OBJECTIVES Herpes zoster (HZ) infection has been associated with disease burdens such as infection and depression. However, the relationship between chronic interstitial cystitis (CIC) and HZ is unknown. This study investigated HZ risk in patients with CIC. PATIENTS AND METHODS The Longitudinal Health Insurance Database, which is a subset of the Taiwan National Health Insurance Research Database, was used in the study. The case cohort consisted of patients with newly diagnosed CIC between 2000 and 2012. Each patient with CIC was matched to four controls by age and index year. All participants were traced from the index date to HZ diagnosis, and loss to follow-up or death, or to the end of the study (31 December 2013). RESULTS A total of 1096 patients with CIC and 4384 controls were enrolled. The incidence rate of HZ in patients with CIC was 10.8 per 1000 person-years, whereas that for controls was 7.25 per 1000 person-years. HZ risk for the case cohort was 1.48 times that for the control cohort. Among participants aged ≤49 years, patients with CIC had a 1.91-fold-increased HZ risk compared to those without CIC. CONCLUSION Patients with CIC had a higher risk of HZ than those without CIC. CIC should not be ignored, particularly in young adults.Co-creation of new knowledge has the potential to speed up the discovery and application of new knowledge into practice. However, the progress of co-creation is hindered by a lack of definitional clarity and inconsistent use of terminology. The aim of this paper is to propose a new standardised definition of co-creation of new knowledge for health interventions based on the existing co-creation literature. The authors completed a systematic search of electronic databases and Google Scholar using 10 of the most frequently used co-creation-related keywords to identify relevant studies. Qualitative content analysis was performed, and two reviewers independently tested the categorisation of papers. Of the 6571 papers retrieved, 42 papers met the inclusion criteria. Examination of the current literature on co-creation demonstrated how the variability of co-creation-related terms can be reduced to four collaborative processes co-ideation, co-design, co-implementation and co-evaluation. Based on these four processes, a new definition of co-creation of new knowledge for health interventions is proposed. The analysis revealed the need to address the conceptual ambiguity of the definition of "co-creation of new knowledge". The proposed new definition may help to resolve the current definitional issues relating to co-creation, allowing researchers and policymakers to progress the development of co-creation of new knowledge in research and practice.Bacopa monnieri has been used as a reputed drug in the Indian traditional ayurvedic system for centuries. This medicinal herb with important phytopharmaceuticals has been popularly known as "Brahmi". In recent years, B. monnieri has been extensively studied for its bioactive constituents, constituents responsible for memory enhancing effect, and also its diverse other useful effects. It possesses many pharmacological activities such as antioxidant, gastrointestinal, endocrine, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory etc. The plant has been also used for the treatment of neurological and neuropsychiatric diseases. Due to its multipurpose therapeutic potential, micropropagation using axillary meristems and de novo organogenesis has been extensively studied in the species and is being reviewed. High frequency direct shoot organogenesis can be induced in excised leaf and internode explants in the absence of exogenous phytohormones and the rate of induction is enhanced in the presence of exogenous cytokinins, supplements, growth regulators, etc. Using explants from tissue culture raised plants, direct shoot regeneration leading to production of more than 100 rooted plants/explant within 8-12 weeks period with 85%-100% survival in the field after acclimatization can be expected following optimized protocols. Bioreactor based micropropagation was found to increase the multiplication rate of shoot cultures for the commercial propagation of B. monnieri plants. The maximum content of bacosides has been recorded in shoot biomass using an airlift bioreactor system. Further studies for the biosynthesis of bacosides and other secondary metabolites need to be conducted in the species utilizing untransformed shoot cultures in bioreactors.Planar and rigid conventional electronics are intrinsically incompatible with curvilinear and deformable devices. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/Carboplatin.html The recent development of organic and inorganic flexible and stretchable electronics enables the production of various applications, such as soft robots, flexible displays, wearable electronics, electronic skins, bendable phones, and implantable medical devices. To power these devices, persistent efforts have thus been expended to develop a flexible energy storage system that can be ideally deformed while maintaining its electrochemical performance. In this review, the enabling technologies of the electrochemical and mechanical performances of flexible devices are summarized. The investigations demonstrate the improvement of electrochemical performance via the adoption of new materials and alternative reactions. Moreover, the strategies used to develop novel materials and distinct design configurations are introduced in the following sections.Advancements in nanotechnology have facilitated the increased use of ZnO nanostructures. In particular, hierarchical and core-shell nanostructures, providing a graded refractive index change, have recently been applied to enhance the photon extraction efficiency of photonic emitters. In this study, we demonstrate self-aligned hierarchical ZnO nanorod (ZNR)/NiO nanosheet arrays on a conventional photonic emitter (C-emitter) with a wavelength of 430 nm. These hierarchical nanostructures were synthesized through a two-step hydrothermal process at low temperature, and their optical output power was approximately 17% higher than that of ZNR arrays on a C-emitter and two times higher than that of a C-emitter. These results are due to the graded index change in refractive index from the GaN layer inside the device toward the outside as well as decreases in the total internal reflection and Fresnel reflection of the photonic emitter.