Modifying or changing immunosuppression protocols is controversial and not based on clinical studies. Nevertheless, we should reassess the need for induction therapy across the board for ordinary patients and the more liberal use of mammalian target of rapamycin inhibitors in transplant patients with proven infection.Food waste (FW) is more harmful than previously imagined. A large amount of Vietnam's FW ends up in landfills, only 20 % of which are sanitary. This causes significant environmental problems such as greenhouse gas emissions, high carbon footprint, leachate, and landfill-related conflicts. The FW from Vietnam's urban areas is 0.29 kg⸳p-1⸳d-1, accounting for 31.7 % of total waste. 38.81 % of families discharge FW which, along with municipal waste, corresponds to 4,429.21 ton⸳d-1 for the entire country. For FW collection, under transportation and treatment heads, 80,416.95 $⸳d-1 and 74,605.57 $⸳d-1 were spent, respectively. An analysis of Vietnam's national strategy for the integrated management of solid waste indicates that the amount of attention and concern currently given to FW issues is not adequate to address them. To resolve FW issues, Vietnam needs to be more proactive regarding solutions and efforts, in addition to implementing strict regulations. These include the setting of national goals under the priority of national strategy, strict regulations, stakeholder engagement, FW recycling to animal feed, biorefinery, and awareness-raising campaigns.Depleting fuel resources is a global concern worldwide due to the unstable and cost of fuel resources. Increased transportation has gradually depleted the fossil-based fuel resources leading to find a cost-effective, readily available, and renewable source. Considering these issues, various private and government organizations have focussed on producing bio-based fuels from natural sources. In this scenario, algae are a potential emerging source of feedstock or biomass for biobutanol production, which can effectively replace fossil fuels and their environmental drawbacks. The present study focussed on evaluating the potential of freshwater microalga Chlorococcum humicola isolated from temple pond as feedstock for biobutanol production using Clostridium acetobutylicum. The results indicated that C. humicola produced 846.33 μgmg-1of starch under full strength Chu10 medium. While under sulphur and phosphorus limitation, the accumulation of starch was 947.33 μg mg-1 and 766.67 μgmg-1, respectively. Also, C. humicola was exposed to different concentrations of 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D). At 10μgml-1 of 2,4-D, the highest starch concentration of 989μgmg-1was achieved in C. humicola. Finally, starch in C. humicola were hydrolysed and ABE fermentation was performed using C. acetobutylicum under anaerobic condition in a 5 L automated fermenter. After 72 h of fermentation, the fermented broth is analyed in Gas Chromatography showing the fermented product containing Acetone Butanol Ethanol. The present study is the first report on the production of biobutanol from C. humicola isolated from Temple pond. This study emphasizes the importance of local isolates of microalgae as a third-generation substrate to produce butanol to replace fossil-based fuels.Biofilms are multi-species bacterial communities with complex structures that create antibiotic resistance, cause life-threatening infections, thereby considerable economic loss; needed new approaches. Medicinal plants are focused as new alternatives for their therapeutic and antimicrobial effects. Our present study, Azadirachta indica, Moringa oleifera, Murraya koenigii, and Psidium guajava extracts were investigated against MRSA. The preliminary antimicrobial study showed pet. ether extract of A. indica and ethanolic extract of P. guajava showed a MIC value of 125 μg/mL and MBC value of 500 μg/mL. These extracts showed biofilm inhibition in the range of 60.0-83.9 % and did not possess any hemolytic activity to the human erythrocytes. The plant species investigated in this study had different degrees of antibiofilm activity against MRSA. However, we suggest that A. indica and P. guajava are promising candidates and further investigation is needed to isolate the antimicrobial compounds for the management of MRSA and its mechanism of activity.The presented article provides an empirical method on rock slope classification, slope mass rating (SMR), Qslope, stability condition, failure type and stabilisation procedures for 35 road/railway discontinuous rock slopes after field surveys in Isfahan Province of Iran. Also, it presents the empirical correlation for SMR and Qslope classification system that prepares a link between the stability status (safety factor, reliability condition) and stabilisations (failure mechanism, support system) which performed on natural/trench slopes cases related sedimentary rocks cuts in the studied region. As results, the SMR-Qslope equation for Isfahan Province obtained as SMR = 11.89 ln(Qslope) + 71.92 (R2 = 0.756). • This method can be useful on a stability assessment and providing appropriate stabilisations for the discontinuous rock slope based on simple assumptions where used in different geotechnical projects such as road/railway slope, excavations, open-pit mining, trench boring, etc. • This method can be useful for quick calculation of stability conditions and suggestion of slope maintenance system in a short time as preliminary reactions. • This method can be used as an effective way to convert SMR and Qslope equations and used both benefits in geo-engineering application faced with discontinuous rock masses. • This method can be useful for future research on the empirical geomechanically classification and rock mass preliminary quantifications. • This method can be used as an appropriate database for SMR and Qslope classification.Seafood plays a central role in global food and nutrition security. However, there is a lack of data on the concentration of nutrients and contaminants in fish and other seafood, especially in low- and middle-income countries. In order to assess the potential risks and benefits associated with seafood intake, reliable and up-to-date food composition data is crucial. The quality of food composition data is affected by several factors, such as sampling protocols and the suitability and quality of the methods applied for sample preparation and analysis. In this paper, we describe the sampling methodology and protocols related to the sampling of fish and other seafood and the corresponding analytical methods used to analyse the nutrient and contaminant content of such species. For nutrients, the determination of protein, fat, ash, energy, fatty acids, cholesterol, and amino acids is described, in addition to analyses for determination of the vitamin and mineral content in fish and other seafood. For contaminants, analyses for the determination of organic pollutants and microplastics are described.