Because of data limitations, we were unable to examine geographic or health system-specific variation. Pediatricians, like physicians who care for adults, spend a large portion of their day using their EHR. Additionally, although chart review and documentation accounted for 62% of the activity, as in previously published studies, in our study, we found that chart review accounted for half of that time. Wide variation suggests opportunities to optimize both the processes of entering information and searching for patient data within the EHR. Pediatricians, like physicians who care for adults, spend a large portion of their day using their EHR. Additionally, although chart review and documentation accounted for 62% of the activity, as in previously published studies, in our study, we found that chart review accounted for half of that time. Wide variation suggests opportunities to optimize both the processes of entering information and searching for patient data within the EHR. To estimate associations between kindergarten readiness and academic, psychological, and health risks by end of high school. This study is based on 966 Canadian children. At age 5, trained examiners assessed child number knowledge and receptive vocabulary. Teachers reported kindergarten classroom engagement. At age 17, participants reported academic grades, school connectedness, anxiety sensitivity, substance abuse, physical activity involvement, and height and weight. High school dropout risk was also estimated for each participant on the basis of grades, school engagement, and grade retention. Kindergarten math skills contributed to better end-of high school grades (β = .17, < .01) and lower dropout risk (β = -.20, < .001), whereas receptive vocabulary predicted lower anxiety sensitivity (β = -.11, < .01). Kindergarten classroom engagement predicted higher end of high school grades (β = .17, < .001), lower dropout risk (β = -.20, < .0