Naturalistic Stimulus throughout Efficient Neuroimaging: An overview. Within biofilm, the microbial activity was inhibited by 10 mg/L CeO2 NPs, whereas the production of extracellular polymeric substance (EPS) was significantly improved, leading to a decline of 35.0% in the internal effective diffusivity (DB) and a 300-μm reduction of oxygen penetration depth. Moreover, the relative activities of key enzymes involved in glycometabolism indicated the transition of Embden-Meyerhof pathway to pentose phosphate pathway, which probably contributed to the enhanced EPS production and consequently increased mass transfer resistance in liquid-biofilm interface and inner biofilm. These results could potentially expand the knowledge on mass transfer of nutrients or pollutants in wastewater biofilm in response to NPs exposure. Eutrophication and climate change scenarios engender the need to develop good predictive models for harmful cyanobacterial blooms (CyanoHABs). Nevertheless, modeling cyanobacterial biomass is a challenging task due to strongly skewed distributions that include many absences as well as extreme values (dense blooms). Most modeling approaches alter the natural distribution of the data by splitting them into zeros (absences) and positive values, assuming that different processes underlie these two components. Our objectives were (1) to develop a probabilistic model relating cyanobacterial biovolume to environmental variables in the Río de la Plata Estuary (35°S, 56°W, n = 205 observations) considering all biovolume values (zeros and positive biomass) as part of the same process; and (2) to use the model to predict cyanobacterial biovolume under different risk level scenarios using water temperature and conductivity as explanatory variables. We developed a compound Poisson-Gamma (CPG) regression model, an approachagement strategies. Furthermore, this novel application demonstrates the potential of the Bayesian CPG approach for predicting cyanobacterial dynamics in response to environmental change. Data are sparse about mitochondrial damage in GBS and in its most frequently employed animal model, experimental autoimmune neuritis (EAN). We here characterized changes in mitochondrial content and morphology at different time points during EAN by use of ultrastructural imaging and immunofluorescent labelling. Histological examination revealed that demyelinated axons and their adjacent Schwann cells showed reduced mitochondrial content and remaining mitochondria appeared swollen with greater diameter in Schwann cells and unmyelinated axons. Our findings indicate that in EAN, particularly mitochondria in Schwann cells are damaged. Further studies are warranted to address whether these changes are amenable to novel, mitoprotective treatments. Maintaining a body temperature within a narrow range is vital for the survival of all mammals, including humans. With the help of optogenetics, a better understanding of the thermoregulatory organs and pathways is achieved. Optogenetic activation of the GABAergic neurons in the ventral part of the lateral preoptic nucleus (VLPO) leads to decrease in the body temperature. On the other hand, number of drugs could alter the thermoregulatory balance, leading to a hyperthermic state, such as serotonin syndrome (SS). SS is a potentially life-threatening clinical condition that occurs as a result of a drug-induced increase in the intrasynaptic serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine, 5-HT) levels due to overdose of a single drug or due to interaction between two or more drugs with serotonergic mechanism of action. In this hypothesis, we propose a novel method for the treatment of hyperthermia, a core clinical sign of serotonin syndrome, through deep brain stimulation (DBS). An electrode is stereotactically placed in the VLPO, which may lead to reduction of the core body temperature. If proven effective, this technique should be left as a salvage method for reduction of hyperthermia, where the drug treatment is insufficient or ineffective. This technique could be used for the treatment of other syndromes, where hyperthermia takes a central place, including malignant hyperthermia, neuroleptic malignant syndrome, etc. DBS, on the other hand, could be used alone to induce hyperthermia in patients with malignant diseases. Hyperthermia improves the immune response, improves the drug penetration and stop the repair of already damaged tumor cells after chemotherapy or radiotherapy. The objective of this study was to evaluate the local effect of the corpus luteum (CL) on ipsilateral oviduct-uterus functionality and early embryo development in ewes. A total of 499 embryos were transferred on Day 1 after in vitro fertilization into the ipsilateral (n = 250) and contralateral oviducts (n = 249) of 13 ewes on Day 1 after ovulation (18-20 embryos per oviduct). On Day 6, their reproductive tracts were collected and their uterine horns were flushed for embryo recovery. More recovered embryos, a higher proportion of blastocysts, and more viable embryos were collected when the embryos were transferred into the ipsilateral oviducts (P  less then  0.05). In addition, almost five times higher P4 concentrations and significantly lower E2 concentrations, with higher P4E2 ratio, were found in the ipsilateral than contralateral oviductal tissue (P  less then  0.05). Furthermore, a higher concentration of adiponectin was found in the ipsilateral uterine tissue macerates than in the contralateral side to the CL. The ipsilateral oviductal tissue had a lower expression of PGR and IGFBP5, but the transcript expression of ADIPOR1 was higher in the ipsilateral oviductal tissue. In the uterus, the mRNA expression of ESR1, IGFBP3, IGFBP5, and LEPR was higher or tended to be higher in the ipsilateral than contralateral uterine tissue. Uterine flushing fluid collected from the ipsilateral uterine horn had lower insulin concentrations than the contralateral horn, while no differences were found in the P4 and E2 concentrations. In conclusion, on Day 6 post-ovulation, P4 was elevated in the ipsilateral oviductal tissue, embryo development was advanced, and differential gene expression of PGR, ESR1, IGFBP3, IGFBP5, LEPR, and ADIPOR1 in the oviductal or uterine tissue was found between the ipsilateral and contralateral side. This study demonstrates local regulation of the ovary on the ipsilateral oviduct/uterine horn in the ewe.