People with epilepsy were motivated by the health benefits of yoga. Barriers of adherence to practice included personal and logistic factors. The interviewees recommended tailoring yoga sessions to the needs of PWE. CONCLUSION This explorative qualitative study reported perceived benefits, motives, barriers, and recommendations of yoga as a nonpharmacological intervention for PWE. People with epilepsy used yoga as a beneficial nonpharmacological intervention to improve their health and reduce the negative effects of epilepsy on their physical and psychosocial well-being. Future studies are needed to investigate the health benefits of yoga when sessions are tailored to the needs of PWE. INTRODUCTION New technologies are ubiquitous in our everyday lives, and this is especially true for teenagers. Very few mobile apps have been designed for adolescents with epilepsy. In order to better understand their expectations as well as those of their parents, we conducted a survey on this topic. METHODS The survey consisted of an anonymous self-administered questionnaire that was distributed to adolescents with epilepsy aged 10 to 18 years old and their parents. Questionnaires contained 15 questions including 8 multiple choice questions, 5 groups of multiple questions with a rating scale ranging from 1 to 6, and 2 open-ended questions covering the scope of the interest of epilepsy self-management apps, seizure and epilepsy management, antiseizure medications, and information on epilepsy. RESULTS Surveys were answered by 17 teenagers and 19 parents. It showed that adolescents embrace new technologies. Parents' highest expectations regarding mobile apps contents were seizure management and emergency information, while adolescents were expecting contents on epilepsy daily life, as well as a tool that would improve antiseizure medication compliance. CONCLUSION Parents and adolescents' expectations on the content of an epilepsy app