Forensic medicine is a branch of medicine located within both the health and law domains that contributes in issues that include civil, criminal, and labor law. Within labor law, medical expert reports aim to evaluate the capacity of workers and ensure them their rights and duties. This study aimed to discuss the information available on the scientific literature regarding expert reports in occupational health. This is a bibliographic review ranging the period of 2012 to 2018 that searched the MEDLINE, PubMed, and LILACS databases, as well as official documents on the subject. We selected 7 articles corresponding to the initially proposed criteria and read them thoroughly. This allowed us to establish 3 main themes corresponding to the study results 1) The importance of expert reports in occupational health; 2) Hurdles in the context of expert reports in occupational health; and 3) The role of the medical expert in labor lawsuits. Through the selected studies and the evaluation of the initial proposition of this review, we confirmed the importance of expert reports in ensuring workers' rights in occupational health. Moreover, this study allowed the identification of gaps in studies regarding the role of expert reports in occupational health, thus more research should be encouraged in view of the great social relevance of this theme.Work has an important role in people's lives in addition to providing means of living, it allows people to feel useful, productive, and valued. However, when performed in inadequate conditions, it can damage the worker's health and cause diseases that result in physical and occupational inactivity. The aim of the present study is to critically analyze the content of videos addressing workplace exercise. Our exploratory and quantitative review was performed on the YouTube video platform in April 2019, using the descriptor "ginĂ¡stica laboral" (in English, workplace exercise). We selected 104 Portuguese language videos according to their number of views. Out of these videos, only 11 provided complete information regarding workplace exercise; these were interviews with physical education and physiotherapy professionals that highlighted the need for and benefits of physical activity in maintaining worker health. In addition, these videos illustrated the correct execution of exercises, emphasizing the importance of company investment in workplace exercise for the health and well-being of their employees. This study demonstrates that, altogether, the quality of videos on this subject available on YouTube is low. Their publication is not automatically subjected to classic scientific review nor it is guaranteed by an academic expert, which results in variable quality and inaccurate or incomplete information that can easily propagate through this virtual platform and be falsely perceived as correct.Age management practices refer to the development and implementation of workplace strategies to support and improve the health and productivity of workers aged 45 years or older. The objective of this study was to analyze the scientific evidence available to support age management practices toward older workers. An integrative review was conducted, with the following databases searched in February 2019 LILACS, MEDLINE, Web of Science, and SCOPUS. Inclusion criteria consisted of original primary studies with full-text availability, published in Portuguese, English or Spanish. Secondary studies were excluded. No restrictions were imposed on publication dates given the paucity of literature on this topic. The final sample consisted of 11 primary studies published between 2006 and 2017, which addressed the following age management practices workplace health promotion; employment exit and transition to retirement; knowledge transfer, training and lifelong learning; career development; flexible working time practices; and occupational safety and health management. Age management practices are promising tools to promote a work environment that is adequate to the needs of older workers.The aim of this study was to highlight the association between occupational aspects and the occurrence of metabolic syndrome among various occupational groups. This is an integrative review of the literature that included articles indexed in the following databases LILACS, SciELO, PubMed, and CINAHL. We evaluated 32 articles, most of which were published in Englishlanguage medical journals and with level 4 scientific evidence. The occupational aspects most commonly reported as associated with metabolic syndrome were occupation, work shift, and occupational stress. Our results indicated that occupational aspects could negatively interfere with workers' health; more robust longitudinal studies should contribute to further uncovering the reported associations. Intervertebral disc changes are a multi-factorial problem whose main clinical feature is pain. Studies show that when clinical treatments fail, the proposed surgical treatments frequently present unsatisfactory results. Traditional lumbar arthrodesis causes important clinical and functional changes that can result in complications and jeopardize the patients' quality of life. This study aims to investigate the clinical and functional results of minimally invasive spine surgery in patients with a clinical diagnosis of low-back or sciatic pain and segmental instability, finally correlating these results with the patients' return to work. Patients signed an informed consent form and were clinical and radiographically re-evaluated by independent professionals in the pre- and postoperative periods. Evaluation methods used the Oswestry disability index, as well as visual analog scale and Medical Outcomes Short Form Health Survey (SF-36) scores. We also retrieved epidemiological data, information on work resume of the patients, the manual nature of their labor, and the validity of social security benefits. The risk factors and agents present in the work environment may represent a risk to the health of pregnant women, the developing infants, and breast-feeding mothers; however, tools to assess occupational exposure of these workers are not available. To develop an instrument for the qualitative assessment of occupational exposure of pregnant workers based on their perceptions. We conducted a data survey from the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health and the Brazilian Regulatory Standard 15. Next, a comparative analysis was performed, according to the scientific literature available, followed by a preliminary version of the instrument, a pilot test with 15 pregnant women, and preparation of the final version. A tool was developed consisting of 28 questions, divided into 7 categories 1) pregnant or lactating woman; 2) habits and behaviors; 3) information about work; 4) risk factors identified by the worker in the work environment divided into chemical, physical, biological, ergonomic, and accidents; 5) difficulties faced at work; 6) need for antenatal leave; and 7) open question so that the worker can inform something she considers necessary.