Paired t-tests were completed to further analyze and interpret the discipline by model interaction. A statistically significant difference was found in discipline x time interaction. For individual disciplines, occupational therapy students had a significant change in clinical reasoning scores post-completion of a terminal fieldwork experience; however, physical therapy students did not have a significant change in clinical reasoning. Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a chronic inflammatory disease of the central nervous system resulting in varied physical and cognitive deficits that often contribute to changes in postural control as well as decreased self-efficacy and lower perceived quality of life. One intervention often recommended for the control of MS symptoms is rehabilitation. While rehabilitation is often effective, it is traditionally delivered in a unidisciplinary manner in private-session format. This pilot study presents the use of a biopsychosocial interdisciplinary group yoga intervention to improve postural control, self-efficacy, and quality of life in individuals living with MS. This pilot study examined 15 subjects who participated in a 5-week prospective Medical Therapeutic Yoga (MTY) program designed for individuals diagnosed with MS. Pre and post-testing was completed. The participants demonstrated improvements in overall balance (t(14)=3.42, p=0.004), dual-tasking (t(13)=2.30, p=0.034), dynamic gait (T(14)=-2.311, p=0.021), reactive balance (T(114)=-2.157, p=0.031), and self-efficacy (t(12)=3.40, p=0.006). MTY offers a biopsychosocial framework to provide integrative interdisciplinary care across disciplines. In this pilot investigation, postural control and feelings of self-efficacy improved. This modality of rehabilitation warrants further investigation. MTY offers a biopsychosocial framework to provide integrative interdisciplinary care across disciplines. In this pilot investigation, postural control and feelings of self-efficacy improved. This modality of rehabilitation warrants further investigation.Interprofessional education (IPE) has grown in popularity in recent years, but much work remains to be done regarding its evaluation and longitudinal impact, as well as in codifying the attributes of IPE that prepare learners for "collaboration-ready" practice. The present study sought to assess collaboration skill retention or change among graduating seniors who completed an introductory IPE course in 2017, comparing present collaboration skill levels to past levels before and directly after the introductory IPE course using the Self-Assessed Collaboration Skills (SACS) instrument. Additionally, further validation of a collaboration skills instrument was conducted, and qualitative data were gathered to identify collaboration-relevant curricular design elements and generate feedback for continuous program improvement. A final sample of 106 respondents from a variety of professions provided quantitative data, while 91 provided qualitative data. Results suggested that participants retained collaboration skills over the course of their undergraduate education (i.e., 2020 levels as compared to pre-IPE levels in 2017), that IPE evaluation instrumentation requires more cross-contextual and cross-institutional validation, and that students recognize the value in intentional IPE course sequencing for clinical practice. The findings from this study contribute to the further enhancement of IPE outcomes assessment and the design of IPE experiences for fostering collaboration skills among health professional students.Data-Sharing Rule Finalized Beginning in January 2023, all biomedical researchers newly funded by the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) will be required to share data from their studies or explain why they are unable to do so. The new policy updates a 2003 requirement. Challenges in Achieving Replicability The replicability of evidence for scientific claims is an important element in achieving scientific progress. Knowledge accumulation depends on reliable past findings to generate new ideas and extensions that can advance understanding. Disappearing Journals Scholarly journals are supposed to provide a lasting record of science. Over the past two decades, however, 176 open-access journals and many papers appearing in them have disappeared from the Internet. The Conundrum of Academic Publishing Academic publishing is in flux. Historically, dissemination of research through academic journals has been based on paid library or institutional subscriptions, with most content held behind a paywall. That is now changing with a global call for open access, a model of scholarly communication intended to increase accessibility of research results to the reader. Transmission of hepatitis C virus (HCV) among the prisoner population is most frequently associated with sharing of non-sterile injecting equipment. Other blood-to-blood contacts such as tattooing and physical violence are also common in the prison environment, and have been associated with HCV transmission. The context of such non-injecting risk behaviours, particularly violence, is poorly studied. The modified social-ecological model (MSEM) was used to examine HCV transmission risk and violence in the prison setting considering individual, network, community and policy factors. The Australian Hepatitis C Incidence and Transmission Study in prisons (HITS-p) cohort enrolled HCV uninfected prisoners with injecting and non-injecting risk behaviours, who were followed up for HCV infection from 2004-2014. Qualitative interviews were conducted within 23 participants; of whom 13 had become HCV infected. Deductive analysis was undertaken to identify violence as risk within prisons among individual, network, commerns regarding violence and HCV transmission were evident at each level of the MSEM. Further evidence-based interventions targeted across the MSEM may reduce prison violence, provide opportunities for HCV prevention when violence occurs and subsequent HCV exposure.The soybean is agro-economically the most important among all cultivated legume crops, and its seed color is considered one of the most attractive factors in the selection-by-breeders. Thus, genome-wide identification of genes and loci associated with seed colors is critical for the precision breeding of crop soybeans. To dissect seed pigmentation-associated genomic loci and genes, we employed dual approaches by combining reference-based genome-wide association study (rbGWAS) and k-mer-based reference-free GWAS (rfGWAS) with 438 Glycine accessions. The dual analytical strategy allowed us to identify four major genomic loci (designated as SP1-SP4 in this study) associated with the seed colors of soybeans. The k-mer analysis enabled us to find an important recombination event that occurred between subtilisin and I-cluster B in the soybean genome, which could describe a special structural feature of ii allele within the I locus (SP3). Importantly, mapping analyses of both mRNAs and small RNAs allowed us to reveal that the subtilisin-CHS1/CHS3 chimeric transcripts generate and act as an initiator towards 'mirtron (i.