Results of the multivariate analyses demonstrated nonsignificant improvements in pain severity (β = 0.22, 95% CI -0.24 to 0.66, P = 0.35). However, we observed significant treatment × time interactions on pain interference (β = 3.32, 95% confidence interval [CI] 0.01 to 6.65, P = 0.05) and pain catastrophizing (β = 2.74, 95% CI 0.49 to 4.99, P = 0.02). Lastly, we detected no significant differences in opioid misuse (adjusted odds ratio = 0.69, 95% CI -0.26 to 1.64, P = 0.16). This study provides support for the IPGT intervention being acceptable and feasible for delivery in patients with chronic pain at risk of opioid misuse. Efficacy was achieved in pain interference and pain catastrophizing. This study provides support for the IPGT intervention being acceptable and feasible for delivery in patients with chronic pain at risk of opioid misuse. Efficacy was achieved in pain interference and pain catastrophizing.Because of its importance as a malaria vector, Anopheles coluzzii's Coetzee & Wilkerson olfactory system has been studied extensively. Among this work is a series of studies comparing the expression of chemosensory genes in olfactory organs in females and/or males of these species. These have identified species- and female-biased chemosensory gene expression patterns. However, many questions remain about the role of chemosensation in male anopheline biology. To pave the way for future work we used RNAseq to compare chemosensory gene expression in the male maxillary palps of An. coluzzii and its sibling species An. quadriannulatus Theobald. As expected, the chemosensory gene repertoire is small in the male maxillary palps. Both species express the tuning receptors Or8 and Or28 at relatively high levels. The CO2 receptor genes Gr22-Gr24 are present in both species as well, although at much lower level than in females. Additionally, several chemoreceptors are species-specific. Gr37 and Gr52 are exclusive to An. coluzzii, whereas Or9 and Gr60 were detected only in An. quadriannulatus. Furthermore, several chemosensory genes show differential expression between the two species. Finally, several Irs, Grs, and Obps that show strong differential expression in the female palps, are absent or lowly expressed in the male palps. While many questions remain about the role of chemosensation in anopheline male biology, these results suggest that the male maxillary palps could have both a sex- and species-specific role in the perception of chemical stimuli. This work may guide future studies on the role of the male maxillary palp in these species. The objective was to develop a fully automated algorithm for abdominal fat segmentation and to deploy this method at scale in an academic biobank. We built a fully automated image curation and labeling technique using deep learning and distributive computing to identify subcutaneous and visceral abdominal fat compartments from 52,844 computed tomography scans in 13,502 patients in the Penn Medicine Biobank (PMBB). A classification network identified the inferior and superior borders of the abdomen, and a segmentation network differentiated visceral and subcutaneous fat. Following technical evaluation of our method, we conducted studies to validate known relationships with visceral and subcutaneous fat. When compared with 100 manually annotated cases, the classification network was on average within one 5-mm slice for both the superior (0.4 ± 1.1 slice) and inferior (0.4 ± 0.6 slice) borders. The segmentation network also demonstrated excellent performance with intraclass correlation coefficients of 1.00 (P < 2 × 10-16) for subcutaneous and 1.00 (P < 2 × 10-16) for visceral fat on 100 testing cases. We performed integrative analyses of abdominal fat with the phenome extracted from the electronic health record and found highly significant associations with diabetes mellitus, hypertension, and renal failure, among other phenotypes. This work presents a fully automated and highly accurate method for the quantification of abdominal fat that can be applied to routine clinical imaging studies to fuel translational scientific discovery. This work presents a fully automated and highly accurate method for the quantification of abdominal fat that can be applied to routine clinical imaging studies to fuel translational scientific discovery. Dynamic retinal vessel analysis (DVA) provides a noninvasive way to asses microvascular function in patients and potentially to improve predictions of individual cardiovascular (CV) risk. The aim of our study was to use untargeted machine learning on DVA in order to improve CV mortality prediction and to identify corresponding response alterations. We adopted a workflow consisting of noise reduction and extraction of independent components within DVA signals. Predictor performance was assessed in survival random forest models. Applying our technique to the prediction of all-cause mortality in a cohort of 214 hemodialysis patients resulted in the selection of a component which was highly correlated to maximal venous dilation following flicker stimulation (vMax), a previously identified predictor, confirming the validity of our approach. When fitting for CV mortality as the outcome of interest, a combination of three components derived from the arterial signal resulted in a marked improvement in predictive DVA interpretation for the estimation of CV risk in hemodialysis patients. Similar techniques can help doctors to identify high risk patients for timely therapeutic interventions and to monitor the effects of these interventions. The U.S. Army Occupational Physical Assessment Test (OPAT) is a pre-enlistment physical employment screening assessment developed to place recruits and soldiers into Military Occupational Specialties (MOSs) based on their physical capabilities in order to optimize performance and limit injury. The OPAT consists of the seated power throw (SPT), strength deadlift (SDL), standing long jump, and interval aerobic run. During the scientific validation of the OPAT, two variants of the SPT and two variants of the SDL were used. Although the OPAT was validated using both variants for each test, U.S. Army scientists and policymakers have received queries regarding how these variants compare to each other. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to compare different variants of the SPT and SDL. Thirty-two participants (14 male and 18 female) between the ages of 18 and 42 years visited the laboratory on one occasion and performed two variants of the SPT (seated on the ground [the current OPAT standard] versus seated in a chair with a 35 cm seat height) and two variants of the SDL (using a hex-bar [the current OPAT standard] versus using paired dumbbells).