The presently reported technique may be applied to the study of various nerve injury models in rats specifically, to evaluate the degree of nerve dysfunction and recovery in spinal cord injury, cerebral infarction, and brain contusion models.The bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BNST) plays an emerging role in pain regulation. Pharmacological studies have found that inhibiting corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) signaling in the BNST can selectively mitigate the sensory and affective-motivational components of pain. However, mechanistic insight on the source of CRF that drives BNST responses to these harmful experiences remains unknown. In the present study, we used a series of genetic approaches to show that CRF in the BNST is engaged in the processing and modulation of pain. We conducted cell-type specific in vivo calcium imaging in CRF-Cre mice and found robust and synchronized recruitment of BNSTCRF neurons during acute exposures to noxious heat. Distinct patterns of recruitment were observed by sex, as the magnitude and timing of heat responsive activity in BNSTCRF neurons differed for male and female mice. We then used a viral approach in Floxed-CRF mice to selectively reduce CRF expression in the BNST and found it decreased nociceptive sensitivity for both sexes and increased paw attending for females. Together, these findings reveal that CRF in the BNST influences multiple facets of the pain experience to impact the sex-specific expression of pain-related behaviors.Peptidomics allows the identification of peptides that are derived from proteins. Urinary peptidomics has revolutionized the field of diagnostics as the samples represent complete systemic changes happening in the body. Moreover, it can be collected in a non-invasive manner. We profiled the peptides in urine collected from different physiological states (heifer, pregnancy, and lactation) of Sahiwal cows. Endogenous peptides were extracted from