If you are suffering from a lot of stress, one of the best things that you can do is pray. This will reduce the amount of tension in your body and allow your mind to focus on more peaceful things. Pray at least once a day to minimize your stress level. A great way that you can feel fantastic during the course of the day is to write in your journal. When you are trying to formulate sentences, your mind will not focus on the things that are causing you tension, which will improve your overall state and mind and reduce stress. If you're feeling stressed, try going for a massage. Getting a nice massage is a great way to have the physical tension worked out of your body. If your body is less physically tense, your mind can be less mentally tense. Massages are a great way to relax and forget about the world. You should avoid thinking about your stress as such. If you envision yourself being hungry, you can convince your body that you are famished, this same theory holds out for being stressed. Just thinking of the word may even result in you feeling it more, so instead of falling into this trap, try and come up with an alternate word for what you are experiencing! Sometimes, you will get stressed out if you do not have anything to look forward to in the future. If you are dating someone, plan a vacation a couple of months in advance. This will give you something in the future to get excited about every time you feel down. If you have extra time to spare grab a pencil or pen and start drawing or doodling on