Get an estimate from several buyers before selling your gold. From pawn shops to jewelry stores, each location will charge a different premium on gold. By getting multiple estimates, you can be certain of getting the best price. Beware of buying or selling gold from any mobile offices or cold-call solicitations. These "businesses" are set up in temporary locations that include inns and motels. They claim to offer instant cash for silver and gold pieces, especially coins. They enjoy taking pieces to make a profit for unfair or no compensation. Only jewelry that is at least 10 karats can be sold to gold dealers. The more karats your piece is, the higher amount it will command on the market. Therefore, a necklace that is 14 karats should get you a better price than something that is only 10 karats. Prior to taking in your jewelry, look at each piece to determine how many karats it is. This may help you decide whether you want to sell it or not. Be aware of any fees that are attached to the transaction of buying gold. Online purchases come with several types of fees. You may suffer from a markup of as much as ten percent from the dealer. Read all of the fine print to learn about any and all fees that are related to the purchase Before actually purchasing a piece of gold jewelry, shop around. will charge you an arm and leg. However, the same piece of jewelry can sometimes be found elsewhere for a much lower price. You can even tell a jeweler that you saw the piece for cheaper and you may be able to negotiate with them. Be a student of the gold market. This market is very tricky, as the price of gold is something that changes on a daily basis. What's a great deal one day could be less than stellar the next. It's up to you to know what you are getting into so that you can get the most for your buying or selling. If you decide to invest in gold, find out which type of gold is the best