The CAL treatment significantly enhanced taxane excretion, especially when production levels were increased by COR; 98% of the total taxanes were found in the culture medium after COR + CAL treatment. By forming complexes with PTX, the nanoparticles facilitated its excretion to the medium, and by protecting cells from PTX toxicity, its intra-and extra-cellular degradation may have been avoided. The addition of COR and CAL to T. media cell cultures is therefore a bio-sustainable and economically viable system to improve the yield of this important anticancer compound.Intraoperative electrocorticography (ECoG) is a useful technique to guide resections in epilepsy surgery and is mostly performed under general anesthesia. In this systematic literature review, we seek to investigate the effect of anesthetic agents on the quality and reliability of ECoG for localization of the epileptic focus. We conducted a systematic search using PubMed and EMBASE until January 2019, aiming to review the effects of anesthesia on ECoG yield. Fifty-eight studies were included from 1016 reviewed. There are favorable reports for dexmedetomidine and remifentanil during ECoG recording. There is inadequate, or sometimes conflicting, evidence to support using enflurane, isoflurane, sevoflurane, and propofol. There is evidence to avoid halothane, nitrous oxide, etomidate, ketamine, thiopental, methohexital, midazolam, fentanyl, and alfentanil due to undesired effects. Depth of anesthesia, intraoperative awareness, and surgical outcomes were not consistently evaluated. Available studies provide helpful information about the effect of anesthesia on ECoG to localize the epileptic focus. The proper use of anesthetic agents and careful dose titration, and effective communication between the neurophysiologist and anesthesiologist based on ECoG activity are essential in optimizing recordings. Anesthesia is a crucial variate to consider in the design of studies investigating ECoG and related biomarkers.The COVID-19 pandemic has caused huge impact on public health and significantly changed our lifestyle. This is due to the fast airborne oro-nasal transmission of SARS-CoV-2 from the infected individuals. The generation of liquid aerosolized particles occurs when the COVID-19 patients speak, sing, cough, sneeze, or simply breathe. We have developed a novel aerosol barrier mask (ABM) to mitigate the spread of SARS-CoV-2 and other infectious pathogens. This Aerosol Barrier Mask is designed for preventing SARS-CoV-2 transmission while transporting patients within hospital facilities. This mask can constrain aerosol and droplet particles and trap them in a biofilter, while the patient is normally breathing and administrated with medical oxygen. The system can be characterized as an oxygen delivery and mitigation mask which has no unfiltered exhaled air dispersion. The mask helps to prevent the spread of SARS-CoV-2, and potentially other infectious respiratory pathogens and protects everyone in general, especially healthcare professionals.The evolution of the nucleus is an evolutionary milestone. By enabling genome compartmentalization, it contributes to the fine-tuning of genome functions. The genome is partitioned into functional domains differing in spatial positioning and topological folding at different scales. The rise of '3D Genomics' embracing experimental, theoretical, and modeling approaches allowed the proposal of a multiscale model of the eukaryotic genome, capturing its organizing principles and functionalities. In these efforts, resolving causality remains an important objective. Are positioning and folding the cause or consequence of functional states? This minireview presents emerging answers to this question, borrowing examples from recent studies of the three-dimensional genome in both plants and animals. Stereoelectroencephalography (sEEG), despite its established usefulness, has not been thoroughly evaluated for its adverse events profile. In this study, hemorrhage rates were evaluated both per patient and per lead placed not only in the immediate postoperative period, but also over the course of admission and after explantation when available. This is a single-center retrospective study of pediatric and adult patients undergoing sEEG lead placement at a large urban hospital. All available postoperative imaging was reviewed for the presence of hemorrhage, including any imaging occurring throughout admission as well as within 1 month of lead explantation. Age and number of leads placed per procedure were compared using an unpaired t test assuming unequal variance. A total of 1855 leads were placed in 147 cases. The mean age was 30.4 ±15.0 and the male/female ratio was 4753. 9 leads (0.49%) in 9 cases (6.12%) were involved with postimplantation hemorrhage occurring on postoperative day 0.44 on average. Postexplantation imaging was available for 45 cases. Seven leads (1.40%) in 7 cases (15.56%) were involved with postexplantation hemorrhage occurring on average on postoperative day 1.42. There was a significant difference in mean age between patients with postexplantation hemorrhage versus control (45.0 vs. 32.2; P= 0.0277). No cases of hemorrhage required surgical intervention and no patients had permanent neurologic deficit. Hemorrhage after sEEG lead implantation and explantation may be more common than previously reported. Consistent postexplantation imaging may be of clinical benefit in detecting hemorrhage that precludes patients from immediate discharge, particularly in older patients. Hemorrhage after sEEG lead implantation and explantation may be more common than previously reported. Consistent postexplantation imaging may be of clinical benefit in detecting hemorrhage that precludes patients from immediate discharge, particularly in older patients. Microvascular decompression (MVD) is the most effective treatment for hemifacial spasm (HFS). However, surgical difficulties due to complex anatomy or revision surgery can endanger the functional integrity of the brainstem. We describe surgically challenging cases and provide operative guidance that may be helpful for neurosurgeons who perform MVDs. Of 3028 patients with HFS who underwent MVDs consecutively by a single neurosurgeon, complex or unusual cases associated with surgical difficulty were selected. Medical charts and images were reviewed, with the primary focus being intraoperative findings, operative techniques, and clinical outcomes. All MVDs were performed using the interposition method. Surgically difficult cases were categorized into six types tandem, perforator, atypical location, encircling, revision, and penetrating types. During the follow-up period (11.5-42.7 months; median 24.9 months), the spasm-free rate was 88.4%. Intraoperative changes in brainstem auditory evoked potentials were observed in 31.