Feather damaging behavior (FDB), also referred to as feather picking, feather plucking, or pterotillomania, is one of the most common and frustrating clinical presentations in captive psittacines. The clinical approach to identify underlying medical conditions associated with FDB is reviewed. Primary feather or skin diseases as well as systemic diseases may lead to this syndrome. This article focuses on the medical causes of FDB documented in the current avian literature. Medical causes are presented using the VITAMIN D algorithm. Key components of the multifaceted therapeutic approach in managing FDB of medical origin are discussed.Problem behaviors are a leading cause of relinquishment in pet psittacines. Exotic animal practitioners with a good understanding of diagnosis and treatment of common psittacine behavior issues are in a position to enhance the welfare of these birds and their caregivers. Reduced-stress veterinary appointments also lead to less fear and better behavior diagnoses and treatment plans. Every treatment plan focuses on physical and social enrichment, along with behavior modification to treat the motivation behind the diagnosed problem. This article describes how to conduct an appointment that provides the best opportunity for an accurate behavior diagnosis and effective treatment plan.Applied behavior analysis (ABA) is a relevant field for veterinarians helping clients whose animals engage in problem behaviors. In ABA, learning is defined as behavior change due to changes in the environment. Changing behavior then requires changes in conditions. Understanding the importance of control and the difference between emotional behavior and emotional feelings also is informed by ABA. Every behavior intervention should start with a systematic, analytical process called a functional assessment. Behavior change strategies are described, including an ethical procedural hierarchy based on the least intrusive, effective behavior change solution. Examiner l'approche du dépistage génétique prénatal et du diagnostic des anomalies chromosomiques dans les grossesses conçues par fécondation in vitro à la suite d'un test génétique préimplantatoire des aneuploïdies. PROFESSIONNELS CONCERNéS Omnipraticiens, médecins de famille, obstétriciens, sages-femmes, infirmières, spécialistes en médecine fœto-maternelle, spécialistes en fertilité, conseillers en génétique, généticiens et autres professionnels de la santé qui participent au dépistage prénatal. Toute personne ou tout couple dont la grossesse est issue d'une fécondation in vitro et dont l'embryon a préalablement été soumis à un dépistage génétique préimplantatoire des aneuploïdies. DONNéES PROBANTES Des recherches ont été effectuées dans les bases de données Medline, PubMed et Cochrane Library pour extraire la littérature publiée au plus tard en septembre2018. DÉCLARATIONS SOMMAIRES. Toute personne ou tout couple dont la grossesse est issue d'une fécondation in vitro et dont l'embryon a préalablement été soumis à un dépistage génétique préimplantatoire des aneuploïdies. DONNéES PROBANTES Des recherches ont été effectuées dans les bases de données Medline, PubMed et Cochrane Library pour extraire la littérature publiée au plus tard en septembre 2018. DÉCLARATIONS SOMMAIRES. • To assess the association between sonography-derived cervical length measurement and preterm birth. • To describe the various techniques to measure cervical length using sonography. • To review the natural history of the short cervix. • To review the clinical uses, predictive ability, and utility of sonography-measured short cervix. Reduction in rates of prematurity and/or better identification of those at risk, as well as possible prevention of unnecessary interventions. Clinicians involved in the obstetrical management or cervical imaging of patients at increased risk of a short cervix. Women at increased risk of a short cervix or at risk of preterm birth. Literature published up to June 2019 was retrieved through searches of PubMed and the Cochrane Library using appropriate controlled vocabulary and key words (preterm labour, ultrasound, cervix, cervical insufficiency, transvaginal, transperineal, cervical length, fibronectin). Results were restricted to general and systematic reviews, randomizHESES) RECOMMENDATIONS (CANADIAN TASK FORCE ON PREVENTIVE HEALTH CARE GRADING IN PARENTHESES). Preterm birth is a leading cause of perinatal morbidity and mortality. Use of the sonographic technique reviewed in this guideline may help identify women at risk of preterm birth and, in some circumstances, lead to interventions that may reduce the rate of preterm birth. SUMMARY STATEMENTS (CANADIAN TASK FORCE ON PREVENTIVE HEALTH CARE GRADING IN PARENTHESES) RECOMMENDATIONS (CANADIAN TASK FORCE ON PREVENTIVE HEALTH CARE GRADING IN PARENTHESES).Oral extraction has become the most popular extraction technique owing to its high rate of success with minimal major complication. Repulsion continues to produce unacceptably high iatrogenic complication rates. To avoid tooth repulsion, veterinary dentists have introduced procedures to facilitate difficult intraoral extractions and surgical extraction techniques. Minimizing complications is best achieved preoperatively. A comprehensive preoperative evaluation and treatment plan allows the dentist to predict intraoperative complication and prepare for procedures to produce the best outcome. With proper case selection and adherence to extraction principles, the primary veterinarian and the veterinary dentist can perform equine tooth extractions with minimal complications.Dental repulsion techniques reported in the past decades have a high incidence of complications. Although the practice of surgical extractions in horses is limited because of the training, instrumentation, and experience required to perform these techniques, veterinarians should be aware these procedures are available, general anesthesia is not required, and when performed by skilled veterinary dentists they have low complication rates. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/Nolvadex.html Surgical techniques are often used after failure of other extraction techniques to remove retained tooth root and fragments or to debride chronically contaminated orofacial lesions. However, surgical extractions should be considered during initial treatment planning of all complicated cases.