There is a renewed interest in diagnosing and treating subscapularis tears, but there is a paucity of clinical guidance to optimize diagnostic decision-making. To perform a literature review to evaluate advanced maneuvers and special tests in the diagnosis of subscapularis tears and create a diagnostic algorithm for subscapularis pathology. PubMed, MEDLINE, Ovid, and Cochrane Reviews databases. Inclusion criteria consisted of level 1 and 2 studies published in peer-reviewed scientific journals that focused on physical examination. Systematic review. Level 2. Individual test characteristics (bear hug, belly press, lift-off, Napoleon, and internal rotation lag sign) were combined in series and in parallel to maximize clinical sensitivity and specificity for any special test evaluated in at least 2 studies. A secondary analysis utilized subjective pretest probabilities to create a clinical decision tree algorithm and provide posttest probabilities. A total of 3174 studies were identified, and 5 swith a likely pretest probability yield a 96% posttest probability; whereas, negative findings tested in parallel with an unlikely pretest probability yield a 12% posttest probability.Brown root rot (BRR), caused by Phellinus noxius (Corner) G. Cunningham, occurs on over 200 species of plants, especially woody trees and shrubs. Ceylon myrtle (Phyllanthus myrtifolius [Wight] Müll.Arg.), a common hedge plant, was recently observed to be infected with BRR. Disease diagnosis was performed by completing Koch's postulates, and Ceylon myrtle was confirmed to be a new host of P. noxius. Typical symptoms of BRR were observed, including reduction in leaf size, dieback of branches, and suspended growth of young leaves. A disease severity index was used to quantify BRR in this study. Compared with Malabar chestnut, Ceylon myrtle was relatively resistant to BRR. Surprisingly, phylogenetic analysis of the ITS and 28S sequences revealed that isolates identified as P. noxius from Taiwan and many other countries were clustered in the same clade but separate from the clade comprising isolates from China, which were designated Pyrrhoderma noxium based on P. noxius. Therefore, to temporarily distinguish these pathogens, the former clade was designated GPN (global P. noxius), whereas the latter clade was designated CPN (China Py. noxium). In biocontrol assays, Streptomyces padanus and Bacillus sp. were selected for BRR control of Ceylon myrtle. Disease severity was reduced from 0.51 to 0.37 by S. padanus and to 0.14 by Bacillus sp. in greenhouse trials. In addition, the two biocontrol agents, especially S. padanus, exhibited good growth-promoting effects on cuttings of Ceylon myrtle. With these double advantages, S. padanus and Bacillus sp. have great potential to control BRR in practical applications.Pythium species cause root and stem rot in watermelon (Citrullus lanatus), but cucurbit rootstocks used to graft watermelon have not been evaluated for resistance. P. aphanidermatum and P. myriotylum were inoculated onto 15 nongrafted watermelon, citron (Citrullus amarus), bottle gourd (Lagenaria siceraria), and interspecific hybrid squash (Cucurbita maxima × C. moschata) cultivars in a growth chamber. Watermelon was more susceptible than bottle gourd and interspecific hybrid squash at 20 and 30°C. Twenty-one cultivars were inoculated in a field with an equal blend of both Pythium species. Interspecific hybrid squash was less susceptible than bottle gourd and watermelon in 2018 and 2019. Seedless watermelon cultivar Tri-X 313 was grafted to one citron, one bottle gourd, and three interspecific hybrid squash rootstocks. Plants were inoculated in the field as described. Grafting to interspecific hybrid squash rootstocks reduced disease incidence compared with nongrafted controls in 2018 and 2019. Mefenoxam and propamocarb applied at transplanting did not affect disease compared with non-fungicide-treated plots. Grafting to interspecific hybrid squash Camelforce significantly increased total and marketable fruit numbers and total weight in 2019 compared with the nongrafted control. In summary, interspecific hybrid squash was consistently resistant to Pythium, demonstrating resistance and utility in watermelon grafting.Precise diagnosis of plant diseases is one of the most effective tools to minimize yield losses. Colletotrichum truncatum, Corynespora cassiicola, and Sclerotinia sclerotiorum are common soilborne pathogens that affect soybeans all over the world. We developed a multiplex quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) assay to simultaneously detect and quantify the three pathogens in soybean seeds and to survey their occurrence in the main soybean production areas in Brazil. Species-specific primers and probes for C. truncatum and C. cassiicola were designed based on GAPDH and TEF1 genes, respectively, to be combined with qPCR detection of S. sclerotiorum previously reported. The multiplex qPCR assay was successful in the simultaneous detection of C. truncatum, C. cassiicola, and S. sclerotiorum, along with a host internal control. The four pathogens were detected and quantified in artificially and naturally infested soybean seeds, even in the lowest incidence level tested of 0.0625% or 1 infected seed out of 1,599 healthy ones. From 81 seed samples tested, C. truncatum was the most frequently detected pathogen and with higher incidence levels (0.25 to 0.125%), followed by S. sclerotiorum and C. cassiicola, both with lower incidence levels (0.125 to 0.0625%). Together, the results evidenced the high sensitivity of the multiplex qPCR assay, indicating its usefulness for a quick and reliable diagnosis of soybean diseases in seeds.Theobroma cacao (chocolate tree) is currently under serious threat from thread blight disease (TBD), which has been attributed to the causal agent Marasmiellus scandens in other regions of the world. TBD in Ghana has similar symptomology but variable signs. This study sought to determine whether TBD in Ghana was caused by a single agent and whether Marasmiellus scandens was a significant agent of TBD. Forty-eight isolates were collected from eight geographical locations in Ghana for morphological and molecular characterization. Disease signs occurred as vegetative rhizomorphs or hyphal aggregates, which were classified into five morphotypes A, abundant thin, black, "horse hair"-type rhizomorphs; B, scattered brown rhizomorphs; C, whitish to brownish-white; D, faint cream or dull white; and E, aggregates of shiny or silky white hyphae. Sequencing and analyses of three loci-the internal transcribed spacer region of the nuclear ribosomal repeat, nuclear large subunit, and mitochondrial small subunit-detected four species, all members of the Marasmiaceae, causing TBD-like disease.