Finally, we integrate imaging studies with cortical gene expression findings to further our understanding of the underlying neurobiology of the developmental changes, bridging the gap between ex vivo histological- and in vivo MRI studies. There has not been an assessment of the Holman Research Pathway (HRP) in radiation oncology (RO) in nearly 10 years. In this study, we sought to review the demographic characteristics, research productivity during and after residency, job placements, and National Institutes of Health (NIH) grant funding of RO residents who completed the HRP in the modern era. We created a comprehensive database of RO residents who completed the HRP between 2010 and 2019. Using a variety of data sources, we obtained demographic information, first-author manuscripts published in residency, and first- and last-author manuscripts published in the first 30 months after residency for each resident. In addition, we identified the first and current job and NIH grant funding for each resident. Ninety-seven RO residents who graduated from 50 medical schools and 25 residency programs were included. The majority were male (82.5%), had a PhD (92.8%), and identified as white (64.9%). Collectively, these residents published 212 first-7 HRP residents (34.0%) have thus far received 47 extramural NIH research grants, 15 of which were R-01 grants. Over the past decade, the HRP has proven successful in training a new cohort of physician investigators in RO. Although productive, HRP residents have had relatively homogenous sex, educational, and racial backgrounds. Ensuring sufficient representation of residents from a variety of backgrounds in the HRP in the future will be crucial. Over the past decade, the HRP has proven successful in training a new cohort of physician investigators in RO. Although productive, HRP residents have had relatively homogenous sex, educational, and racial backgrounds. Ensuring sufficient representation of residents from a variety of backgrounds in the HRP in the future will be crucial.Definitive, nonsurgical management of gynecologic malignancies involves external beam radiation therapy (EBRT) and/or brachytherapy (BT). Summation of the cumulative dose is critical to assess the total biologic effective dose to targets and organs at risk. Cumulative dose calculation from EBRT and BT can be performed with or without image registration (IR) and biologic dose summation. Among these dose summation strategies, linear addition of dose-volume histogram (DVH) parameters without IR is the global standard for composite dose reporting. This approach stems from an era without image guidance and simple external beam and brachytherapy treatment approaches. With technological advances, EBRT and high-dose-rate BT have evolved to allow for volume-based treatment planning and delivery. Modern conformal therapeutic radiation involves volumetric or intensity modulated EBRT, capable of simultaneously treating multiple targets at different specified dose levels. Therefore, given the complexity of modern radiatiommation using 3-dimensional rigid IR and DIR, and biologic dose summation. We also provide general clinical workflows for IGBT with a focus on cervical cancer. To provide a comprehensiveanalysis of radiation oncology (RO) fellowship growth from 2010 to 2020. A collated database of RO fellowship programs and matriculants was created using (1) RO residency program (n=92) and graduate (n=2082) web searches, (2) prospective American Society for Radiation Oncology (ASTRO) Career Center postings database, (3) Association of Residents in Radiation Oncology Fellowship Directory, (4) RO fellowship survey data, (5) ASTRO Membership Directory, and (6) direct e-mail contact with fellowship program directors. Linear regression was used to assess the statistical significance of RO fellowship program, position, and matriculant growth over time. From 2010 to 2020, the number of RO fellowship programs and annual positions significantly increased from 20 to 37 (1.60 increase per year; 95% confidence interval, 1.32-1.89; P < .001) and 20 to 39 (1.81 increase per year; 95% confidence interval, 1.52-2.10; P < .001), respectively. The most commonly offered fellowship discipliively. Twenty-eight (29.8%), 13 (13.8%), 25 (26.6%), and 27 (28.7%) trained in the Northeast, Midwest, South, and West, respectively. There has been significant growth in unaccredited RO fellowship programs and annual positions during the past decade, although the number of matriculants has remained stable. We report for the first time the recent establishment of fellowships at institutions without an Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education-accredited RO residency program. The impact of fellowship programs on the training of RO residents should be studied. There has been significant growth in unaccredited RO fellowship programs and annual positions during the past decade, although the number of matriculants has remained stable. We report for the first time the recent establishment of fellowships at institutions without an Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education-accredited RO residency program. The impact of fellowship programs on the training of RO residents should be studied. COVID-19 created unprecedented demand for palliative care at a time when in-person communication was highly restricted, straining efforts to care for patients and families. To qualitatively explore the challenges presented by the COVID-19 pandemic from the perspective of palliative care clinicians. Specifically we sought to 1) Describe the strategies adopted by palliative care clinicians to cope with new challenges including patient and clinician isolation, prognostication of an emergent disease, and rapidly rising numbers of severely ill patients; 2) Identify additions or adjustments to in-person and system-related palliative care training, methods, and tools made during pandemics. This descriptive qualitative study utilized a thematic approach for data analysis of individual, semi-structured interviews with palliative care clinicians (n=25). Codes, categories, and emerging themes were identified through an iterative, comparative method. Methods align with the Consolidated Criteria for Reporting Qualitative Research (COREQ) RESULTS A theme of "Expanding the reach of palliative care for today and the future" was identified with three subthemes 1) Redefining attitudes and hardship due to collective uncertainty, 2) Breaking with the past towards integrated concept of palliative care, and 3) Building capacity through primary palliative care training.