It was found a negative correlation between auditory perception performance with jitter, vF0 and general degree of vowel /a/. The vocal quality in GI was similar to their hearing peers in almost all the vocal parameters that were analyzed. The auditory perception influenced jitter, vF0 and general degree of voice parameters, in which hearing-impaired children and adolescents who presented higher scores for auditory perception were also able to keep a more controlled vocal emission. The vocal quality in GI was similar to their hearing peers in almost all the vocal parameters that were analyzed. The auditory perception influenced jitter, vF0 and general degree of voice parameters, in which hearing-impaired children and adolescents who presented higher scores for auditory perception were also able to keep a more controlled vocal emission. To compare spatial patterns of congenital syphilis (CS) with those of socioeconomic and medical variables in Paraíba Valley, São Paulo, between 2012 and 2016. Ecological and exploratory study developed using spatial analysis tools, with information on CS cases obtained from official data reports. Rates were found for CS cases per 1,000 live births, number of family health teams and pediatricians available in the health system per 100,000 inhabitants, and social vulnerability index values. Thematic maps were constructed with these variables and compared using TerraView 4.2.2 software. Estimated global Moran (IM) indexes were calculated. In order to detect areas with priority attention regarding the incidence of CS, BoxMaps were developed. The Spearman correlation was estimated for the variable values and compared using the Kruskal-Wallis test. P <0.05 was significant. 144,613 births and 870 CS cases (6.04/1000 live births) occurred during the study period. The average value of CS rates per municipality was 4.0±4.1, (0.0-17.6/1000 live births). Higher CS rates occurred in municipalities