The intestinal autophagy and barrier function are crucial for maintaining the epithelium homeostasis and tightly regulated through well-controlled mechanisms. RNA-binding proteins (RBPs) and long noncoding RNAs (lncRNAs) modulate gene expression at the posttranscription level and are intimately involved in different physiological processes and diverse human diseases. In this review, we first highlight the roles of several RBPs and lncRNAs in the regulation of intestinal epithelial autophagy and barrier function, particularly focusing on the emerging evidence of RBPs and lncRNAs in the control of mRNA stability and translation. We additionally discuss recent findings that the interactions between RBPs and lncRNAs alter the fate of their target transcripts and thus influence gut epithelium host defense in response to stressful environments. These exciting advances in understanding the posttranscriptional control of the epithelial autophagy and barrier function by RBPs and lncRNAs provide a strong rationale for developing new effective therapeutics based on targeting RBPs and/or lncRNAs to preserve the intestinal epithelial integrity in patients with critical illnesses.In this study, polylactic acid (PLA)/titanium dioxide/lycopene (PLA/TiO2/Lyc) nano-composite film was prepared. The morphology and mechanical properties of the film were studied by SEM and texture analyser. Results showed that lycopene and TiO2 nanoparticles were distributed in the film matrix uniformly, TiO2 and lycopene increased the mechanical properties of PLA film. The PLA/TiO2/Lyc film was used to package margarine. The effect of PLA/TiO2/Lyc film, time and temperature of storage on the qualitative features of margarine were studied. Also the colour properties of PLA/TiO2/Lyc film were studied during storage period. Oxidative features (antioxidant activity, acidity number, peroxide value and thiobarbituric acid value) of margarine showed that the quality features of margarine decreased during storage, but the PLA/TiO2/Lyc film controled the oxidative factors and increased the margarine shelf life significantly (P less then .05). Results also showed that the PLA/TiO2/Lyc film colour changed from red to light yellow during storage. With increasing margarine storage time, the film colour index a decreased (red colour diminished) while b increased (yellow colour increased). There were good relations between colour changes of film and oxidative parameters of margarine and storage time and storage temperature. Thus PLA/TiO2/Lyc film can be used as a visual indicator of the oxidation variations during storage of packaged margarine.Background The coronavirus disease-2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has disrupted life around the globe and has the potential to seriously impact alcohol consumption for individuals experiencing social isolation and pandemic-related stress. Evidence from prior epidemics suggests increased alcohol consumption during quarantine and times of high stress are associated with a greater chance of developing an alcohol use disorder (AUD). This study examines alcohol sales data to ascertain how individuals are interacting with alcohol during the pandemic.Materials and method Monthly off premises alcohol sales data for select US alcoholic beverage control states were used to construct monthly sales patterns from 2015 to 2020. An independent samples t-test was used to determine if COVID-19 era alcohol sales were higher than those that occurred from 2015 to 2019.Results Alcohol sales from March to August 2020 were significantly higher than sales from the same span of months from 2015 to 2019 (t=-2.47, p less then .05). The associated monthly percentage increase in sales ranged from 14 to 44% with the overall trend indicating a move toward pre-pandemic sales totals.Conclusion As COVID-19 continues to disrupt typical ways of being across the globe, the implications of increased sales of alcohol should not be overlooked. Taken together, the evidence on increased use during isolation and later AUD diagnosis coupled with the ABC state sales figures here, point to a potential increase in the development of AUD and an increase in alcohol-related harms.The port of Veracruz is one of the most important ports in Mexico and is currently in the process of a major expansion. The new port area, "Bahía Norte", will be three times larger than the current port, "Bahía Sur". Atmospheric emissions from the Veracruz port system, specifically from the engines of ships undergoing maneuvering and hotelling operations, were determined on a daily basis from 2018 to 2019 for sulfur dioxide (SO2), nitrogen oxides (NOx), carbon monoxide (CO), non-methane volatile organic compounds (NMVOC), particles (PM), particles smaller than 10 micrometers (PM10), particles smaller than 2.5 micrometers (PM2.5) and carbon dioxide (CO2). A bottom-up method was used to estimate the atmospheric emissions, based on official data from the European Environment Agency. The method utilizes on technical information on the type of ship, the power of the main engine (ME) and auxiliary engine (AE), load factor, specific fuel consumption, and spent time in the maneuvering and hotelling phases. The highesblished by the Official Mexican Standards in order to propose prevention, minimization and control measures. In addition, the analysis of the information that was carried out in this study may be applied to other port systems in Mexico that are located on the Pacific coast and the Gulf-Caribbean.Exosomes are membrane-based extracellular vesicles naturally released by the cells. Nano size range of exosomes and unique properties such as stability, biocompatibility and low immunogenicity are key parameters, which make them suitable as nanoparticulate drug delivery system and also considered as promising delivery carriers for future clinical use. This review outlines the composition, biogenesis, isolation and characterisation methods along with biological and clinical applications of exosomes. Further, the biopharmaceutical features of exosomes include loading method, modified exosomes and potential use of exosomes for different diseases are well explained with the current case studies. We well elaborate the future directions for clinical use of exosomes as drug delivery platforms.