseline NCCT and concomitant diffusion weighted MRI (DWI) as reference standard of 260 patients with AIS show that the proposed EIS-Net can accurately segment EI. The EIS-Net segmented EI volume strongly correlates with EI volume on DWI (r=0.919), and the mean difference between the two volumes is 8.5 mL. For ASPECTS scoring, the proposed EIS-Net achieves an intraclass correlation coefficient of 0.78 for total 10-point ASPECTS and a kappa of 0.75 for dichotomized ASPECTS (≤ 4 vs. >4). Both EI segmentation and ASPECTS scoring tasks achieve state-of-the-art performances.Tumor classification and segmentation are two important tasks for computer-aided diagnosis (CAD) using 3D automated breast ultrasound (ABUS) images. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/uk5099.html However, they are challenging due to the significant shape variation of breast tumors and the fuzzy nature of ultrasound images (e.g., low contrast and signal to noise ratio). Considering the correlation between tumor classification and segmentation, we argue that learning these two tasks jointly is able to improve the outcomes of both tasks. In this paper, we propose a novel multi-task learning framework for joint segmentation and classification of tumors in ABUS images. The proposed framework consists of two sub-networks an encoder-decoder network for segmentation and a light-weight multi-scale network for classification. To account for the fuzzy boundaries of tumors in ABUS images, our framework uses an iterative training strategy to refine feature maps with the help of probability maps obtained from previous iterations. Experimental results based on a clinical dataset of 170 3D ABUS volumes collected from 107 patients indicate that the proposed multi-task framework improves tumor segmentation and classification over the single-task learning counterparts.Accurate liver tumor segmentation without contrast agents (non-enhanced images) avoids the contrast-agent-associated time-consuming and high risk, which offers radiologists quick and safe assistance to diagnose and treat the liver tumor. However, without contrast agents enhancing, the tumor in liver images presents low contrast and even invisible to naked eyes. Thus the liver tumor segmentation from non-enhanced images is quite challenging. We propose a Weakly-Supervised Teacher-Student network (WSTS) to address the liver tumor segmentation in non-enhanced images by leveraging additional box-level-labeled data (labeled with a tumor bounding-box). WSTS deploys a weakly-supervised teacher-student framework (TCH-ST), namely, a Teacher Module learns to detect and segment the tumor in enhanced images during training, which facilitates a Student Module to detect and segment the tumor in non-enhanced images independently during testing. To detect the tumor accurately, the WSTS proposes a Dual-strategy DRL (DDRL), which develops two tumor detection strategies by creatively introducing a relative-entropy bias in the DRL. To accurately predict a tumor mask for the box-level-labeled enhanced image and thus improve tumor segmentation in non-enhanced images, the WSTS proposes an Uncertainty-Sifting Self-Ensembling (USSE). The USSE exploits the weakly-labeled data with self-ensembling and evaluates the prediction reliability with a newly-designed Multi-scale Uncertainty-estimation. WSTS is validated with a 2D MRI dataset, where the experiment achieves 83.11% of Dice and 85.12% of Recall in 50 patient testing data after training by 200 patient data (half amount data is box-level-labeled). Such a great result illustrates the competence of WSTS to segment the liver tumor from non-enhanced images. Thus, WSTS has excellent potential to assist radiologists by liver tumor segmentation without contrast-agents.The main goal of this work is to improve the quality of simultaneous multi-slice (SMS) reconstruction for diffusion MRI. We accomplish this by developing an image domain method that reaps the benefits of both SENSE and GRAPPA-type approaches and enables image regularization in an optimization framework. We propose a new approach termed regularized image domain split slice-GRAPPA (RI-SSG), which establishes an optimization framework for SMS reconstruction. Within this framework, we use a robust forward model to take advantage of both the SENSE model with explicit sensitivity estimations and the SSG model with implicit kernel relationship among coil images. The proposed approach also allows combining of coil images to increase the SNR and enables image domain regularization on estimated coil-combined single slices. We compare the performance of RI-SSG with that of SENSE and SSG using in-vivo diffusion EPI datasets with simulated and actual SMS acquisitions collected on a 3T MR scanner. Reconstructed diffusion-weighted images (DWIs) and the resulting diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) and neurite orientation dispersion and density imaging (NODDI) maps are analyzed to evaluate the quantitative and qualitative performance of the three methods.