The excess energy of subsurface hydrogen species may facilitate overcoming reaction barriers and remarkably alters the reaction pathways. We present an in-depth study on the different reactivity of surface and subsurface hydrogen species in syngas methanation on the O/C-covered Pd(100) by using density functional theory calculations and microkinetic simulations. It is shown that the apparent energy barriers to form H2O and CH4 are reduced by 0.87 and 0.61 eV for the case in which the hot subsurface hydrogen species are involved in the whole hydrogenation process. The activity of O-covered Pd(100) is better than that of the C-covered surface, and the reactivity of subsurface hydrogen species is much higher than that of surface hydrogen species under ambient conditions. Increasing CO partial pressure strongly enhances the reactivity of subsurface hydrogen species in syngas methanation on the O-covered Pd(100). These important results are helpful for understanding the hot-atom mechanism through subsurface heterogeneous catalysis.External driving of the Fermion reservoirs interacting with a nanoscale charge-conductor is shown to enhance its mechanical stability during resonant tunneling. This counterintuitive cooling effect is predicted despite the net energy flow into the device. Field-induced plasmon oscillations stir the energy distribution of charge carriers near the reservoir's chemical potentials into a nonequilibrium state with favored transport of low-energy electrons. Consequently, excess heating of mechanical degrees of freedom in the conductor is suppressed. We demonstrate and analyze this effect for a generic model of mechanical instability in nanoelectronic devices, covering a broad range of parameters. Plasmon-induced stabilization is suggested as a feasible strategy to confront a major problem of current-induced heating and breakdown of nanoscale systems operating far from equilibrium.Acetic acid adsorption and reactions at multiple surface coverage values on Ni(110) were studied with temperature programmed desorption (TPD) and infrared reflection absorption spectroscopy (IRAS) at 90-500 K. The experimental measurements were interpreted with density functional theory (DFT) calculations that provided information on adsorbate geometries, energies, and vibrational modes. Below the monolayer saturation coverage of 0.36 ML at 90 K, acetic acid adsorbs mostly molecularly. Above this coverage, a physisorbed layer is formed with dimers and catemers, without detectable monomers. Dimers and catemers desorb as molecular acetic acid at 157 and 172 K, respectively. Between 90 and 200 K, the O-H bond in acetic acid breaks to form bridge-bonded bidentate acetate that becomes the dominant surface species. Desorption-limited hydrogen evolution is observed at 265 K. However even after the acetate formation, acetic acid desorbs molecularly at 200-300 K due to recombination. Minor surface species observed at 200 K, acetyls or acetates with a carbonyl group, decompose below 350 K and generate adsorbed carbon monoxide. At 350 K, the surface likely undergoes restructuring, the extent of which increases with acetic acid coverage. The initial dominant bridge-bonded bidentate acetate species formed below 200 K remain on the surface, but they now mostly adsorb on the restructured sites. The acetates and all other remaining hydrocarbon species decompose simultaneously at 425 K in a narrow temperature range with concurrent evolution of hydrogen, carbon monoxide, and carbon dioxide. Above 425 K, only carbon remains on the surface.A facile method for the preparation of 4,5-diaminopyrazoles from N-tosylhydrazones and isocyanides was developed. The reaction was general for a wide range of substrates, and it demonstrated excellent tolerance to a variety of substituents. More importantly, the protective groups of aminos could be selectively removed by controlling the amount of acid. A novel acid-promoted [3 + 1 + 1] cyclization mechanism was proposed.Surfactants have been widely studied and used in controlling droplet evaporation. In this work, we observe and study the crystallization of sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) within an evaporating glycerol-water mixture droplet. The crystallization is induced by the preferential evaporation of water, which decreases the solubility of SDS in the mixture. As a consequence, the crystals shield the droplet surface and cease the evaporation. The universality of the evaporation characteristics for a range of droplet sizes is revealed by applying a diffusion model, extended by Raoult's law. To describe the nucleation and growth of the crystals, we employ the 2-dimensional crystallization model of Weinberg [J. Non-Cryst. Solids 1991, 134, 116]. The results of this model compare favorably to our experimental results. Our findings may inspire the community to reconsider the role of high concentration of surfactants in a multicomponent evaporation system.A small matrix decomposition of the path integral expression (SMatPI) that yields the reduced density matrix of a system interacting with a dissipative harmonic bath is obtained by recursively spreading the entangled influence functional terms over longer time intervals while simultaneously decreasing their magnitude until these terms become negligible. This allows summation over the path integral variables one by one through multiplication of small matrices with dimension equal to that of the bare system. The theoretical framework of the decomposition is described using a diagrammatic approach. Analytical and numerical calculations show that the necessary time length for the temporal entanglement to become negligible is practically the same as the bath-induced memory. The properties and structure of the propagator matrices are discussed, and applications to multistate systems are presented.Gold nanoclusters are attractive because of their electronic and optical properties. Many theoretical models have been proposed to explain their electronic structures through an electron-counting approach. However, subtle features may not be well explained by electron-counting rules. In this work, we have discovered a unique example of ligand-controlled skeletal bonding in two recently reported gold nanoclusters with very similar compositions and geometries. We have shown that the superatomic orbitals of the common kernel of the two clusters undergo different ligand-field splitting because of the different ligand-field strengths in the two clusters. Such a difference is clearly revealed by constructing the Jellium orbitals via an orbital alignment process, and a subsequent localization of the Jellium orbitals allows us to obtain localized bonding models. Finally, on the basis of localized bonding models, we predict the existence of a ligated gold cluster with a [Au32]4+ kernel.