The 2-year cumulative incidence rate of second primary head and neck cancers was 3.7%. Among them, 17 patients with 29 lesions were treated by transoral surgery. One patient with two synchronous lesions was treated by radiotherapy. Two lesions in two patients were not detected after biopsy. All patients were cured with preserved laryngeal function. Conclusions Surveillance by gastrointestinal endoscopy every 6 months and surveillance by an otolaryngologist every 12 months could detect second primary head and neck cancers at an early stage, thereby facilitating minimally invasive treatment.In the context of global pollinator decline, little is known about the protection status and ecology of many species. This lack of knowledge is particularly important for Mediterranean protected areas that harbor diverse pollinator communities and are subject to considerable anthropogenic pressures. Calanques National Park (85 km2), which is located near Marseille (France), is dominated by Mediterranean low-vegetation habitats, such as phrygana and scrublands. These habitats offer favorable conditions for pollinator species due to the important amount of floral resources. Within a 10-yr period, we recorded bee (Hymenoptera Apoidea Anthophila), hover fly (Diptera Syrphidae), and bee fly (Diptera Bombyliidae) species and their interactions with the local flora through 10 field campaigns. We caught 250 pollinator species, including 192 bees, 38 hover flies, and 20 bee flies, for a total of 2,770 specimens. We recorded seven threatened bees (six near threatened and one endangered). Among the bee species, 47.9% were below-ground nesting species, and 54.7% were generalist species. Analysis of the pollination network showed that generalist and specialist pollinators do not share the same floral resources. The Cistaceae plant family (Malvales Cistaceae) acted as a central node in the plant-pollinator network, interacting with 52 di