in English, German Zusammenfassung. Autismus-Spektrum-Störungen (ASS) sind Krankheitsbilder, die in der Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie und -psychotherapie regelhaft behandelt werden und für die in diesem Altersbereich auch viele therapeutische und integrative Angebote zur Verfügung stehen. Erwachsenen-Psychiaterinnen und -Psychiatern sind die Krankheitsbilder eher unbekannt, obwohl sie chronische Erkrankungen darstellen und in der Regel für die Betroffenen ein Unterstützungsbedarf über die Lebensspanne existiert. Insbesondere der Bereich der gelingenden Transition vom Kindes- in das Jugendalter (weiterführende Schulen) und vom Jugendalter in das Erwachsenenalter einschließlich Ausbildung und Beruf ist von zahlreichen Hürden geprägt, die der Artikel nach Beschreibung der Kernsymptomatik aufführt. Der Artikel schließt mit Vorschlägen zur Verbesserung der Versorgung.Musculoskeletal conditions are extremely common and represent a costly and growing problem in the United Kingdom. Understanding patterns of care and how they vary between individual patients and patient groups is necessary for effective and efficient disease management. In this article, we present a novel approach to understanding patterns of care for musculoskeletal patients in which trajectories are constructed from clinical and administrative data that are routinely collected by clinicians and healthcare professionals. Our approach is applied to routinely collected National Health Service data for musculoskeletal patients who were registered to a set of general practices in England and highlights both known and previously unreported variations in the prescribing of opioid analgesics by gender and presence of pre-existing depression. We conclude that the application of our approach to routinely collected National Health Service data can extend the dimensions over which patterns of care can be understood for musculoskeletal patients and for patients with other long-term conditions.Purpose Rho-associated kinase-inhibitor ripasudil 0.4% eye drops are reportedly effective for the reduction of intraocular pressure (IOP) in glaucoma patients. However, the previous studies investigated the efficacy of IOP reduction for only about 1 year. Here, we evaluated the safety and efficacy of long-term ripasudil instillation in Japanese open-angle glaucoma (OAG) patients. Methods This study involved 312 eyes of 312 Japanese OAG patients newly initiated with ripasudil treatment at Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine and Oike-Ikeda Eye Clinic, Kyoto, Japan. In all patients, adverse events leading to discontinuation of ripasudil treatment were investigated. Of the 312 patients, 129 patients able to continue ripasudil administration for over 12-months post-treatment initiation were enrolled to investigate the long-term efficacy. IOP data at 0-, 1-, 3-, 6-, 12-, 18-, and 24-months post initiation of continuous ripasudil use were obtained, and the IOP values at each time point were then compared. The first period (from 1-6 months) and second period (from 12-24 months) IOP data were also compared based on the mixed model. Results IOP at each time-point post-treatment initiation was significantly reduced compared with that at pre initiation (P  less then  0.05). Differences in IOP between the first and second periods of the study were not statistically significant (P = 0.058). Adverse events leading to discontinuation of treatment included blepharitis (15.7%) and conjunctival hyperemia (9.0%). Conclusions We found that in Japanese OAG patients, 24-month ripasudil eye drop instillation is both safe and effective for lowering IOP and that blepharitis is the primary adverse event for discontinuation of use.Dermatologists rely on skin biopsies to diagnose cutaneous tumors and rashes. Skin biopsy sites should be accurately identified with conventional anatomical site descriptors in the pathology request form. Reliance upon free-text entries to describe these biopsy sites is prone to user error and can cause medical misadventures such as wrong-site follow-up surgery. We sought to determine whether a smartphone application (RightSite) could improve the precision of biopsy site labeling. We conducted a prospective proof-of-concept study of 100 smartphone-assisted skin biopsy site identifiers with matched comparison to 100 historical controls. Student's t-test was used to identify significant differences in the precision of anatomic descriptors before and after adoption of the application. We found a 69% improvement in precision of anatomic site labeling with the RightSite smartphone application (P  less then  0.0001). These data show smartphone-assisted biopsy site labeling improves the precision of anatomic site descriptors. Integrating graphical user interfaces into the electronic health records system could improve health care by standardizing anatomic site nomenclature and site-specific descriptors.OBJECTIVES Brachycephalic obstructive airway syndrome (BOAS) is a common cause of upper airway obstruction in dogs, but is appreciated less commonly in cats. Of the components of BOAS, stenotic nares appear to play a major role in cats. However, the axial deviation of the alar wing, a common cause of nasal obstruction in dogs, is typically not present. We report a series of brachycephalic cats with a ventral nasal obstruction resulting from redundant skin along the floor of the nares. In these cats, surgical techniques developed for dogs were felt to be suboptimal. Our aim is to describe a novel surgical procedure designed specifically to surgically correct stenotic nares in cats with an obstructive fold of skin ventral to the nostril. METHODS Five brachycephalic cats presenting for clinical signs of stenotic nares underwent surgical repair. In each case, a resection of the skin fold followed by a bilateral single pedicle advancement flap technique was performed. Postoperative outcomes were obtained by contacting owners by telephone. RESULTS All cats had positive outcomes, resulting in immediate reduction of the nasal fold and opening of the nares. Owners noted resolution of stertor and no episodes of respiratory distress. No surgical complications were reported. CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCE In brachycephalic cats, the ventral skin fold may be a significant contributor to stenotic nares, unlike dogs. Resection of the skin fold, followed by bilateral single pedicle advancement flaps is a novel technique and appeared to be successful for treating stenotic nares in this series of brachycephalic cats.