Machine learning-based ultrasomics performs as well as the staff radiologist in predicting the differential diagnosis of FNH and aHCC. Incorporating an ultrasomics signature into the radiologist's score improves the diagnostic performance in differentiating FNH and aHCC. Machine learning-based ultrasomics performs as well as the staff radiologist in predicting the differential diagnosis of FNH and aHCC. Incorporating an ultrasomics signature into the radiologist's score improves the diagnostic performance in differentiating FNH and aHCC.Covid-19 due to Sars-Cov-2 infection has reached pandemic proportion. Many healthcare workers are involved in managing both COVID-suspected and confirmed cases. It is mandatory for healthcare workers to have droplet and contact precautions by means of Personal protective equipment (PPE), facemask, face shield or eye protection. Prolonged usage of medical mask results in various adverse effects. This study is an attempt to know the common effects of prolonged face mask in healthcare workers and its resultant quality-of-life (QOL). To study the common effects of prolonged face mask and its impact on QOL of healthcare workers during the COVID 19 crisis. This was a prospective cross-sectional study conducted over 6 months among 2750 healthcare workers. A questionnaire requesting demographic details and most common side effects after prolonged usage of face mask was circulated. We also attached a short form-12 (sf-12) questionnaire to assess its impact on QOL. Out of 2750 personnel, 299 were excluded. Male preponderance was noted. Study was conducted on candidates using 3ply mask or above. Age range was between 18 and 65 years with mean age being 37.61 ± 15.23 in mask users  less then  5 h per day, 32.2 ± 10.02 in 5-10 h group and 30.19 ± 8.15 in 10 h group. 8.48% (n = 174) had comorbidities. QOL impacted. The complaints with face mask use definitely are troublesome with increase in severity with duration of mask usage. This definitely has a proportional impact on the healthcare workers' QOL.Myelolipoma of the kidney is a very rare benign disease which is composed of mature adipose tissue admixed with mature hematopoietic elements in varying proportions. The most common location of myelolipoma is in the adrenal glands, but extra-adrenal myelolipomas in other locations such as the retroperitoneum, presacral region, pelvis, and mediastinum has also been reported. In this case report, we present a case of huge extra-adrenal myelolipoma in renal parenchyma which is rare site for its origin. We report a case of extra-adrenal myelolipoma occurring in the left kidney of a 46-year-old Indian man. We describe the radiological and clinicopathologic features of this unusual tumor with a review of the literature. This case is noteworthy because the tumor was very enlarged and its site was unusual. It is generally impossible to distinguish extra-adrenal myelolipoma from other retroperitoneal tumors by radiological imaging given the rarity of tumor more cases need to be reported to elucidate its biological behavior.The term cholesteatoma refers to "chole" cholesterol, "steat" fat and "oma," "tumor". This tumor has been reported to be the most common in the middle ear. The occurrence of such a tumor in the maxillary sinus is deemed to be very rare and hardly 4 cases were reported in India and 26 cases described worldwide. This case report intends to discuss the uniqueness and indolent nature of this lesion in terms of histopathology and radiography.Mycoses fungoides is a common cutaneous T cell lymphoma. Tumor and ulcerative stages are advanced lymphoma. We report a case of mycosis fungoides that presented with ulcerated plaques and nodules over the body and infraorbital region, he was being treated as leprosy without improvement of the lesions. Diagnosis was established with clinical presentation and histopathology of the lesion.Churg-Strauss syndrome (CCS) or eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis is a rare condition, which is a challenge for both diagnosis and treatment in clinical work. Occurrences of cardiac complications represent a negative predictor of treatment outcome for these patients. The aim of this article is to present the diagnostic and therapeutic modality of a 33-year-old male diagnosed with? CCS. Treatment of these patients should be multidisciplinary, with a comprehensive therapeutic modality, while early diagnosis is imperative.We present a rare case of simultaneous occurrence of pleomorphic adenoma of the left parotid gland and squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) of left buccal mucosa in a 59-year-old patient. The synchronous occurrence of these two entities has not been reported in the literature. A PubMed database search did not yield any results for search words involving "Oral Cancer," "Synchronous Oral Cancer and Pleomorphic Adenoma of Parotid gland" and "Oral SCC and Pleomorphic Adenoma of Parotid gland." Furthermore, synchronous development of these two tumors may give rise to diagnostic and ma?nagement conundrums as the parotid growth may be considered to be a nodal metastasis.Encephalotrigeminal angiomatosis, also called Sturge-Weber syndrome (SWS), is a syndrome of etiology which is not yet clear. It is a nonhereditary condition. The clinical features include pigmentation over the facial skin known as port-wine stain, abnormalities of ocular region, and central nervous system involvement as leptomeningeal angioma. In this manuscript, we present a rare case report with an unusual combination of SWS with facial lobular capillary hemangioma. Incisional hernia remains a frequent complication of abdominal surgery. Results of surgical repair are disappointing with recurrence rates of suture repair being in the range of 5%-63% depending on the type of repair used, with better results using mesh implantation. For the management of such large hernias, interest has been generated in the Component Separation Technique. This technique relaxes abdominal wall by translation of muscular layers without severing the innervation and blood supply, with or without the mesh augmentation. This can accommodate for defects up to 25-30 cm in the waistline. The study was conducted on 20 patients with "Large Incisional Hernia" with defect size >5 cm at its maximum width or with a surface area >50 cm operated upon with Component Separation. Clinical outcome was measured over a follow-up period of 3 months from the surgery in terms of recurrence and other local complications. There were 20 patients (3 men and 17 women; 70% of cases above the age of 50 years).