Optical tweezers are constantly evolving micromanipulation tools that can provide piconewton force measurement accuracy and greatly promote the development of bioscience at the single-molecule scale. Consequently, there is an urgent need to characterize the force field generated by optical tweezers in an accurate, cost-effective, and rapid manner. Thus, in this study, we conducted a deep survey of optically trapped particle dynamics and found that merely quantifying the response amplitude and phase delay of particle displacement under a sine input stimulus can yield sufficiently accurate force measurements. In addition, Nyquist-Shannon sampling theorem suggests that the entire recovery of the accessible particle sinusoidal response is possible, provided that the sampling theorem is satisfied, thereby eliminating the requirement for high-bandwidth (typically greater than 10 kHz) detectors. Based on this principle, we designed optical trapping experiments by loading a sinusoidal signal into the optical tweezers system and recording the trapped particle responses with 45 frames per second (fps) charge-coupled device (CCD) and 163 fps complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) cameras for video microscopy imaging. The experimental results demonstrate that the use of low-bandwidth detectors is suitable for highly accurate force quantification, thereby greatly reducing the complexity of constructing optical tweezers. The trap stiffness increases significantly as the frequency increases, and the experimental results demonstrate that the trapped particles shifting along the optical axis boost the transversal optical force.A method that significantly increases the detection efficiency of filter array-based spectral sensors is proposed. The basic concept involves a wavelength-dependent redistribution of incident light before it reaches the filter elements located in front of the detector. Due to this redistribution, each filter element of the array receives a spatially concentrated amount of a pre-selected and adjusted spectral partition of the entire incident light. This approach can be employed to significantly reduce the reflection and absorption losses of each filter element. The proof-of-concept is demonstrated by a setup that combines a series of consecutively arranged dichroic filters with Fabry-Perot filter arrays. Experimentally, an efficiency increase by a factor larger than 4 compared to a reference system is demonstrated. The optical system is a non-imaging spectrometer, which combines the efficiency enhancement module with the filter arrays, is compact (17.5mm×17.5mm×7.8mm), and integrated completely inside the CCD camera mount.A systematic method is proposed to synthesize a nano-antenna based on theoretical principles. This nano-antenna, which is composed of a set of small dielectric spheres, is designed to have a desired far-field radiation pattern and polarization. The basis of the proposed method is expanding all electromagnetic waves into the series of vector spherical wave functions. First, the forward problem of calculation of scattering from single and multiple spheres is studied. For cases with more than one sphere, a multiple scattering method is implemented to calculate total scattering. Near-field and far-field waves, absorption, extinction, and differential scattering cross sections are calculated for a single sphere with different sizes and permittivities. Moreover, far-field waves for linear arrays of small spheres are analyzed. All results are validated using an electromagnetic simulation software. Next, the problem of inverse scattering begins by considering a three-dimensional arbitrary pattern and polarization. The aim is to find a set of spheres that generates this pattern. Particle swarm optimization and non-iterative spectral-domain forward scattering methods are combined as a novel method to find the optimal positions of the spheres.We propose an asymmetric optical image cryptosystem based on biometric keys and singular value decomposition (SVD) in the Fresnel transform domain. In the proposed cryptosystem, the biometric keys are palmprint phase mask generated by a palmprint, a chaotic phase mask, and an amplitude truncated Fourier transform, which can provide the cryptosystem with more data security due to the uniqueness of the palmprint. Two images are first encoded into a complex function, which then is modulated by the palmprint phase mask. A Fresnel transform and then an SVD operation are performed on the modulated result. The SVD operation is used to generate private secret keys, which makes the encryption secret keys and decryption secret keys different, and thus the encryption process and decryption process are different. In addition, multiple images are encrypted into a real-valued ciphertext, making it convenient to transport and record. Numerical simulation results have demonstrated that our proposed encryption system has robustness against statistical, occlusion, noise, and chosen-plaintext attacks.A single-photon-counting mid-infrared LIDAR is presented. 2.4 µm mid-infrared photons were up-converted to 737 nm by intra-cavity mixing in a periodically poled rubidium-doped KTiOPO4 crystal inside a NdYVO4 laser. The up-converted photons were detected by a Si single-photon avalanche photodiode (SPAD). https://www.selleckchem.com/products/idf-11774.html A temporal resolution of 42 ps and a dark count rate of 500 Hz were achieved, limited by the SPAD and ambient light leakage. It allowed for detection of two targets separated by only a few millimeters. This technique is easily extendable to longer wavelengths, limited primarily by the nonlinear crystal transparency.Laser engraving technology is a type of laser processing technology, widely used for product coding, marking, and so on. A large amount of research has reported the results of metal surface engraving; however, few research results, to the best of our knowledge, have provided theoretical support for the application of paper packaging laser engraving. In this paper, the quality of paper laser engraving is investigated by experimental methods. First, various phenomena appearing in paper carving were studied, including plant fiber burning, charcoal, and edge marks; second, the main factors affecting the quality of laser engraving are researched, and the influence of laser intensity and the preset width of carving marks on the engraving quality are discussed. The results show that the engraving precision is the best when the laser power is 11 W and the preset width is small (0.26 mm). Finally, the laser engraving precision of UV coated paper is studied, and the effect of UV material melting and secondary crystallization on engraving the quality of paper laser engraving quality is discussed.