Mucopolysaccharidosis type I (MPS I) is a rare autosomal recessive inherited disease, caused by deficiency of the enzyme α-L-iduronidase, resulting in accumulation of the glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) dermatan and heparan sulfate in organs and tissues. If untreated, patients with the severe phenotype die within the first decade of life. Early diagnosis is crucial to prevent the development of fatal disease manifestations, prominently cardiac and respiratory disease, as well as cognitive impairment. However, the initial symptoms are nonspecific and impede early diagnosis. This review discusses common phenotypic manifestations in the order in which they develop. Similarities and differences in the three animal models for MPS I are highlighted. Earliest symptoms, which present during the first 6 months of life, include hernias, coarse facial features, recurrent rhinitis and/or upper airway obstructions in the absence of infection, and thoracolumbar kyphosis. During the next 6 months, loss of hearing, corneal clouding, and further musculoskeletal dysplasias develop. Finally, late manifestations including lower airway obstructions and cognitive decline emerge. Cardiac symptoms are common in MPS I and can develop in infancy. The underlying pathogenesis is in the intra- and extracellular accumulation of partially degraded GAGs and infiltration of cells with enlarged lysosomes causing tissue expansion and bone deformities. These interfere with the proper arrangement of collagen fibrils, disrupt nerve fibers, and cause devastating secondary pathophysiological cascades including inflammation, oxidative stress, and other disruptions to intracellular and extracellular homeostasis. A greater understanding of the natural history of MPS I will allow early diagnosis and timely management of the disease facilitating better treatment outcomes.In this study, light-responsive nano-assemblies with light-switchable size based on photoacids are presented. Anionic disulfonated napthol derivates and cationic dendrimer macroions are used as building blocks for electrostatic self-assembly. Nanoparticles are already formed under the exclusion of light as a result of electrostatic interactions. Upon photoexcitation, an excited-state dissociation of the photoacidic hydroxyl group takes place, which leads to a more highly charged linker molecule and, subsequently, to a change in size and structure of the nano-assemblies. The effects of the charge ratio and the concentration on the stability have been examined with absorption spectroscopy and ζ-potential measurements. The influence of the chemical structure of three isomeric photoacids on the size and shape of the nanoscale aggregates has been studied by dynamic light scattering and atomic force microscopy, revealing a direct correlation of the strength of the photoacid with the changes of the assemblies upon irradiation.The aim of this study was to describe the clinical signs, radiographic, endoscopic and CT findings, cytological and microbiological findings and treatments of pulmonary diseases in sea turtles, in order to obtain an accurate diagnosis that avoids unnecessary therapy and antibiotic-resistance phenomena. In total, 14 loggerheads (Caretta caretta), with clinical and/or radiographic findings of pulmonary pathology, were assessed through various combinations of clinical, radiological, CT, endoscopic examination and bronchoalveolar lavage, which recovered fluid for cytologic and microbiologic analysis. In all cases, radiographic examination led to a diagnosis of pulmonary disorders-4 unilateral and 10 bilateral. All bacteria cultured were identified as Gram-negative. Antibiotic resistance was greater than 70% for all beta-lactams tested. In addition, all bacterial strains were 100% resistant to colistin sulfate and tetracycline. Specific antibiotic therapies were formulated for seven sea turtles using Enrofloxacin, and for four sea turtles using ceftazidime. In two turtles, antibiotic therapy was not included due to the presence of antibiotic resistance against all the antibiotics evaluated. In both cases, the coupage technique and environmental management allowed the resolution of the lung disease without antibiotics. All 14 sea turtles were released back into the sea. Radiographic examination must be considered the gold standard for screening sea turtles that show respiratory signs or abnormal buoyancy. Susceptibility testing with antimicrobials allowed appropriate therapy, including the reduction of antibiotic-resistance.This paper presents an experimental investigation on geopolymer coatings (GPC) in terms of surface protection of civil structures. The GPC mixtures were prepared with a quadruple precursor simultaneously containing fly ash (FA), ground granulated blast-furnace slag (GBFS), metakaolin (MK), and Portland cement (OPC). Setting time, compressive along with adhesive strength and permeability, were tested and interpreted from a perspective of potential applications. The preferred GPC with favorable setting time (not shorter than 120 min) and desirable compressive strength (not lower than 35 MPa) was selected from 85 mixture formulations. The results indicate that balancing strength and setting behavior is viable with the aid of the multi-componential precursor and the mixture design based on total molar ratios of key oxides or chemical elements. Adhesive strength of the optimized GPC mixtures was ranged from 1.5 to 3.4 MPa. The induced charge passed based on a rapid test of coated concrete specimens with the preferred GPC was 30% lower than that of the uncoated ones. Setting time of GPC was positively correlated with η[Si/(Na+Al)]. An abrupt increase of setting time occurred when the molar ratio was greater than 1.1. Compressive strength of GPC was positively affected by mass contents of ground granulated blast furnace slag, metakaolin and ordinary Portland cement, and was negatively affected by mass content of fly ash, respectively. Sustained seawater immersion impaired the strength of GPC to a negligible extent. Overall, GPC potentially serves a double purpose of satisfying the usage requirements and achieving a cleaner future.