29 dB at 10.48 GHz with a thickness of 2.6 mm when the contents of RGO and MWCNT were 6.3 and 1.3 wt %, respectively. The RL values (≤-10 dB) were observed to be in the range of 8.96-12.32 GHz, and the effective microwave absorption bandwidth was tunable from 3.52 to 18 GHz by changing the sample thickness. The results revealed that the multi-interfacial and porous structure of the GMFs is beneficial to MA performance by inducing multiscatterings. Since no toxic solvents were used, this method is environmentally friendly and has potential for large-scale production. The prepared GMFs may have a wide range of applications in MA materials against electromagnetic interference pollution. Copyright © 2020 American Chemical Society.Many methods have been used to detect heavy metals in herbal medicines, while few are developed to remove them. In this study, a novel genetically engineered fusion protein composed of metallothionein (MT), cellulose binding module (CBM), and superfolder GFP (sfGFP) was designed to remove heavy metals. MT, a kind of cysteine-rich protein, was used to chelate heavy metals with high specific affinity. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/ki696.html The CBM facilitated the fusion protein MT-CBM-sfGFP binding to cellulose specifically, which made the purification and immobilization in one step. The sfGFP was used to detect the fusion protein MT-CBM-sfGFP easily during the process of expression and immobilization. The MT from Cancer pagurus (MTCap) and the CBM from Cellulomonas fimi (CBMCef) were used as an example and the fusion protein (MTCap-CBMCef-sfGFP) was expressed in Escherichia coli. Then, the cell lysates were mechanically mixed with cellulose to create biosorbent MTCap-CBMCef-sfGFP@cellulose. The efficiency of the biosorbent MTCap-CBMCef-sfGFP@cellulose for Pb2+ removal was evaluated using the water decoction of Honeysuckle as a model. Results suggested that MTCap-CBMCef-sfGFP@cellulose had high efficiency for Pb2+ removal from the water decoction of Honeysuckle without affecting its active ingredients. The low-cost, easy production, and high efficiency of the biosorbent enable it to have many applications in heavy metal removal from aqueous solutions of herbal medicines and food. Copyright © 2020 American Chemical Society.We report on the design, fabrication, and characterization of an all-dielectric one-dimensional (1D) resonant device formed by a silicon nitride grating impregnated by a low-index magneto-optical silica-type matrix. This impregnation is realized through the dipping of the 966 nm periodic template in a sol-gel solution previously doped with CoFe2O4 nanoparticles, and able to fill the grating slits. By a proper adjustment of the geometrical parameters of such a photonic crystal membrane, simultaneous excitation of transverse electric (TE) and transverse magnetic (TM) polarization resonances is nearly achieved at 1570 nm. This TE/TM phase-matching situation leads to a fivefold enhancement of the Faraday effect in the resonance area with an increased merit factor of 0.32°. Moreover, the device demonstrates its ability to enhance longitudinal and transverse Kerr effects for the other directions of the applied magnetic field. Taking benefits from the ability of the nanocomposite material to be processed on photonic platforms, and despite its quite low magneto-optical activity compared to classical magnetic materials, this work proves that an all-dielectric 1D device can produce a high magneto-optical sensitivity to every magnetic field directions. Copyright © 2020 American Chemical Society.Biomass wastes are abundant and common in our daily life, and they are cost-effective, promising, and renewable. Herein, collected willow catkins were used to prepare a hydrophilic biochar composite membrane, which was placed in a tree-like evaporation configuration to simulate a natural transpiration process. The strong light absorption (∼96%) of the biochar layer could harvest light and convert it into thermal energy, which then is used to heat the surrounding water pumped by a porous water channel via capillary action. A hydrophilic light-absorber layer remarkably increased the attachment sites of water molecules, thereby maximizing the use of thermal energy. At the same time, hierarchically porous structure and large specific surface area (∼1380 m2 g-1) supplied more available channels for rapid water vapor diffusion. The as-prepared composite membrane with a low-cost advantage realized a high evaporation rate (1.65 kg m-2 h-1) only under 1 sun illumination (1 kW m-2), which was improved by roughly 27% in comparison with the unmodified hydrophobic composite membrane. The tree-like evaporation configuration with excellent heat localization resulted in the evaporator achieving a high solar-to-vapor conversion efficiency of ∼90.5%. Besides, the composite membrane could remove 99.9% sodium ions from actual seawater and 99.5% heavy metal ions from simulated wastewater, and the long-term stable evaporation performance proved its potential in actual solar desalination. This work not only fabricated an efficient evaporator but also provided a strategy for reusing various natural wastes for water purification. Copyright © 2020 American Chemical Society.How to effectively remove toxic dyes from the industrial wastewater using a green low-cost lignocellulose-based adsorbent, such as lignin, has become a topic of great interest but remains quite challenging. In this study, cosolvent-enhanced lignocellulosic fractionation (CELF) pretreatment and Mannich reaction were combined to generate an aminated CELF lignin which is subsequently applied for removal of methylene blue and direct blue (DB) 1 dye from aqueous solution. 31P NMR was used to track the degree of amination, and an orthogonal design was applied to determine the relationship between the extent of amination and reaction parameters. The physicochemical, morphological, and thermal properties of the aminated CELF lignin were characterized to confirm the successful grafting of diethylenetriamine onto the lignin. The aminated CELF lignin proved to be an effective azo dye-adsorbent, demonstrating considerably enhanced dye decolorization, especially toward DB 1 dye (>90%). It had a maximum adsorption capacity of DB 1 dye of 502.