Clusters of regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats (CRISPR) and CRISPR associated proteins (Cas) system (CRISPR-Cas) is a rapidly evolving field of targeted genome engineering. The type II CRISPR-Cas9 is used for genome editing of many organisms. Single guide RNA (sgRNA) can bind to Cas9 protein that can target desired sequences in presence of protospacer adjacent motif (PAM) sequences. This complex binds and generate a DSB that is repaired by NHEJ or HDR pathways, subsequently gene insertion/deletion (Indels) is generated that leads to change in the organism's genotype followed by its phenotype. In this chapter, CRISPR-mediated targeted genome editing in different lower organisms has been highlighted to promote its basic understanding to be applied for biotechnological, biomedical and therapeutic applications.Oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) is the most common subsite of head and neck cancer, with a 5-year survival rate of only 50%. There is a pressing need for animal models that recapitulate the human disease to understand the factors driving OSCC carcinogenesis. Many laboratories have used the chemical carcinogen 4-nitroquinoline-1-oxide (4NQO) to investigate OSCC formation. The importance of the 4NQO mouse model is that it mimics the stepwise progression observed in OSCC patients. The 4NQO carcinogen model has the advantage that it can be used with transgenic mice with genetic modification in specific tissue types to investigate their role in driving cancer progression. Herein, we describe the basic approach for administering 4NQO to mice to induce OSCC and methods for assessing the tissue and disease progression.Around 3% of new cancer diagnoses and 2% of all cancer deaths every year are caused by urinary bladder cancer (BC). This indicates a great need for intensive studying of BC by using different approaches including indispensable mice models. The most common preclinical mouse model of bladder carcinogenesis relies on the use of a nitrosamine compound, N-butyl-N-(4-hydroxybutyl)-nitrosamine (BBN) which causes high-grade, invasive tumors in the urinary bladder. BBN-induced bladder cancer in mice recapitulates the histology and manifests genetic alterations similar to human muscle-invasive bladder cancer. Here we present a detailed protocol for the induction of BC in mice which is based on the administration of 0.05%-0.1% BBN in drinking water. Six-to-eight-week-old mice are treated orally with BBN for 12weeks and tumors are expected 8weeks after the termination of BBN regimen. Histopathologic examination of the lesions should be routinely assessed after hematoxylin and eosin staining by an experienced pathologist and it can vary from urothelial dysplasia to invasive bladder cancer with glandular and squamous divergent differentiation, the incidence of which might depend on the mouse strain, gender, BBN concentration and the timeline of the protocol. Utilizing half of the urinary bladder tissue for the isolation and analysis of RNA, DNA and proteins provides a comprehensive insight into the biology of BC and reduces the number of mice per study. Finally, the successful use of the BC model can facilitate fundamental biomedical discoveries leading to novel diagnostic and therapeutic approaches with clinical benefits.Mouse models of cancer are essential in furthering our understanding both of the mechanisms that drive tumor development and the immune response that develops in parallel, and also in providing a platform for testing novel anti-cancer therapies. The majority of solid tumor models available rely on the injection of existing cancer cell lines into naïve hosts which, while providing quick and reproducible model systems, typically lack the development of a tumor microenvironment that recapitulates those seen in human cancers. Administration of the carcinogen 3-methylcholanthrene (MCA), allows tumors to develop in situ, forming a tumor microenvironment with an established stroma and vasculature. This article provides a detailed set of protocols for the administration of MCA into mice and the subsequent monitoring of tumors. Protocols are also provided for some of the routinely used downstream applications that can be used for MCA tumors.Chemical induced carcinogenesis together with genetically engineered mouse models represent important approaches for the study of the complex mechanisms involving genotype and environmental factors in cancer development, including lung cancer. The induction of lung tumor in mice with urethane (ethyl carbamate) is considered a valuable model of Kras-driven lung cancer. However, inbred mouse strains show variable susceptibility to lung tumor formation, with C57BL/6 background, widely used to study many transgenic and null mutations, highly resistant to lung carcinogenesis. Here is described a protocol of urethane-induced lung cancer effective in lung tumor induction in C57BL/6J strain. Multiple urethane injections are needed to overcome genetic resistance and induce in a reproducible manner lung carcinogenesis in C57BL/6J background mice.Every year, over 2 million women are diagnosed with breast cancer. Although considerable progress was made within the last years in cancer prevention, diagnosis and treatment, breast cancer is still responsible for over 600,000 of deaths per year. Over the years, numerous mouse models have been developed to understand breast cancer etiology and progression. Among those, mammary carcinomas induced by carcinogen, such as 7,12-dimethylbenz[a]anthracene (DMBA), has been widely used. Generally, 30-70% of mice exposed to 4-6 weekly doses of 1mg of DMBA during the peripubertal period (4-10 weeks of age) will develop mammary tumors within 150-200 days after the first exposure, that sometime metastasize to the lungs. As a result, DMBA-induced tumorigenesis is thought to be an accurate and relevant model to study breast cancer as it closely mimics this multistep process. This chapter presents the typical protocol used in mice to induce mammary gland tumors using DMBA. The influence of the number of doses and the total burden of DMBA given, as well as of the age and strain of the mice on mammary gland incident and on tumor onset are discussed. The current knowledge regarding mechanisms involved in DMBA-induced tumorigenesis is also presented.