Consensus on the definition of extant video signs of concussion have recently been proposed by representatives of international sporting codes for global consistency across professional leagues. To review the reliability of the proposed international consensus video signs of concussion in National Rugby League (NRL) head impact events (HIEs). The video signs of concussion were coded for every HIE during the 2019 NRL season. Coding was conducted blinded to the concussion status. Frequency, sensitivity, specificity, and a receiver operating characteristic curve were calculated. There were 943 HIEs identified over the 2019 NRL season, of which 106 resulted in a diagnosed concussion. The most frequently observed video sign in concussed athletes was blank/vacant look (54%), which was also the most sensitive video sign (0.54, CI 0.44-0.63), while the most specific was tonic posturing (0.99, CI 0.99-1.00). In 43.4% of diagnosed concussions none of the 6 video signs were present. The 6 video signs demonstrateentification of possible concussion events within various sports. The current study demonstrated that, for NRL-related HIEs, the diagnostic accuracy of video signs varies.Here we describe a new heterophyid species, Heterophyes yacyretana n. sp., and resolve its life cycle experimentally. We found the prosobranch snail Aylacostoma chloroticum in Candelaria, Province of Misiones, Argentina (a sector of the High Paraná River affected by the Yacyretá Dam), naturally infected with opisthorchioid cercariae. These cercariae lacked pigmented eyespots as well as body pigment and possessed 7 pairs of penetration glands arranged in 2 lateral bands, together with 18 pairs of flame cells and a V-shaped excretory vesicle. We exposed specimens of 21 fish species to emerging cercariae and obtained metacercariae from the muscles of the caudal peduncle of 3 species of siluriform fish, and adults from chicks infected with experimentally obtained metacercariae from the albino variety of the bronce corydoras, Corydoras aeneus. The new species differs from other species in the genus by the number of sclerites on the genital sac, the distribution of the vitelline follicles, and the combination of the size relationship of the suckers and the genital sac with respect to the posterior extent of intestinal ceca. Heterophyes yacyretana is the first species of the genus reported from the Americas.Salamanders of the tribe Bolitoglossini Hallowell are a highly diversified group of amphibians, and their helminth parasite fauna has been scarcely studied. Some species of plethodontid salamanders distributed along the Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt, in central Mexico, were sampled, and their helminth parasites were recovered for taxonomic identification. Specimens of a pharyngodonid nematode from 2 species of bolitoglossines of the genus Pseudoeurycea Taylor were morphologically identified as Batracholandros salamandrae (Schad, 1960) Petter and Quentin, 1976. These specimens were studied in further detail through light and scanning electron microscopy and were sequenced for 2 ribosomal genes and 1 mitochondrial gene to test the hypothesis of whether B. salamandrae is a species widely distributed in salamanders across the Nearctic biogeographic region, or if it represents a cryptic species complex. Our molecular results revealed that these specimens consisted of 2 genetic lineages in concordance with host species, although with slight morphological differences among specimens in each of them. A thorough study, including the generation of molecular data from individuals from other areas of North America, and the examination of type specimens, is required to test the reliability of these morphological differences and to corroborate the species identity of the 2 genetic lineages.none.Graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) pathophysiology is a complex interplay between cells that comprise the adaptive and innate arms of the immune system. Effective prophylactic strategies are therefore contingent upon approaches that address contributions from both immune cell compartments. In the current study, we examined the role of the type 2 cannabinoid receptor (CB2R), which is expressed on nearly all immune cells, and demonstrated that absence of the CB2R on donor CD4+ or CD8+ T cells or administration of a selective CB2R pharmacological antagonist exacerbated acute GVHD lethality. This was accompanied primarily by the expansion of proinflammatory CD8+ T cells, indicating that constitutive CB2R expression on T cells preferentially regulated CD8+ T-cell alloreactivity. Using a novel CB2ReGFP reporter mouse, we observed significant loss of CB2R expression on T cells, but not macrophages, during acute GVHD, indicative of differential alterations in receptor expression under inflammatory conditions. Therapeutic targeting of the CB2R with the agonists Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and JWH-133 revealed that only THC mitigated lethal T cell-mediated acute GVHD. Conversely, only JWH-133 was effective in a sclerodermatous chronic GVHD model where macrophages contributed to disease biology. In vitro, both THC and JWH-133 induced arrestin recruitment and extracellular regulated kinase phosphorylation via CB2R, but THC had no effect on CB2R-mediated inhibition of adenylyl cyclase. This study shows that the CB2R plays a critical role in the regulation of GVHD and suggests that effective therapeutic targeting is dependent upon agonist signaling characteristics and receptor selectivity in conjunction with the composition of pathogenic immune effector cells. Bilirubin is produced by the breakdown of hemoglobin and is normally catabolized and excreted. Neurotoxic accumulation of serum bilirubin often occurs in premature infants. The homozygous Gunn rat lacks uridine diphosphate glucuronosyltransferase 1A1 (UGT1A1), the enzyme needed to biotransform bilirubin. This rodent model of hyperbilirubinemia emulates many aspects of bilirubin toxicity observed in the human infant. We demonstrate that choline supplementation in early postnatal development is neuroprotective in the choline-restricted Gunn rat, when hyperbilirubinemia is induced on postnatal day 5. We first compared behaviors and cerebellar weight of pups born to dams consuming regular rat chow to those of dams consuming choline-restricted diets. Second, we measured behaviors and cerebellar weights of pups born to choline-restricted dams, reared on a choline-restricted diet, supplemented with or without choline, and treated with or without sulfadimethoxine (SDMX). A choline-restricted diet did not change the behavioral outcomes, but cerebellar weight was reduced in the choline-restricted group regardless of genotype or SDMX administration.