The application of pluripotent stem cells is expected to contribute to the elucidation of unknown mechanism of human diseases. However, in vitro induction of organ-specific cells, such as pancreas and liver, is still difficult and the reproduction of their disorders in a model has been unfeasible. To study the mechanism of human hereditary pancreatitis (HP), we here performed the blastocyst complementation (BC) method. In the BC method, mouse embryonic stem (ES) cells harboring CRISPR/CAS9-mediated mutations in the Prss1 gene were injected into blastocysts with deficient Pdx1 gene, which is a critical transcription factor in the development of pancreas. The results showed that trypsin was activated extremely in Prss1-mutant mice. This implied that the mouse phenotype mimics that of human HP and that the BC method was useful for the reproduction and study of pancreatic disorders. The present study opens the possibility of investigating uncharacterized human diseases by utilizing the BC method.Purpose Overexpression of epithelial cell adhesion molecule (EpCAM) correlates with poor prognosis, therapeutic failure and early tumor recurrence in hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) patients. The tumor microenvironment dictates the fate of tumor-initiating cancer stem cells (CSCs); however, very limited studies were attempted to evaluate CSC tumorigenesis in the liver microenvironment. Here, we have systemically investigated the role of EpCAM+ cancer cells in tumor initiation in orthotopic HCC models. Results Control mice and the mice with bland steatosis failed to develop tumors. In the mice with steatohepatitis, EpCAM+ CSCs have shown significantly increased ability in terms of tumor initiation and growth, compared to that with EpCAM- non-CSCs inoculation (p less then 0.005). For Hep3B inoculation, EpCAM-High group has shown significantly higher tumor growth compared with EpCAM-Low (p less then 0.005). For HepG2 inoculation, both EpCAM-High and EpCAM-Low groups confirmed similar tumor incidence and growth. Methods Diet-induced compromised microenvironments were established to mimic clinical fatty liver and non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) patients and the tumorigenic capabilities of Hepa1-6 cells were evaluated. CSCs were enriched by spheroid culture and labeled with copGFP for EpCAM+ CSCs and with mCherry for non-CSCs. FACS-sorted cells were inoculated into left liver lobes, and tumor growth was monitored by high-frequency ultrasound. The subpopulations of Hep3B and HepG2 cells in terms of EpCAM-Low and EpCAM-High were evaluated in the orthotopic model of athymic mice. Conclusions NASH microenvironment promotes the EpCAM+ CSCs initiated tumorigenesis in immunocompetent mouse model. Differential EpCAM expression demonstrates distinct tumor biology in athymic mouse models.Chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) is still an incurable disease despite aggressive chemotherapies including the B-cell receptor (BCR) targeted-inhibitors. Therefore, we assessed the expression status of key signal mediators of the BCR pathway in CLL cells. Indeed, we detected aberrantly elevated levels of CD79a, B-cell adaptor for PI3K (BCAP) and phospholipase C (PLC)γ2, key mediators of BCR signal, in CLL cells. As HSP90 is also overexpressed in CLL cells, we hypothesized that HSP90 could potentiate the BCR signal via stabilization of multiple key components of the BCR-signalosome. We found that HSP90 formed a multi-molecular complex with CD79a, BCAP, PLCγ2, LYN, SYK, Bruton tyrosine kinase (BTK) and AKT and that, pharmacologic inhibition or partial depletion of HSP90 reduced the expression of these signal mediators in CLL cells. In addition, our findings also demonstrated that HSP90 could stabilize the tyrosine phosphatase, PTPN22 which positively regulates AKT phosphorylation, and the constitutively active fibroblast growth factor receptor 3 (FGFR3) in CLL cells. Finally, HSP90 inhibition induced apoptosis in CLL cells in a dose-dependent manner likely via downregulation of anti-apoptotic proteins MCL-1 and XIAP, but not BCL2, reported to be overexpressed in CLL cells. In total, our findings suggest that HSP90-inhibition may sensitize the leukemic B-cells to BCR-targeted agents, particularly those become resistant to these therapies.Ulcerative colitis has a significant impact on the quality of life for the patients, and can substantially increase the risk of colon cancer in patients suffering long-term. Conventional treatments provide only modest relief paired with a high risk of side effects, while complementary and alternative medicines can offer safe and effective options. Over the past decade, we have shown that both American ginseng and its hexane fraction (HAG) have anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that can suppress mouse colitis and prevent colitis-associated colon cancer. With the goal of isolating a single active compound, we further fractionated HAG, and found the most abundant molecule in this fraction was the polyacetylene, panaxynol (PA). After isolating and characterizing PA, we tested the efficacy of PA in the treatment and prevention of colitis in mice and studied the mechanism of action. We demonstrate here that PA effectively treats colitis in a Dextran Sulfate Sodium mouse model by targeting macrophages for DNA damage and apoptosis. This study provides additional mechanistic evidence that American ginseng can be used for conventional treatment of colitis and other diseases associated with macrophage dysfunction.Background The prevalence of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is rising rapidly in rural areas, and lifestyle interventions can effectively reduce the blood glucose levels of patients with T2DM. However, current dietary and exercise guidelines are still at experimental stages and are difficult for subjects to understand and implement. The Human Metabolism Analyzer provides real life interventions for the prevention and treatment of T2DM, and our pilot research has demonstrated its effectiveness and good compliance. Aim To investigate the effect of and compliance with lifestyle interventions in rural patients with T2DM. Methods A total of ten rural villages were randomly selected in Chaoshui Township, Penglai City, Shandong Province, China, to conduct health screening among residents aged 50 years or older. Each rural village represented a group, and 12 patients with T2DM were randomly selected from each group (total 120) to participate in this study and receive real life lifestyle interventions and medication guidance.