The selected features from each model are pooled and their statistical significance is determined. The selected statistically significant features are used as the final output of the approach, whose final coefficients are estimated using appropriate statistical techniques. The performance of HDSI is evaluated using both simulated data and real studies. In general, HDSI outperforms the commonly used algorithms such as LASSO, subset selection, adaptive LASSO, random LASSO and group LASSO. Several studies have reported that birth by caesarean section is associated with increased risk of lower respiratory tract infections in the child, but it is unclear whether this applies to any caesarean section or specifically to planned caesareans. Furthermore, although infections of the upper respiratory tract are very common during childhood, there is a scarcity of studies examining whether caesarean is also a risk factor for this site of infection. We obtained data from two UK cohorts the Millennium Cohort Study (MCS) and linked administrative datasets of the population of Wales through the Secure Anonymised Information Linkage (SAIL) databank. The study focused on term-born singleton infants and included 15,580 infants born 2000-2002 (MCS) and 392,145 infants born 2002-2016 (SAIL). We used information about mode of birth (vaginal delivery, assisted vaginal delivery, planned caesarean and emergency caesarean) from maternal report in the MCS and from hospital birth records in SAIL. Unplanned hospital ally. Infants born by any type of caesarean may also be at a small increased risk of severe URTIs. The estimated effect sizes are stronger if including the indirect effect arising from planning the caesarean birth for an earlier gestation than would have occurred spontaneously. Further studies are needed to confirm these results.Pharmaceutical care (PC) practice is still limited in the United Arab Emirates. It is crucial to