Distinct functions of NO in diverse interactions of host plants with fungal and oomycete pathogens of different lifestyles are highlighted, where NO in interplay with reactive oxygen species governs successful plant colonization, cell death, and establishment of resistance. Leicester was the first city in the UK to have 'local lockdown' measures imposed in response to high community rates of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) transmission. As part of this response, a directive was issued by NHS England to offer testing of asymptomatic healthcare workers (HCWs) at University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust (UHL) for SARS-CoV-2 infection. Between 20 July and 14 August 2020, we invited all HCWs at UHL to attend for SARS-CoV-2 testing by nucleic acid amplification (NAAT). https://www.selleckchem.com/products/zebularine.html We combined the result of this assay with demographic information from the electronic staff record. A total of 1150 staff (~8% of the workforce) volunteered. The median age was 46years (IQR 34-55), 972 (84.5%) were female; 234 (20.4%) were of South Asian and 58 (5.0%) of Black ethnicity; 564 (49.0%) were nurses/healthcare assistants. We found no cases of asymptomatic infection. In comparison, average community test positivity rate in Leicester city was 2.6%. Within the context of local lockdowns due to high community transmission rates, voluntary testing of asymptomatic staff has low uptake and low yield and thus its premise and cost-effectiveness should be re-considered. Within the context of local lockdowns due to high community transmission rates, voluntary testing of asymptomatic staff has low uptake and low yield and thus its premise and cost-effectiveness should be re-considered. Pathogenic germline MAX variants are associated with pheochromocytoma and paraganglioma (PPGL), pituitary neuroendocrine tumors and, possibly, other endocrine and nonendocrine tumors. To report 2 families with germline MAX variants, pheochromocytomas (PCs) and multiple other tumors. Clinical, genetic, immunohistochemical, and functional studies at University hospitals in Australia on 2 families with germline MAX variants undergoing usual clinical care. The main outcome measures were phenotyping; germline and tumor sequencing; immunohistochemistry of PC and other tumors; functional studies of MAX variants. Family A has multiple individuals with PC (including bilateral and metastatic disease) and 2 children (to date, without PC) with neuroendocrine tumors (paravertebral ganglioneuroma and abdominal neuroblastoma, respectively). One individual has acromegaly; immunohistochemistry of PC tissue showed positive growth hormone-releasing hormone staining. Another individual with previously resected PCs has pirs, and, possibly, parathyroid adenomas, as well as nonendocrine tumors of chondrosarcoma and lung adenocarcinoma, suggesting MAX is a novel multiple endocrine neoplasia gene.Sucrose metabolism is important for most plants, both as the main source of carbon and via signaling mechanisms that have been proposed for this molecule. A cleaving enzyme, invertase (INV) channels sucrose into sink metabolism. Although acid soluble and insoluble invertases have been largely investigated, studies on the role of neutral invertases (A/N-INV) have lagged behind. Here, we identified a tomato A/N-INV encoding gene (NI6) co-localizing with a previously reported quantitative trait locus (QTL) largely affecting primary carbon metabolism in tomato. Of the eight A/N-INV genes identified in the tomato genome, NI6 mRNA is present in all organs, but its expression was higher in sink tissues (mainly roots and fruits). A NI6-GFP fusion protein localized to the cytosol of mesophyll cells. Tomato NI6-silenced plants showed impaired growth phenotype, delayed flowering and a dramatic reduction in fruit set. Global gene expression and metabolite profile analyses of these plants revealed that NI6 is not only essential for sugar metabolism, but also plays a signaling role in stress adaptation. We also identified major hubs, whose expression patterns were greatly affected by NI6 silencing; these hubs were within the signaling cascade that coordinates carbohydrate metabolism with growth and development in tomato. Recent international sequencing efforts have allowed for the molecular taxonomy of lower-grade gliomas (LGG). We sought to analyze The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA, 2015) gene expression datasets on molecularly defined oligodendrogliomas (IDH-mutated and 1p/19q-codeleted) patients treated with adjuvant radiation or those observed to discover prognostic markers and pathways. mRNA expression and clinical information of patients with oligodendroglioma were taken from the TCGA "Brain Lower Grade Glioma" provisional dataset. Transcription factor network reconstruction and analysis were performed using the R packages "RTN" and "RTNsurvival." Elastic net regularization and survival modeling were performed using the "biospear," "plsRCox," "survival" packages. From our cohort of 137 patients, 65 received adjuvant radiation and 72 were observed. In the cohort that received adjuvant radiotherapy, a transcription factor activity signature, that correlated with hypoxia, was associated with shorter disease-free survivalo were more likely to progress on observation. This potentially identifies a cohort who would benefit from upfront adjuvant radiotherapy. Mexico is among the countries in Latin America hit hardest by COVID-19. A large proportion of older adults in Mexico have high prevalence of multimorbidity and live in poverty with limited access to health care services. These statistics are even higher among adults living in rural areas, which suggests that older adults in rural communities may be more susceptible to COVID-19. The objectives of the article were to compare clinical and demographic characteristics for people diagnosed with COVID-19 by age group, and to describe cases and mortality in rural and urban communities. We linked publicly available from the Mexican Ministry of Health and the Census. Municipalities were classified based on population as rural (<2500), semi-rural (≥ 2,500 and <15,000), semi-urban (≥15,000 and <100,000) and urban (≥100,000). Zero-inflated negative binomial models were performed to calculate the total number of COVID-19 cases, and deaths per 1,000,000 persons using the population of each municipality as a denominator.