We also found the Nymphaea and monocot copies of cambium-associated CLE signaling peptides display unique substitutions at otherwise highly conserved amino acids. Nelumbo displays no obvious divergence in cambium-associated genes. The divergent genomic signatures of convergent loss of vascular cambium reveals that even pleiotropic genes can exhibit unique divergence patterns in association with independent events of trait loss. Our results shed light on the evolution of herbaceousness-one of the key biological innovations associated with the earliest phases of angiosperm evolution.Nucleic acid aptamers hold great promise for therapeutic applications due to their favorable intrinsic properties, as well as high-throughput experimental selection techniques. Despite the utility of the systematic evolution of ligands by the exponential enrichment (SELEX) method for aptamer determination, complementary in silico aptamer design is highly sought after to facilitate virtual screening and increased understanding of important nucleic acid-protein interactions. Here, with a combined experimental and theoretical approach, we have developed two optimal epithelial cellular adhesion molecule (EpCAM) aptamers. Our structure-based in silico method first predicts their binding modes and then optimizes them for EpCAM with molecular dynamics simulations, docking, and free energy calculations. Our isothermal titration calorimetry experiments further confirm that the EpCAM aptamers indeed exhibit enhanced affinity over a previously patented nanomolar aptamer, EP23. Moreover, our study suggests that EP23 and the de novo designed aptamers primarily bind to EpCAM dimers (and not monomers, as hypothesized in previous published works), suggesting a paradigm for developing EpCAM-targeted therapies.The specific interaction of importins with nuclear localization signals (NLSs) of cargo proteins not only mediates nuclear import but also, prevents their aberrant phase separation and stress granule recruitment in the cytoplasm. The importin Transportin-1 (TNPO1) plays a key role in the (patho-)physiology of both processes. Here, we report that both TNPO1 and Transportin-3 (TNPO3) recognize two nonclassical NLSs within the cold-inducible RNA-binding protein (CIRBP). Our biophysical investigations show that TNPO1 recognizes an arginine-glycine(-glycine) (RG/RGG)-rich region, whereas TNPO3 recognizes a region rich in arginine-serine-tyrosine (RSY) residues. These interactions regulate nuclear localization, phase separation, and stress granule recruitment of CIRBP in cells. The presence of both RG/RGG and RSY regions in numerous other RNA-binding proteins suggests that the interaction of TNPO1 and TNPO3 with these nonclassical NLSs may regulate the formation of membraneless organelles and subcellular localization of numerous proteins. Copyright © 2020 the Author(s). Published by PNAS.The reduction of protochlorophyllide (Pchlide) to chlorophyllide (Chlide) is the penultimate step of chlorophyll biosynthesis. In oxygenic photosynthetic bacteria, algae, and plants, this reaction can be catalyzed by the light-dependent Pchlide oxidoreductase (LPOR), a member of the short-chain dehydrogenase superfamily sharing a conserved Rossmann fold for NAD(P)H binding and the catalytic activity. Whereas modeling and simulation approaches have been used to study the catalytic mechanism of this light-driven reaction, key details of the LPOR structure remain unclear. We determined the crystal structures of LPOR from two cyanobacteria, Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 and Thermosynechococcus elongatus Structural analysis defines the LPOR core fold, outlines the LPOR-NADPH interaction network, identifies the residues forming the substrate cavity and the proton-relay path, and reveals the role of the LPOR-specific loop. These findings provide a basis for understanding the structure-function relationships of the light-driven Pchlide reduction.DNA polymerase theta mediates an end joining pathway (TMEJ) that repairs chromosome breaks. It requires resection of broken ends to generate long, 3' single-stranded DNA tails, annealing of complementary sequence segments (microhomologies) in these tails, followed by microhomology-primed synthesis sufficient to resolve broken ends. The means by which microhomologies are identified is thus a critical step in this pathway, but is not understood. Here we show microhomologies are identified by a scanning mechanism initiated from the 3' terminus and favoring bidirectional progression into flanking DNA, typically to a maximum of 15 nucleotides into each flank. Polymerase theta is frequently insufficiently processive to complete repair of breaks in microhomology-poor, AT-rich regions. Aborted synthesis leads to one or more additional rounds of microhomology search, annealing, and synthesis; this promotes complete repair in part because earlier rounds of synthesis generate microhomologies de novo that are sufficiently long that synthesis is more processive. Aborted rounds of synthesis are evident in characteristic genomic scars as insertions of 3 to 30 bp of sequence that is identical to flanking DNA ("templated" insertions). Templated insertions are present at higher levels in breast cancer genomes from patients with germline BRCA1/2 mutations, consistent with an addiction to TMEJ in these cancers. Our work thus describes the mechanism for microhomology identification and shows how it both mitigates limitations implicit in the microhomology requirement and generates distinctive genomic scars associated with pathogenic genome instability. Copyright © 2020 the Author(s). Published by PNAS.Regulating aggression after social feedback is an important prerequisite for developing and maintaining social relations, especially in the current times with larger emphasis on online social evaluation. Studies in adults highlighted the role of the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) in regulating aggression. Little is known about the development of aggression regulation following social feedback during childhood, while this is an important period for both brain maturation and social relations. The current study used a longitudinal design, with 456 twins undergoing two functional MRI sessions across the transition from middle (7 to 9 y) to late (9 to 11 y) childhood. Aggression regulation was studied using the Social Network Aggression Task. Behavioral aggression after social evaluation decreased over time, whereas activation in the insula, dorsomedial PFC and DLPFC increased over time. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/valproic-acid.html Brain-behavior analyses showed that increased DLPFC activation after negative feedback was associated with decreased aggression.